MRG2 am neu bewilligten NRW-Fortschrittskolleg beteiligt

Die Mercator Research Group 2 (MRG2) ist mit zwei Projekten am neu bewilligten NRW-Fortschrittskolleg „Schöne neue Welt: Sicherheit für Menschen im Cyberspace" (SecHuman) beteiligt:


Hörsaal City: Prof. Dr. Anna Tuschling talks about Selfies

This talk wants to explain the role and function of selfies in our modern life. Furthermore, different precursors of selfies in the past will be discussed. Anyone interested is cordially invited. January 26th, Blue Square Bochum, Kortumstraße 90, 18:00.

Hörsaal City: Dr. Josefine Raasch talks about Documentation

Documentations are central parts of professional lives. Physicians keep medical records of their patients, youth welfare workers document their family visits, in kindergardens and in schools teachers make recordings and much more.
But what are the criteria of these documentations and what are the results from the different documentation forms? In her talk on January 19th, Dr Josefine Raasch speaks about local documentation practices, textual strategies and their circulation effects.