Prof. Dr Ute Krämer
Current metrics are available from:
Original Research Publications
Anna Schulten, Björn Pietzenuk, Julia Quintana, Marleen Scholle, Regina Feil, Marcus Krause, Maida Romera-Branchat, Vanessa Wahl, Edouard Severing, George Coupland, Ute Krämer (2022) Energy status-promoted growth and development of Arabidopsis require copper deficiency response transcriptional regulator SPL7, The Plant Cell, koac215
Hongliang Zhang, Julia Quintana, Koray Ütkür, Lorenz Adrian, Harmen Hawer, Klaus Mayer, Xiaodi Gong, Leonardo Castanedo, Anna Schulten, Nade˛da Janina, Marcus Peters, Markus Wirtz, Ulrich Brinkmann, Raffael Schaffrath & Ute Krämer (2022) Translational fidelity and growth of Arabidopsis require stress-sensitive diphthamide biosynthesis, Nature Communications 13(1):4009
Christoph H. R. Senges, Helen L. Warmuth, Melissa Vázquez-Hernández, Huriye Deniz Uzun, Leonie Sagurna, Pascal Dietze, Claudia Schmidt, Brix Mücher, Stefan Herlitze, Ute Krämer, Ingo Ott, Thomas Günther Pomorski, Julia E. Bandow (2022) Effects of 4-Br-A23187 on Bacillus subtilis cells and unilamellar vesicles reveal it to be a potent copper ionophore, Proteomics 4;e2200061
Emmanuel Tergemina, Ahmed F Elfarargi, Paulina Flis, Andrea Fulgione, Mehmet Göktay, Célia Neto, Marleen Scholle, Pádraic J Flood, Sophie-Asako Xerri, Johan Zicola, Nina Döring, Herculano Dinis, Ute Krämer, David E Salt, Angela M Hancock (2022) A two-step adaptive walk rewires nutrient transport in a challenging edaphic environment (2022) Sci Adv. 20;8(20):eabm9385.
Julia Quintana, María Bernal, Marleen Scholle, Heike Holländer-Czytko, Nga T Nguyen, Markus Piotrowski, David G Mendoza-Cózatl, Michael J Haydon, Ute Krämer (2022) Root-to-shoot iron partitioning in Arabidopsis requires IRON-REGULATED TRANSPORTER1 (IRT1) protein but not its iron(II) transport function, Plant J. 109(4):992-1013.
Maximilian von Bremen-Kühne, Hassan Ahmadi Michael Sperling, Ute Krämer, Uwe Karst (2022) Elemental bioimaging of Zn and Cd in leaves of hyperaccumulator Arabidopsis halleri using laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry and referencing strategies, Chemosphere 305:135267
Escudero Viviana , Sánchez DF, Abreu I, Sopeña-Torres S, Makarovsky-Saavedra Natalia, Bernal M, Krämer U, Grolimund U, González-Guerrero M, Jordá L (2022) Arabidopsis thaliana Zn2+-efflux ATPases HMA2 and HMA4 are required for resistance to the necrotrophic fungus Plectosphaerella cucumerina BMM, Journal of Experimental Botany 73 (1), 339-350
Stanton C, Sanders D, Krämer U, Podar D (2021) Zinc in plants: integrating homeostasis and biofortification, Molecular Plant
Bernal M, Krämer U (2021) Corrigendum: Involvement of Arabidopsis Multi-Copper Oxidase-Encoding LACCASE12 in Root-to-Shoot Iron Partitioning: A Novel Example of Copper-Iron Crosstalk, Frontiers in Plant Science 12, 813380-813380
Lee G, Ahmadi H, Quintana J, Syllwasschy L, Janina N, Preite V, Anderson JE, Pietzenuk B, Krämer U (2021) Constitutively enhanced genome integrity maintenance and direct stress mitigation characterize transcriptome of extreme stress-adapted Arabidopsis halleri, Plant Journal 108, 896-9112
Bernal M, Krämer U (2021) Involvement of Arabidopsis multi-copper oxidase-encoding LACCASE12 in root-to-shoot iron partitioning: a novel example of copper-iron crosstalk, Frontiers in plant science, 1998
Ackermann B, Dünschede B, Pietzenuk B, Justesen BH, Krämer U, Hofmann E, Pomorski Günther T, Schünemann D (2021) Chloroplast Ribosomes Interact With the Insertase Alb3 in the Thylakoid Membrane, Frontiers in plant science 12, 781857-781857
Höreth S, Pongrac P, van Elteren JT, Debeljak M, Vogel-Mikuš K, Weber M, Braun M, Pietzenuk B, Pežovnik Matic, Vavpetič P, Pelicon P, Arčon I, Krämer U, Clemens S (2020) Arabidopsis halleri shows hyperbioindicator behaviour for Pb and leaf Pb accumulation spatially separated from Zn, New Phytologist 226 (2), 492-506
Sinclair SA, Gille S, Pauly M, Krämer U (2020) Regulation of acetylation of plant cell wall components is complex and responds to external stimuli, Plant Signaling & Behavior 15 (1), 1687185
Sinclair SA, Gille S, Pauly M, Krämer U (2020) Generation of effective zinc-deficient agar-solidified media allows identification of root morphology changes in response to zinc limitation, Plant Signaling & Behavior 15 (1), 1687175
Schulten, AK, Bytomski L, Quintana J, Bernal M, Krämer U (2019) Do Arabidopsis Squamosa promoter binding Protein-Like genes act together in plant acclimation to copper or zinc deficiency? Plant Direct 3: e00150. DOI: 10.1002/pld3.150
Kajala K, Walker KL, Mitchell GS, Krämer U, Cherry SR, Brady SM (2019) Real-time whole-plant dynamics of heavy metal transport in Arabidopsis halleri and Arabidopsis thaliana by gamma-ray imaging. Plant Direct 3: e00131.
