Registration Fees

1. Regular registration

  Non-students Students
ESPP-members 120 € * 80 € ** 60 € * 40 € **
Non-members 170 € * 130 € ** 80 € * 60 € **
* Payment after 5th July 2010
** Booking and payment before 6th July 2010 (date of the transfer order)

2. Optional cultural and social event

 Guided Tour & Conference dinner
Conference dinner
including visit to the World Heritage
Zeche (coalmine) Zollverein
on Thursday, 26th Aug 2010
starting at 6 p.m.
lasting until 10.30 p.m.
55 €

Payment information:

If you arrange your bank order later than the 13th of August, please bring your receipt! Due to the time delay in international bank transfer we are not able to confirm your transfer.

Please use the registration form both for booking the conference and the event at Zollverein.
Please pay the conference fees by bank transfer to the following bank account:

Account holder: Universitätskasse Bochum
Name of the bank: Sparkasse Essen
IBAN: DE40 3605 0105 0000 269 803
(for transfers within Germany:
Konto: 269 803; BLZ 360 501 05)
Address of the account holder:
Ruhr-Universität Bochum
44780 Bochum

Please specify as reason for payment:
ESPP2010 [Your booking number] Address of the account holder:
Ruhr-Universität Bochum
44780 Bochum

IIn case you benefit from some special registration fee reducement we kindly ask you to make use of the "comment" box in the online registration form. There you should mention any reason for reduced registration fee payment e.g. contributed symposia. Thank you for your cooperation!

Please note: Unfortunately, we have no facilities to debit credit cards. Therefore it is not possible to pay the registration fee via credit card instead of a bank transfer.

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