
Dear participants of the ESPP,

since we want to have familyfriendly conditions at our meeting, we managed to offer childcare during the ESPP 2010.
We can offer childcare at the campus in Bochum:

Friday from 9 a.m. to 4.15 p.m. and
Saturday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

The leader of the childcare is a professional person applied by the university which will be supported by some experienced persons depending on the number of kids. The room for childcare is in the same building as the meeting, i.e. "Veranstaltungszentrum der Ruhr-Universität Bochum", just two floors up and can be easily accessed.
Kids are accepted from the age of 12 month onwards up to 12 years.

We offer the following payment rule:
- students can use the childcare for free
- non-students have to pay: 5 Euro per hour (or 20 Euro for the whole day).

If you want to benefit from this offer, please send an email to Nicole Bremkens and Judith Hecker:

Please notice that places are limited and registration is obligatory until 23rd of August 2010.


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