Preite V*, Sailer C*, Syllwasschy L*, Bray S, Krämer U§, Yant L§ (2019) Convergent evolution in Arabidopsis halleri and Arabidopsis arenosa on calamine metalliferous soils. Phil Trans R Soc B; §co-corresponding, *co-first authors. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B 374: 20180243.
Zhang H, Krämer U (2018) Differential diel translation of transcripts with roles in the transfer and utilization of iron-sulfur clusters in Arabidopsis.
Frontiers in Plant Science 9: 1641 (11 pages)
Sinclair SA, Senger T, Talke IN, Cobbett CS, Haydon MJ, Kraemer U. (2018) Systemic upregulation of MTP2- and HMA2-mediated Zn partitioning to the shoot supplements local Zn deficiency responses of Arabidopsis
Plant Cell 30(10): 2463-2479
Krämer U (2018) Conceptualizing plant systems evolution
Curr Opin Plant Biol. 42:66-75
Sinclair SA, Larue C, Bonk L, Khan A, Castillo-Michel H, Stein RJ, Grolimund D, Begerow D, Neumann U, Haydon MJ, Krämer U. (2017) Etiolated Seedling Development Requires Repression of Photomorphogenesis by a Small Cell-Wall-Derived Dark Signal
Curr Biol. 27:3403-3418.e7
Stein RJ, Höreth S, de Melo JR, Syllwasschy L, Lee G, Garbin ML, Clemens S, Krämer U (2017) Relationships between soil and leaf mineral composition are element-specific, environment-dependent and geographically structured in the emerging model Arabidopsis halleri.
New Phytologist 213 (3), 1274-1286
Stolpe C, Giehren F1, Krämer U, Müller C (2017) Both heavy metal-amendment of soil and aphid-infestation increase Cd and Zn concentrations in phloem exudates of a metal-hyperaccumulating plant
Phytochemistry 139, 109-117
Brandenburg F, Schoffman H, Kurz S, Krämer U, Keren N, Weber AP, Eisenhut M. (2017) The Synechocystis Manganese Exporter Mnx Is Essential for Manganese Homeostasis in Cyanobacteria.
Plant Physiology 173 (3), 1798-1810
Stolpe C, Krämer U, Müller C (2017) Heavy metal (hyper)accumulation in leaves of Arabidopsis halleri is accompanied by a reduced performance of herbivores and shifts in leaf glucosinolate and element concentrations
Environmental and Experimental Botany 133, 78-86
Schulten A, Krämer U (2017) Interactions Between Copper Homeostasis and Metabolism in Plants (2017)
Progress in Botany Vol. 78
Suryawanshi V, Talke IN, Weber M, Eils R, Brors B, Clemens S, Krämer U (2016) Between-species differences in gene copy number are enriched among functions critical for adaptive evolution in Arabidopsis halleri
BMC Genomics 17 (Suppl 13):1034
Novikova PY, Hohmann N, Nizhynska V, Tsuchimatsu T, Ali J, Muir G, Guggisberg A, Paape T, Schmid K, Fedorenko OM8, Holm S, Säll T, Schlötterer C, Marhold K, Widmer A, Sese J, Shimizu KK, Weigel D, Krämer U, Koch MA, Nordborg M (2017) Sequencing of the genus Arabidopsis identifies a complex history of nonbifurcating speciation and abundant trans-specific polymorphism
Nature genetics 48 (9), 1077-1082
Detterbeck A, Pongrac P, Rensch S, Reuscher S, Pečovnik M, Vavpetič P, Pelicon P, Holzheu S, Krämer U, Clemens S (2016) Spatially resolved analysis of variation in barley (Hordeum vulgare) grain micronutrient accumulation.
New Phytol. 2016 Sep; 211(4):1241-54
Reuscher S, Kolter A, Hoffmann A, Pillen K, Krämer U (2016) Quantitative Trait Loci and Inter-Organ Partitioning for Essential Metal and Toxic Analogue Accumulation in Barley.
PLoS One. 2016 Apr 14;11(4):e0153392.8
Olsen LI, Hansen TH, Larue C, Østerberg JT, Hoffmann RT, Liesche J, Krämer U, Surblé S, Cadarsi S, Samson VA, Grolimund D, Husted S, Palmgren M (2016) Mother-plant-mediated pumping of zinc into the developing seed.
Nature Plants Article number: 16036
Charlier JB, Polese C, Nouet C, Carnol M, Bosman B, Kramer U, Motte P, Hanikenne M (2015) Zinc triggers a complex transcriptional and post-transcriptional regulation of the metal homeostasis gene FRD3 in Arabidopsis relatives. J Exp Bot 66: 3865-3878
Krämer U (2015) Planting molecular functions in an ecological context with Arabidopsis thaliana. eLife 4: e06100
Mandakova T, Singh V, Krämer U, Lysak MA (2015) Genome structure of the heavy metal hyperaccumulator Noccaea caerulescens and its stability on metalliferous and non-metalliferous soils.Plant Physiol. 169(1):674-89
Muehe EM, Weigold P, Adaktylou IJ, Planer-Friedrich B, Krämer U, Kappler A, Behrens S (2015) Rhizosphere microbial community composition affects cadmium and zinc uptake by the metal-hyperaccumulating plant Arabidopsis halleri. Appl Env Microbiol 81: 2173-2181
Plaza S, Weber J, Pajonk S, Thomas J, Talke IN, Schellenberg M, Pradervand S, Burla B, Geisler M, Martinoia E, Krämer U (2015) Wounding of Arabidopsis halleri leaves enhances cadmium accumulation that acts as a defense against herbivory. Biometals 28: 521-528
Wenzel M, Senges CH, Zhang J, Suleman S, Nguyen M, Kumar P, Chiriac AI, Stepanek JJ, Raatschen N, May C, Krämer U, Sahl HG, Straus SK, Bandow JE (2015) Antimicrobial Peptides from the Aurein Family Form Ion-Selective Pores in Bacillus subtilis. Chembiochem 16: 1101-1108
Kazemi-Dinan A, Sauer J, Stein RJ, Krämer U, Müller C (2015) Is there a trade-off between glucosinolate-based organic and inorganic defences in a metal-hyperaccumulator in the field?
