Summer Term 2025


Biochemistry II

Dr. Daniel Tapken

Start of lecture

Monday, 07.04.2025


Mondays 9:15 to 11:15
Lectures 2 and 4 Tuesday 9:15 to 11:15


Lecture hall NC 6/99


There will be exercices during the second half of the term via Moodle and after the lecture on Mondays from 11:15 to 13:00 in lecture hall NC 6/99. Details will be announced during the lecture and are available in Moodle.

  • History of the discovery of nucleic acids, their structure and function
  • Nucleotide metabolism
  • Structure and properties of DNA
  • DNA replication in prokaryotes
  • DNA repair mechanisms
  • Structure and properties of RNA, RNA classes
  • Transcription in prokaryotes
  • RNA processing
  • Regulation of transcription in prokaryotes
  • Genetic code, tRNA and aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases
  • Structure of ribosomes
  • Translation in prokaryotes
  • Translation in eukaryotes

Further information and materials can be found in Moodle. Enrolment is possible without a password until 06.04.2025.

Exam 1

Friday, 08.08.2025, 10:00 to 12:00, Lecture hall HZO 30

Exam 2

Monday, 15.09.2025, 10:00 to 12:00, Lecture hall HZO 10

Deadline for registration to the exam is 3 working days before the respective exam.


Molecular Genetic Methods in Biochemistry

Dr. Daniel Tapken and Prof. Dr. Raphael Stoll

Start of lecture

Tuesday, 22.04.2025


Tuesdays 09:15 to 11:15
Lecture 8 Monday 9:15 to 11:15


Lecture hall NC 6/99

  • Restriction endonucleases
  • Escherichia coli as host organism
  • Selection with antibiotics
  • Plasmids and BACs
  • Lambda phages and cosmids
  • Single-stranded phages and phagemids
  • Ligation
  • Preparation of nucleic acids
  • Electrophoresis of nucleic acids
  • Nucleic acid hybridisation
  • Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and its applications
  • DNA sequencing
  • Genome editing
  • Protein expression in E. coli
  • Protein expression in eukaryotic cells

Further information and materials can be found in Moodle. Enrolment is possible without a password until 17.04.2022.

Exam 1

Wednesday, 30.07.2025, 14:00 to 16:00, Lecture hall HZO 20

Exam 2

Wednesday, 24.09.2025, 14:00 to 16:00, Lecture hall HZO 40

Deadline for registration to the exam is 3 working days before the respective exam.


Winter Term 2024/2025

Important note: The lecture Bioinformatics in the Master Studies Course Biochemistry has been renamed. Please register for the course „Bioinformatics for Chemists“ (190704).

Biochemical Practicals

Praktikum Biochemische Arbeitstechniken


02.09.2024 to 27.09.2024 via eCampus

Introductory meeting

Presumably Thursday, 10.10.2024, 8:15 in NC 6/99

Course dates

Pre-course from 17.10.2024 to 07.11.2024, practical course from 14.11.2024 to 16.01.2025, all Thursdays in the practical course room NBCF 04/252

The exact course dates, the script and further information can be found in Moodle. All registered students will automatically be enrolled in the Moodle course.


Molekularbiologisches Praktikum


24.06.2024 to 14.07.2024 via eCampus

Introductory meeting

Tuesday, 02.07.2024, 9:15 during the lecture Molecular Genetic Methods in Biochemistry

Course dates

The four experiments will take place on two days each in the practical course room NBCF 04/252: 17./18.09.2024, 23./24.09.2024, 26./27.09.2024, 30.09./01.10.2024

Further information and the script can be found in Moodle. The password will be announced during the introductory meeting


Laborpraktikum Biochemie für Fortgeschrittene

In the laboratory practical course the biochemistry groups of the faculty present themselves. At the Department of Biochemistry I Dr Tapken offers four dates. The lab course is intended to serve as a basis for deciding whether to apply for a place for the Bachelor's thesis, which is usually completed in the following summer semester. We therefore only allocate places for the Bachelor's thesis after the end of the laboratory placement at the end of January.

As part of the laboratory practical, each participant also gives a seminar presentation to one of the lecturers.


02.10.2023, 12:00 to 20.10.2023, 12:00 via eCampus

Introductory meeting

Tuesday, 29.10.2024, 10:15, ND 03/99

Assignment of seminar topics

From Monday, 04.11.2024

Presentation of the focal points

Tuesday, 19.11.2024 and 26.11.2024, 10:15 to 13:00 Uhr

Course dates

On Tuesdays: 03.12.2024, 10.12.2024, 17.12.2024, 14.01.2025, 21.01.2025, 28.01.202

Further information on the practical course, the group allocation and a list of the practical course rooms can be found in Moodle. Enrolment is possible without a password until the registration deadline.


Biochemisches Wahlpraktikum

Methods of cell culture and confocal microscopy

Christina Klein-Schmidt and Dr. Daniel Tapken

Course dates


Affinity purification and Western Blot analysis of glutamate receptors from Xenopus laevis oocytes

Dr. Ralf Trippe

Course dates



Modular Advanced Practical

Heterologous Expression of Neurotransmitter Receptors in Frog Oocytes

Using the example of glutamate receptors, this course aims to teach the procedures and electrophysiological techniques required to investigate structure-function relationships in recombinant neurotransmitter receptors and other ion channels. As expression system, the oocytes of the South African clawed toad Xenopus laevis are used, which are particularly easy to handle due to their size of approx. 1 mm and are therefore also suitable for beginners in electrophysiology.

The course is offered once in the winter term 2024/2025.

– Dr. Daniel Tapken

The script for the modular advanced practical is available from Dr. Tapken approximately one week before the respective course starts.


Dr. Daniel Tapken, Room NC 6/132, Tel. +49 234 32-24233

Autoantibodies against glutamate receptors

The course is offered once in the winter term 2024/2025.


Dr. Ralf Trippe, Room NC 6/167, Tel. +49 234 32-28240


Lecture „Structure, Function and Physiology of nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptors“

Dr. Christoph Methfessel

Start of lecture

Tuesday, 08.04.2025


Tuesdays 16:15 to 18:00


The first lecture on 08.04.2025 will be given in presence in the seminar room NC 6/174, all further lectures online via Moodle. Further information on the individual dates, topics and technical implementation can also be found there. Please register via e-mail to Martina Borkowski

Exam 1

Thursday, DD.MM.2025, 10:00 to 12:00, Lecture hall

Exam 2

Thursday, DD.MM.2025, 10:00 to 12:00, Lecture hall

Deadline for registration to the exam is 7 days before the respective exam.


Biochemical Practicals

Praktikum Molekularbiologische Arbeitstechniken


17.03 to 06.04.2025 via eCampus

Introductory meeting

16.06.2025, 11:15 in NC 6/99

Course dates

Between 07.07. and 18.07.2025 in the practical course room NBCF 04/252.

The exact course dates, the script and further information can be found in in Moodle. All registered students will automatically be enrolled in the Moodle course.


Biochemisches Praktikum für Chemiker


17.03. to 06.04.2025 via eCampus

Introductory meeting

17.04.2025, 13:00 in the seminar room NC 6/174

Course dates

Between 24.04. and 03.07.2025 in the practical course room NBCF 04/252.

The exact course dates, the script and further information can be found in in Moodle. All registered students will automatically be enrolled in the Moodle course.


Focal Point Programme Biochemistry of the Nervous System

Further information is available here.


Further Information

