
  • Conference Report on Identitätskonstruktionen für das Ruhrgebiet seit den 1970er-Jahren online (11/01/2023)
    We are happy to report that the conference report on Identitätskonstruktionen für das Ruhrgebiet seit den 1970er-Jahren is published. Thanks a lot to the authors for their work!
  • Welcome, Lukas Dieudonné, Jana Jünger, Nargis Paikan Noori, Viktoria Gräbe and Pedro Carneiro (01/11/2022)
    Lukas works in the research based learning project on Oral History des Strukturwandels am Beispiel des Ruhrgebiets, Jana, Nargis, Viktoria and Pedro are part of the FLOH-Team.

  • Jun.-Prof. Dr. Juliane Czierpka contributes to Podcast Lehrreiche Hochschulinnovationen (01/07/2022)
    Juliane Czierpka was invited to the podcast Lehrreiche Hochschulinnovationen by Ronny Röhwert and Franz Vergöhl (Please find the podcast here) to talk about FLOH and innovations in teaching. Listen to the podcast here.

  • Project on "Forschendes Lernen mit Oral History in der Geschichtswissenschaft" (FLOH) granted (17/05/2022)
    FLOH is funded within the programme Freiraum 2022 (Stiftung innovative Hochschullehre) for 25 months.
    More information on FLOH hier.

  • Contribution by Jun.-Prof. Dr. Juliane Czierpka to "Stadt Land Kunst" on ARTE (17/05/2022)
    Juliane Czierpka contributed to "Stadt Land Kunst" über "Le Clézios Mauritius / Ruhrgebiet / New York"

  • Talk on "The High Authority of the ECSC and the Ruhr's mining industry" by Jun.-Prof. Dr. Juliane Czierpka in Bamberg (5. Mai 2022)
    Jun.-Prof. Dr. Juliane Czierpka gave a talk on "The High Authority of the ECSC and the Ruhr's mining industry" in the research seminar on economic and social history (Prof. Dr. Nina Kleinöder) at Bamberg University

  • Welcome, Philip Kortling! (15/02/2022)
    [More infrmation on Philip Kortling...]

  • Workshop series on "Identitätsrekonstruktionen für das Ruhrgebiet seit den 1970er Jahren" (14/01/2022)
    The workshops are organised by Jun.-Prof. Dr. Florian Bock, Dr. Sarah Thieme and Jun.-Prof. Dr. Juliane Czierpka. Informationen on

  • Programme AKKU Conference 2021 "Erst Überfluss, dann überflüssig? Erneuerungsdialoge zwischen Unternehmensgeschichte und (allgemeiner) Geschichtswissenschaft" published (12/10/2021)
    The conference is organised by Prof. Dr. Boris Gehlen (Stuttgart), PD Dr. Christian Marx (München/Trier), Prof. Dr. Nina Kleinöder (Bamberg) and Jun.-Prof. Dr. Juliane Czierpka. More information on

  • Book review "Die Zechen schließen, die Publikationen sprießen" by Juliane Czierpka published in Journal of Business History (66:2):2021 (27/09/2021)
    The book review looks at varius publications that were published in 2018, the year of the closure of the last pit in Germany

  • Edited volume "Der Steinkohlenbergbau in Boom und Krise nach 1945. Transformationsprozesse in der Schwerindustrie am Beispiel des Ruhrgebiets" published (12/09/2021)
    The edited volume goes back to a conference on the same topic that was held in Bochum in 2017 and was organised by Juliane Czierpka and Lars Bluma. Mehr Informationen bei De Gruyter

  • Edited volume "Abschied von der Kohle" with a contribution by Juliane Czierpka published (21/07/2021)
    The Federal Agency for Civic Education [Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung] published an edited volume on deindustrialization in the Ruhr area and the Lausitz compared.

  • Contributions to edited volumes published (01/03/2021)
    Recently published was a) a contribution in cooperation with Chris Buchholz on deindustrialization in the Ruhr area and b) a contribution on gaps in research on the Ruhr's mining industry after 1945.
    a) Buchholz, Chris und Czierpka, Juliane: Innovativ und digital statt Kohle und Stahl? Der Strukturwandel im Ruhrgebiet am Beispiel der Informationstechnologien seit den 1960er Jahren, in: Iber, Walter M. und Krautzer, Thomas (Hg.): Wirtschaft und Region. Transformationsprozesse im internationalen Ver­gleich, Wien 2021, S. 45-80.
    b) Czierpka, Juliane: Von Drachen und Zebras. Desiderate der Wirtschaftsgeschichte des Ruhrbergbaus nach 1945, in: Köhler, Ingo und Roelevink, Eva-Maria (Hg.): Transformative Moderne: Struktur, Prozesse und Handeln in der Wirtschaft. Festschrift für Dieter Ziegler zum 65. Geburtstag, Dortmund 2021, S. 177-195.

  • Digital exhibition Summer School online (05/11/2020)
    Digital exhibition of Summer School "Migration, Inclusion, Marginalization: Transnational Histories of Mobility" online! The interdisciplinary Summer School was organised by Jun.-Prof. Dr. Rebecca Brückmann and Jun.-Prof. Dr. Juliane Czierpka. [ Please find the Summer school's website here]

  • Welcome, Lena Michel! (03/11/2020)

  • CfP 'Identitätskonstruktionen für das Ruhrgebiet seit den 1970er-Jahren' published
    Jun.-Prof. Dr. Juliane Czierpka organises a workshop on constructions of identiy in the Ruhr area in cooperation with Dr. Sarah Thieme (WWU Münster) and Jun.-Prof. Dr. Florian Bock (RUB). [Please find the CfP on HSozKult ]

  • Welcome, Julian Faust!(01/04/2020)
    Julian Faust will teach a seminar on "Colonial history as economic and business history" [More informationen hier].

  • Website Forschungswerkstatt Public History & Montangeschichte published (09/12/2019)
    The Forschungswerkstatt Public History & Montangeschichte merges the research activities of Professor Bunnenberg and Professor Czierpka and their teams. [ Please find the Forschungswerkstatt's website (in German) here]

  • Grant for SummerSchool "Migration, Inclusion, Marginalization: Transnational Histories of Mobility" awarded by inSTUDIES (22/10/2019)
    The Summer School will take place in the fall of 2020 in Bochum and will be held by Rebecca Brückmann [More...] and Juliane Czierpka. For more information on the Summer School klick here.

  • MERCUR-Grant for interdisciplinary Seminars (28/08/2019)
    The Mercator Research Center Ruhr (MERCUR) gave a grant to Jun.-Prof. Dr. Juliane Czierpka and Prof. Dr. Norbert Kockmann to conzeptualize a cooperative seminar. More...

  • Interview with Jun.-Prof. Dr. Juliane Czierpka in exhibition catalogue "Erzählte Energie" (05/08/2019)
    Jun.-Prof- Dr. Juliane Czierpka was interviewed by Prof. Dr. Sebastian Susteck and Dr. Karin Yesilada for their exhibition on stories on energy. More information on the exhibition can be found here.

  • Grant "Forschendes Lernen" [Learning by research] awarded (12/07/2018)