Oecologia 178: 369-3780.
Kazemi-Dinan A, Barwinski A, Stein RJ, Krämer U, Müller C (2015) Metal hyperaccumulation in Brassicaceae mediates defense against herbivores in the field and improves growth.
Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 157: 3-100.
Wenzel M, Chiriac AI, Otto A, Zweytick D, May C, Schumacher C, Gust R, Albada HB, Penkova M, Krämer U, Erdmann R, Metzler-Nolte N, Straus SK, Bremer E, Becher D, Brotz-Oesterhelt H, Sahl HG, Bandow JE (2014) Small cationic antimicrobial peptides delocalize peripheral membrane proteins.
Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 111: E1409-1418
Kazemi-Dinan A, Thomaschky S, Stein RJ, Krämer U, Müller C. (2014) Zinc and cadmium hyperaccumulation act as deterrents towards specialist herbivores and impede the performance of a generalist herbivore.
New Phytol. 2014 Apr;202(2):628-39.
Muehe EM, Obst M, Hitchcock A, Tyliszczak T, Behrens S, Schröder C, Byrne JM, Michel FM, Krämer U, Kappler A (2013) Fate of Cd during Microbial Fe(III) Mineral Reduction by a Novel and Cd-Tolerant Geobacter Species. Environ Sci Technol 47: 14099-109
Gayomba SR, Jung HI, Yan J, Danku J, Rutzke MA, Bernal M, Krämer U, Kochian LV, Salt DE, Vatamaniuk OK (2013) The CTR/COPT-dependent copper uptake and SPL7-dependent copper deficiency responses are required for basal cadmium tolerance in A. thaliana. Metallomics 5: 1262-75
Hanikenne M, Kroymann J, Trampczynska A, Bernal M, Motte P, Clemens P, Krämer U (2013) Hard Selective Sweep and Ectopic Gene Conversion in a Gene Cluster Affording Environmental Adaptation, PLoS Genet 9(8): e1003707. doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.1003707
Salomé PA, Oliva M, Weigel D and Krämer U (2013) Circadian clock adjustment to plant iron status depends on chloroplast and phytochrome function. The EMBO J. (2013): 32(4): 511-23
Raatschen N, Wenzel M, Ole Leichert LI, Düchting P, Krämer U, Elisabeth Bandow J. (2013) Extracting iron and manganese from bacteria with ionophores-A mechanism against competitors characterized by increased potency in environments low in micronutrients. Proteomics 13(8):1358-70
Li B, Li Q, Xiong L, Kronzucker HJ, Krämer U and Shi W* (2012) Arabidopsis plastid AMOS1/EGY1 integrates ABA signaling to regulate global gene expression response to ammonium stress. Plant Physiol.160(4):2040-51
Kawachi M, Kobae Y, Kogawa S, Mimura T, Krämer U*, Maeshima M* (2012) Amino acid screening based on structural modeling identifies critical residues for the function, ion selectivity and structure of Arabidopsis MTP1. FEBS Journal279: 2339–2356sponding authors)
Haydon MJ, Kawachi M, Wirtz M, Hillmer S, Hell R, Krämer U (2012) Vacuolar nicotianamine has critical and distinct roles under iron deficiency and for zinc sequestration in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 24: 724-37
Bernal M, Casero D, Singh V, Wilson GT, Grande A, Yang H, Dodani SC, Pellegrini M, Huijser P, Connolly EL, Merchant SS, Krämer U (2012) Transcriptome sequencing identifies SPL7-regulated Cu acquisition genes FRO4/FRO5 and the Cu dependence of Fe homeostasis in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 24:738-61
Deinlein U, Weber M, Schmidt H, Rensch S, Trampczynska A, Hansen TH, Husted S, Schjoerring JK, Talke IN, Krämer U, Clemens S (2012) Elevated nicotianamine levels in Arabidopsis halleri roots play a key role in Zn hyperaccumulation. Plant Cell 24:708-23
Barabasz A, Wilkowska A, Ruszczyńska A, Bulska E, Hanikenne M, Czarny M, Krämer U, Antosiewicz DM (2012) Metal response of transgenic tomato plants expressing P(1B) -ATPase. Physiol. Plant. 145(2):315-331
Hsu FC, Wirtz M, Heppel SC, Bogs J, Krämer U, Khan MS, Bub A, Hell R, Rausch T (2011) Generation of Se-fortified broccoli as functional food: impact of Se fertilization on S metabolism. Plant Cell Environ. 34(2): 192-207
Sanchez DH, Pieckenstain FL, Szymanski J, Erban A, Bromke M, Hannah MA, Krämer U, Kopka J, Udvardi MK. (2011) Comparative functional genomics of salt stress in related model and cultivated plants identifies and overcomes limitations to translational genomics. PLoS One 6(2): e17094
Sanchez DH, Pieckenstain FL, Escaray F, Erban A, Krämer U, Udvardi MK, Kopka J. (2011) Comparative ionomics and metabolomics in extremophile and glycophytic Lotus species under salt stress challenge the metabolic pre-adaptation hypothesis. Plant Cell Environ. 34(4): 605-17
Werner T, Nehnevajova E, Köllmer I, Novák O, Strnad M, Krämer U, Schmülling T. (2010) Root-specific reduction of cytokinin causes enhanced root growth, drought tolerance, and leaf mineral enrichment in Arabidopsis and tobacco. Plant Cell 22: 3905-20
Chodavarapu RK, Feng S, Bernatavichute YV, Chen PY, Stroud H, Yu Y, Hetzel JA, Kuo F, Kim J, Cokus SJ, Casero D, Bernal M, Huijser P, Clark AT, Krämer U, Merchant SS, Zhang X, Jacobsen SE, Pellegrini M. (2010) Relationship between nucleosome positioning and DNA methylation. Nature 466: 388-92
