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ESPP 2010
25.08.2010 - 28.08.2010
Meeting of the European Society for Philosophy and Psychology
in Bochum and Essen (Germany)
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The meeting takes place basically in Bochum (Wednesday 25th, Friday 27th and Saturday 28th). On Thursday 26 August, the conference takes place at the university of Duisburg-Essen at the Essen Campus. There will be a bus transfer from Bochum to the conference venue in Essen on 26th August. The special day in Essen includes a visit of the World Heritage Zeche (coalmine) Zollverein and a conference dinner at Zollverein which can be booked independently. We recommend to organize a hotel in Bochum (see accommodation).
The venue in Bochum is
Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Universitätsstraße 150, D-44780 Bochum
[Conference venue]
The venue in Essen is Universität Campus Essen,Universitätsstraße 12, D-45141 Essen
For participants not taking the bus transfer or travelling directly to Essen, we will provide further information here.We recommend to organize a hotel in Bochum (see accommodation). Please note: we recommend to _arrange your accommodation_ in time since the allocation of free rooms is limited. In order to keep down costs, we made special arrangements with hotels in Bochum. To make a reservation, please *refer to "ESPP 2010"* in order to benefit from our prearranged special prices.
The Ruhr Metropolis is the European Capital of Culture
in 2010.