Lanquar V, Ramos MS, Lelièvre F, Barbier-Brygoo H, Krieger-Liszkay A, Krämer U, Thomine S. (2010) Export of vacuolar manganese by AtNRAMP3 and AtNRAMP4 is required for optimal photosynthesis and growth under manganese deficiency. Plant Physiol. 152(4):1986-99
Barabasz A, Krämer U, Hanikenne M, Rudzka J, Antosiewicz DM (2010) Metal accumulation in tobacco expressing Arabidopsis halleri metal hyperaccumulation gene depends on external supply. J Exp Bot. 61(11): 3057-67
Ghasemi R, Ghaderian SM, Krämer U (2009) Interference of nickel with copper and iron homeostasis contributes to metal toxicity symptoms in the nickel hyperaccumulator plant Alyssum inflatum. New Phytologist 184: 566-80
Hanikenne M, Talke IN, Haydon M, Lanz C, Nolte A, Motte P, Kroymann J, Weigel D, Krämer U (2008) Evolution of metal hyperaccumulation required cis-regulatory changes and copy number expansion of HMA4. Nature 453: 391-394
Boch A, Trampczynska A, Simm C, Taudte N, Krämer U, Clemens S (2008) Loss of Zhf and the tightly regulated zinc-uptake system SpZrt1 in Schizosaccharomyces pombe reveals the delicacy of cellular zinc balance. FEMS Yeast Research 8: 883-896
Sanchez DH, Lippold F, Redestig H, Hannah M, Erban A, Krämer U, Kopka J, Udvardi MK (2007) Integrative functional genomics of salt acclimation in the model legume Lotus japonicus. Plant Journal 53: 973-87
Talke IN, Hanikenne M, Krämer U (2006) Zinc-Dependent Global Transcriptional Control, Transcriptional Deregulation, and Higher Gene Copy Number for Genes in Metal Homeostasis of the Hyperaccumulator Arabidopsis halleri. Plant Physiology 142: 148-167
Arrivault S, Senger T, Krämer U (2006) The Arabidopsis metal tolerance protein AtMTP3 maintains metal homeostasis by mediating Zn exclusion from the shoot under Fe deficiency and Zn oversupply. Plant Journal 46: 861-879
Niehl A, Lacomme C, Erban A, Kopka J, Krämer U, Fisahn J (2006) Systemic Potato virus X infection induces defence gene expression and accumulation of [beta]-phenylethylamine-alkaloids in potato. Functional Plant Biology (FPB) 33: 593-604
Lanquar V, Lelièvre F, Hamès C, Alcon C, Neumann D, Vansuyt G, Curie C, Schröder A, Krämer U, Barbier Brygoo H, Thomine S (2005) Mobilization of vacuolar iron by the redundant metal transporters NRAMP3 and NRAMP4 during seed germination in Arabidopsis. EMBO Journal 24: 4041-4051
Hanikenne M, Krämer U, Demoulin V, Baurain D (2005). A comparative inventory of metal transporters in the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii and the red alga Cyanidioschyzon merolae. Plant Physiology 137: 428-446
Desbrosses-Fonrouge A-G, Voigt K, Schröder A, Arrivault S, Thomine S, Krämer U (2005) Arabidopsis thaliana MTP1 is a Zn transporter in the vacuolar membrane which mediates Zn detoxification and drives leaf Zn accumulation. FEBS Letters 579: 4165-4174
Krusell L, Krause K, Ott T, Desbrosses G, Krämer U, Sato S, Nakamura Y, Tabata S, James E, Sandal N, Stougaard J, Kawaguchi M, Miyamoto A, Suganuma N, Udvardi M (2005) The sulfate transporter SST1 is crucial for symbiotic nitrogen fixation in Lotus japonicus root nodules. Plant Cell 17: 1625-1636
Dräger DB, Voigt K, Krämer U (2005) Short transcript-derived fragments from the metal hyperaccumulator model species Arabidopsis halleri. Z. Naturforsch. 60c: 172-178
Schmülling T, Werner T, Krämer U, Riefler M (2005) The enhanced root system of cytokinin-deficient plants and its consequences for mineral uptake. In Plant nutrition for food security, human health and environmental protection (Li, C.J. et al., eds.). Tsinghua University Press, Beijing. pp. 474-475
Becher M, Talke IN, Krall L, Krämer U (2004) Cross-species microarray transcript profiling reveals high constitutive expression of metal homeostasis genes in shoots of the zinc hyperaccumulator Arabidopsis halleri. Plant Journal 37: 251-268
Dräger D, Desbrosses-Fonrouge A-G, Krach C, Chardonnens AN, Meyer, RC, Saumitou-Laprade P, Krämer U (2004) Two genes encoding Arabidopsis halleri metal transport proteins 1 (MTP1) co-segregate with zinc tolerance and account for high MTP1 transcript levels. Plant Journal 39: 425-439
Wycisk K, Kim EJ, Schroeder JI, Krämer U (2004) Enhancing the first enzymatic step in the histidine biosynthesis pathway increases the free histidine pool and nickel tolerance in Arabidopsis thaliana. FEBS Letters 578: 128-134
Kerkeb L, Krämer U (2003) The role of free histidine in xylem loading of nickel in Alyssum lesbiacum and Brassica juncea. Plant Physiology 131: 716-24
Reeves RD, Kruckeberg AR, Adigüzel N, Krämer U (2001) Studies on the flora of serpentine and other metalliferous areas of western Turkey. South African Journal of Science 97: 513-517
Krämer U, Pickering IJ, Prince RC, Raskin I, Salt DE (2000) Subcellular localization and speciation of Ni in hyperaccumulator and non-accumulator Thlaspi species. Plant Physiology 122: 1343-1353
Persans M, Xiange Y, Patnoe J-MML, Krämer U, Salt DE. (1999) Molecular dissection of histidine’s role in nickel hyperaccumulation in Thlaspi goesingense Hálácsy. Plant Physiology 121: 1117-1126
Salt DE, Kato N, Krämer U, Smith RD and Raskin I (1999) The role of root exudates in nickel hyperaccumulation and tolerance in accumulator and non-accumulator species of Thlaspi. In Phytoremediation of Contaminated Soil and Water, Terry N & Bañuelos GS (eds.), Chapter 10, pp 191-202, CRC Press LLC, Boca Raton, FL, USA
Krämer U, Smith R D, Wenzel W, Raskin I, Salt D E (1997) The role of metal transport and metal tolerance in nickel hyperaccumulation by Thlaspi goesingense Hálácsy. Plant Physiology 115: 1641-1650
Krämer U, Baker, A J M, Hawes C R, Smith J A C, Grime, G W (1997) Micro-PIXE as a technique for studying nickel localisation in leaves of the hyperaccumulator plant Alyssum lesbiacum. Nucl. Instr. Meth. B 130: 346-350
Krämer U, Cotter-Howells JD, Charnock JM, Baker AJM, Smith JAC (1996) Free histidine as a metal chelator in plants that accumulate nickel. Nature 379: 635-638
Krämer U (1996) Nickel Hyperaccumulation in the Genus Alyssum L. D.Phil. Thesis, University of Oxford, UK
Book Chapters, Reviews, Invited Commentaries, etc.
Krämer U, Sinclair SA (2012) The zinc homeostasis network of land plants. BBA Molecular Cell Research, 1823(9):1553-67
Krämer U, Amtmann A (2011) Physiology and Metabolism. Editorial. Curr Opin Plant Biol. 14(3): 223-4
Krämer U (2010) Metal hyperaccumulation in plants. Annu. Rev. Plant Biol., 61:517-34
Krämer U (2009) The dilemma of controlling heavy metal accumulation in plants. New Phytologist 181: 3-5
Palmgren MG, Clemens S, Williams LE, Krämer U, Borg S, Schjørring JK, Sanders D (2008) Zinc biofortification of cereals: problems and solutions. Trends in Plant Science 13: 464-473
Krämer U, Talke IN, Hanikenne M (2007) Transition Metal Transport. FEBS Letters 581: 2263-2272
Krämer U, Clemens S (2005) Chapter 9: Functions and homeostasis of zinc, copper, and nickel in plants. Topics in Current Genetics 14 (Molecular Biology of Metal Homeostasis and Detoxification, Markus Tamás and Enrico Martinoia, eds.): 216-271
Krämer U (2005) Phytoremediation: novel approaches to cleaning up polluted soils. Current Opinion in Biotechnology 16: 133-141
Krämer U (2005) MTP1 mops up excess zinc in Arabidopsis cells. Trends in Plant Science 10: 313-315
Krämer U (2005) Metal Tolerance, Metal Hyperaccumulation and Metal Homeostasis in Higher Plants. Habilitationsschrift, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät der Universität Potsdam
Krämer U (2003) Phytoremediation to phytochelatin – plant trace metal homeostasis, Conference Report, Heavy metals and plants: from ecosystems to biomolecules – the 9th New Phytologist Symposium, Philadelphia, PA, USA, September/October 2002, New Phytologist 158: 1-9
Clemens S, Palmgren MG, Krämer U (2002) A long way ahead: understanding and engineering plant metal accumulation. Trends in Plant Science 7(7): 309-315
Krämer U, Chardonnens AN (2001) The use of transgenic plants in the bioremediation of soils contaminated with trace elements. Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 55(6): 661-672
Krämer U (2000) Cadmium for all meals - plants with an unusual appetite. New Phytologist 145: 1-5
Salt DE, Krämer U (1999) Mechanisms of Metal Hyperaccumulation in Plants. In Phytoremediation of Toxic Metals: Using Plants to Clean-Up the Environment, Ensley BD & Raskin I (eds.), Chapter 13, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, NY, USA
Dietz K-J, Baier M, Krämer U (1999) Free radicals and reactive oxygen species as mediators of damage during heavy metal stress. In Heavy Metal Stress in Plants: Molecules to Ecosystem, Prasad MNV & Hagemeyer J (eds.), pp 73-97
Dr. Maria Bernal
Original Research Publications
Quintana J, Bernal M, Scholle M,…, Krämer U (CA) (2021) (9/2).
Root-to-shoot iron partitioning in Arabidopsis requires IRON-REGULATED
TRANSPORTER1 (IRT1). The Plant Journal.
Bernal M (CA), Krämer U (CA) (2021). Involvement of Arabidopsis Multi-Copper Oxidase-Encoding LACCASE12 in Root-to-Shoot Iron Partitioning: A Novel Example of Copper-Iron Crosstalk. Frontiers in Plant Science October 2021 | Volume 12 | Article 688318.
Escudero V, Castro-León A, Ferreira Sánchez D,…, González-Guerrero M
(CA), Jordá L (CA). (2021) (9/5). Arabidopsis thaliana Zn2+-efflux
ATPases HMA2 and HMA4 are required for resistance to the necrotrophic
fungus Plectosphaerella cucumerina BMM. Journal Experimental Botany.
Hanikenne M, Kroymann J, Trampczynska A, Bernal M, Motte P, Clemens S, Krämer U. (2013): Hard Selective Sweep and Ectopic Gene Conversion in a Gene Cluster Affording Environmental Adaptation. PLOS GENETICS 9, e1003707.
Gayomba SR, Jung H, Danku J, Rutzke MA, Bernal M, Krämer U, Kochian LV, Salt D, Vatamaniuk OK. (2013): The CTR/COPT-dependent copper uptake and SPL7-dependent copper deficiency responses are required for basal cadmium tolerance in A. thaliana. Metallomics 5, 1262-1275.
Sagasti S, Bernal M, Sancho D, Del Castillo MB, Picorel R (2013): The copper chaperone (CCS) is regulated by alternative splicing and copper in soybean plants. Functional Plant Biology 41, 144-155.
Bernal M, Casero-Diaz D, Singh V, Wilson GT, Grande A, Yang H, Dodani SC, Pellegrini M, Huijser P, Connolly E, Merchant S, Krämer U. (2012): Transcriptome sequencing identifies SPL7-regulated Cu acquisition genes FRO4/FRO5 and the Cu dependence of Fe homeostasis in Arabidopsis. The Plant Cell 24, 738-769.
Sagasti S, Yruela I, Bernal M, Frago S, Medina M, Picorel R. (2011): Characterization of the recombinant copper chaperone (CCS) from the plant Glycine (G.) max. Metallomics 3, 169-175.
Chodavarapu RK, Feng S, Bernatavichute Y, Yu Y, Hetzel J, Kuo F, Cokus S, Casero D, Bernal M, Huijser P, Krämer U, Merchant S, Zhang X, Jacobsen S, Pellegrini M. (2010): Nucleosome positioning in Arabidopsis thaliana. Nature 466, 388-392.
Bernal M, Testillano PS, Alfonso M, Risueño MC, Picorel R, Yruela I. (2007): Identification and subcellular localization of the soybean copper P1B-ATPase GmHMA8 transporter. Journal of Structural Biology 158, 46-68.
Bernal M, Testillano PS, Risueño MC, Yruela I. (2007): Excess copper induces structural changes in cultured photosynthetic soybean cells. Functional Plant Biology 33, 1001-1012.
Bernal M, Cases R, Picorel R, Yruela I. (2007): Foliar and root Cu supply differently Fe and Zn uptake and photosynthetic activity in soybean plants. Environmental and Experimental Botany 60, 145-150.
Bernal M, Ramiro MV, Cases R, Picorel R, Yruela I. (2006): Excess copper effect on cell growth and photosyntehtic oxygen-evolution activity in Glycine max cell suspensions. Physiologia Plantarum 127, 312-325.
Bernal M, Roncel M, Ortega JM, Picorel R, Yruela I. (2004): Copper toxic effect on Cythocrome b559 of photosystem II from higher plants. Physiologia Plantarum 120, 686-694.
Book Chapters
Hanikenne M, Bernal M, Urzica E. Ion homeostasis in the chloroplast (2014). In: Plastids Biology. Editors: Theg SM and Wollman F-A. Springer. Plastid Biology. Advances in Plant Biology. Volume 5, 465-514.
Salomé P, Bernal M, Krämer U (2014). Circadian life without micronutrients: effects of a various micronutrient supply on clock function in Arabidopsis. In Methods of Molecular Biology 1158, 227-38.
PD Dr. Markus Piotrowski
Current metrics are available from ORCID and WEB OF SCIENCE
QUINTANA, J, BERNAL, M.I., SCHOLLE, M., HOLLÄNDER-CZYTKO, H., NGA, T.N., PIOTROWSKI, M., MENDOZA-COZATL, D.G., HAYDEN, M.J., AND KRÄMER U. (2021) Root-to-shoot iron partitioning in Arabidopsis requires IRON-REGULATED TRANSPORTER1 (IRT1) protein but not its iron(II) transport function. Plant J., in press
WOUDE, L.V., PIOTROWSKI, M., KLAASSE, G., PAULUS, J.K., KRAHN, D., NINCK, S., KASCHANI, F., KAISER, M., NOVÁK, O., LJUNG, K., et al. (2021) The chemical compound 'Heatin' stimulates hypocotyl elongation and interferes with the Arabidopsis NIT1-subfamily of nitrilases. Plant J., 106:1523-1540
FRERIGMANN, H., PIOTROWSKI, M., LEMKE, R, BEDNAREK, P., AND SCHULZE-LEFERT, P. (2021) A network of phosphate starvation and immune-related signaling and metabolic pathways controls the interaction between Arabidopsis thaliana and the beneficial fungus Colletotrichum tofieldiae. Mol. Plant Microbe Interact., 34:560-570
WOODWARD, J.D., TROMPETTER, I., SEWELL, B.T., AND PIOTROWSKI, M. (2018) Substrate specificity of plant nitrilase complexes is affected by their helical twist. Commun. Biol., 1:186
PIOTROWSKI, M., KERR, R., BRÜCK AND KOURIST, R. (2017) Transcriptome profiling of the Australian arid-land plant Eremophila
serrulata (A.DC.) Druce (Scrophulariaceae)
for the identification of monoterpene synthases.
Phytochemistry, 136:15-22
Arabidopsis NITRILASE1 contributes to the regulation of root growth and
development through modulation of auxin biosynthesis in seedlings. Front. Plant Sci., 8:36
BOHNE, A.V., SCHWARZ, C., SCHOTTKOWSKI, M., LIDSCHREIBER, M., PIOTROWSKI, M., ZERGES, W., AND NICKELSEN, J. (2013) Reciprocal regulation of protein synthesis and carbon metabolism for thylakoid membrane biogenesis. PLoS Biol., 11, e1001482
STAUBER, E.J., KUCZKA, P., VAN OHLEN, M., VOGT, B., JANOWITZ, T., PIOTROWSKI, M., BEUERLE, T., WITTSTOCK, U. (2012) Turning the 'mustard oil bomb' into a 'cyanide bomb': aromatic glucosinolate metabolism in a specialist insect herbivore. PLoS One 7, e35545
GESELL, A., CHÁVEZ, M.L, KRAMELL, R., PIOTROWSKI, M., MACHEROUX, P., KUTCHAN, T.M. (2011) Heterologous expression of two FAD-dependent oxidases with(S)-tetrahydroprotoberberine oxidase activity from Argemone mexicana and Berberis wilsoniae in insect cells. Planta 233,1185-1197
JANOWITZ, T., TROMPETTER, I., PIOTROWSKI, M. (2009) Evolution of nitrilases in glucosinolate-containing plants. Phytochemistry 70, 1680-1686
BENZ, M., BALS, T., GÜGEL, I.L., PIOTROWSKI, M., KUHN, A., SCHÜNEMANN, D., SOLL, J., ANKELE, E. (2009) Alb4 of Arabidopsis promotes assembly and stabilisation of a non chlorophyll-binding photosynthetic complex, the CF1CF0-ATP synthase. Mol. Plant 2, 1410-1426
KONG, F.J., LI, Y., ABE, J., LIU, B., SCHALLER, F., PIOTROWSKI, M., OTAGAKI, S., TAKAHASHI, K., MATSUURA, H., YOSHIHARA, T., NABETA, K. (2009) Expression of allene oxide cyclase from Pharbitis nil upon theobroxide treatment. Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem. 73, 1007-1013
HOSSAIN, M.B., PIOTROWSKI, M., LENSING, J., GAU, A. (2009) Inhibition of conidial growth of Venturia inaequalis by the extracellular protein fraction from the antagonistic bacterium Pseudomonas fluorescens Bk3. Biological Control 48 133-139
BANERJEE, A. DUBEY, S., KAUL, P., BARSE, B., PIOTROWSKI, M., BANERJEE, U.J. (2009) Enantioselective nitrilase from Pseudomonas putida: Cloning, heterologous expression, and bioreactor studies. Mol. Biotechnol. 41, 35-41
PIOTROWSKI, M. (2008) Primary or secondary? Versatile nitrilases in plant metabolism. Phytochemistry 69, 2655-2667
MORANT, A.V., BJARNHOLT, N., KRAGH, M.E., KJÆRGAARD, C.H.; JØRGENSEN, K., PAQUETTE, S.M., PIOTROWSKI, M., IMBERTY, A., OLSEN, C.E., MØLLER, B.L., BAK, S. (2008) The β-glucosidases responsible for bio-activation of hydroxynitrile glucosides in Lotus japonicus. Plant Physiol. 147, 1072-1091
SCHWARZ, C., ELLES, I., KORTMANN, J., PIOTROWSKI, M., NICKELSEN, J. (2007) Synthesis of the D2 protein of photosystem II in Chlamydomonas is controlled by a high molecular mass complex containing the RNA stabilization factor Nac2 and the translational activator RBP40. Plant Cell 19, 3627-3639
KRIECHBAUMER, V., PARK, W.J., PIOTROWSKI, M., MEELEY, R.B., GIERL, A., GLAWISCHNIG, E. (2007) Maize nitrilases have a dual role in auxin homeostasis and β-cyanoalanine hydrolysis. J. Exp. Bot. 58, 4225-4233
JENRICH, R., TROMPETTER, I., BAK, S., OLSEN, C.E., MØLLER, B.L., PIOTROWSKI, M. (2007) Evolution of heteromeric nitrilase complexes in Poaceae with new functions in nitrile metabolism. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 104, 18848-18853
NOWROUSIAN, M., PIOTROWSKI, M., KÜCK, U. (2007) Multiple layers of temporal and spatial control regulate accumulation of the fruiting body-specific protein APP in Sordaria macrospora and Neurospora crassa. Fungal Genet. Biol. 44, 602-614
BAUMANN, S., SANDER, A., GURNON, J.R., YANAI-BALSER, G., VAN ETTEN, J.L., PIOTROWSKI, M. (2007) Chlorella viruses contain genes encoding a complete polyamine biosynthetic pathway. Virology 360, 209-217
PIOTROWSKI, M., VOLMER, J.J. (2006) Cyanide metabolism in higher plants: Cyanoalanine hydratase is a NIT4 homolog. Plant Mol. Biol. 61, 111-122
BALCZUN, C., BUNSE, A., SCHWARZ, C., PIOTROWSKI, M., KÜCK, U. (2006) Chloroplast heat shock protein Cpn60 from Chlamydomonas reinhardtii exhibits a novel function as a group II intron-specific RNA-binding protein. FEBS Lett. 580, 4527-4532
PÜTZ, S., GELIUS-DIETRICH, G., PIOTROWSKI, M., HENZE, K. (2005) Rubrerythrin and peroxiredoxin: Two novel putative peroxidases in the hydrogenosomes of the microaerophilic protozoon Trichomonas vaginalis. Mol. Biochem. Parasitol. 142, 212-223
SINGH, P., PIOTROWSKI, M., GAU, A.E. (2005) Purification and partial characterization of an extracellular melanoprotein from the fungus Venturia inaequalis. Z. Naturforsch. [C] 60, 109-115
HOFFMEISTER, M., PIOTROWSKI, M., NOWITZKI, U., MARTIN, W. (2005) Mitochondrial trans-2-enoyl-CoA reductase of wax ester fermentation from Euglena gracilis defines a new family of enzymes involved in lipid synthesis. J. Biol. Chem. 280, 4329-4338
PIOTROWSKI, M., SCHEMENEWITZ, A., LOPUKHINA, A., MÜLLER, A., JANOWITZ, T., WEILER, E.W., OECKING, C. (2004) Desulfoglucosinolate sulfotransferases from Arabidopsis thaliana catalyze the final step in the biosynthesis of the glucosinolate core structure. J. Biol. Chem. 279, 50717-50725
SOMMER, N., DEPPING, R., PIOTROWSKI, M., RÜGER W. (2004) Bacteriophage T4 α-glucosyltransferase: a novel interaction with gp45 and aspects of the catalytic mechanism. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 323, 809-815
SINGH, P., PIOTROWSKI, M., KLOPPSTECH, K., GAU, A.E. (2004) Investigations on epiphytic living Pseudomonas species from Malus domestica with an antagonistic effect to Venturia inaequalis on isolated plant cuticle membranes. Environ. Microbiol. 6, 1149-1158
KÜRKCÜOGLU, S., PIOTROWSKI, M., GAU, A.E. (2004) Up-regulation of pathogenesis-related proteins in the apoplast of Malus domestica after application of a non-pathogenic bacterium. Z. Naturforsch. [C] 59, 843-848
GAU, A.E., KOUTB, M., PIOTROWSKI, M., KLOPPSTECH, K. (2004) Accumulation of pathogenesis-related proteins in the apoplast of a susceptible cultivar of apple (Malus domestica cv. Elstar) after infection by Venturia inaequalis and constitutive expression of PR genes in the resistant cultivar Remo. Eur. J. Plant Pathol. 110, 703-711
PARK, W.J., KRIECHBAUMER, V., MÜLLER, A., PIOTROWSKI, M., MEELEY, R.B., GIERL, A., GLAWISCHNIG, E. (2003) The nitrilase ZmNIT2 converts indole-3-acetonitrile to indole-3-acetic acid. Plant Physiol. 133, 794-802
JANOWITZ, T., KNEIFEL, H., PIOTROWSKI, M. (2003) Identification and characterization of plant agmatine iminohydrolase, the last missing link in polyamine biosynthesis of plants. FEBS Lett. 544, 258-261
PIOTROWSKI M., JANOWITZ T., KNEIFEL H. (2003) Plant C-N hydrolases and the identification of a plant N-carbamoylputrescine amidohydrolase involved in polyamine biosynthesis. J. Biol. Chem. 278, 1708-1712
KRAMER, S., PIOTROWSKI, M. KÜHNEMANN, F., EDELMANN, H.G. (2003) Physiological and biochemical characterization of ethylene-generated gravicompetence in primary shoots of coleoptile-less gravi-incompetent rye seedlings. J. Exp. Bot. 54, 2723-2732
POLLMANN, S., MÜLLER, A., PIOTROWSKI, M., WEILER, E.W. (2002) Occurrence and formation of indole-3-acetamide in Arabidopsis thaliana. Planta 216, 155-161
KUTZ, A., MÜLLER, A., HENNIG, P., KAISER, W.M., PIOTROWSKI, M., WEILER, E.W. (2002) A role for nitrilase 3 in the regulation of root morphology in sulphur-starving Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant J. 30, 95-106
OGRZELWALLA, K., PIOTROWSKI, M., REINBOTHE, S., LINK, G. (2002) The plastid transcription kinase from mustard (Sinapis alba L.). A nuclear-encoded CK2-type chloroplast enzyme with redox-sensitive function. Eur. J. Biochem. 269, 3329-3337
RUTSCHMANN, F., STALDER, U., PIOTROWSKI, M., OECKING, C., SCHALLER, A. (2002) LeCPK1, a calcium-dependent protein kinase from tomato. Plasma membrane targeting and biochemical characterization. Plant Physiol. 129, 156-168
PIOTROWSKI, M., SCHÖNFELDER, S., WEILER, E.W. (2001) The Arabidopsis thaliana isogene NIT4 and its orthologs in tobacco encode β-cyano-L-alanine hydratase/nitrilase. J. Biol. Chem 276, 2616-2621
VORWERK, S., BIERNACKI, S., HILLEBRAND, H., JANZIK, I., MÜLLER, A., WEILER, E.W., PIOTROWSKI, M. (2001) Enzymatic characterization of the recombinant Arabidopsis thaliana nitrilase subfamily encoded by the NIT2/NIT1/NIT3-gene cluster. Planta 212, 508-516
BOEKEMA, E.J., HIFNEY, A.,YAKUSHEVSKA, A.E., PIOTROWSKI, M., KEEGSTRA, W., BERRY, S., MICHEL, K.-P., PISTORIUS, E.K., KRUIP, J. (2001) A giant chlorophyll-protein complex induced by iron deficiency in cyanobacteria. Nature 412, 745-748
SVENNELID, F., OLSSON, A., PIOTROWSKI, M., ROSENQUIST, M., OTTMANN, C., LARSSON, C., OECKING, C., SOMMARIN, M. (1999) Phosphorylation of Thr-948 at the C terminus of the plasma membrane H+-ATPase creates a binding site for the regulatory 14-3-3 protein. Plant Cell 11, 2379-2391
PIOTROWSKI, M, MORSOMME, P., BOUTRY, M., OECKING, C. (1998) Functional complementation of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae plasma membrane H+-ATPase by a plant H+-ATPase results in generation of a highly abundant fusicoccin-binding site. J. Biol. Chem. 273, 30018-30023
PIOTROWSKI, M., OECKING, C. (1998) Five new 14-3-3 isoforms from Nicotiana tabacum L.: implications for the phylogeny of plant 14-3-3 proteins. Planta 204, 127-130
OECKING, C., PIOTROWSKI, M., HAGEMEIER, J., HAGEMANN, K. (1997) Topology and target interaction of the fusicoccin-binding 14-3-3 homologs of Commelina communis. Plant J. 12, 441-453
PIOTROWSKI, M., LISS, H., WEILER, E.W. (1996) Touch-induced protein phosphorylation in mechanosensitive tendrils of Bryonia dioica Jacq. J. Plant Phys. 147, 539-546