Hybrid manufactured RF and microwave circuits and antennas based on new materials
Friday, 22 September 2017, 14:10-15:50
Supply Chain Integrity Tilt Sensing RFID Tag
M. Ali Ziai, J. C. Batchelor
The University of Kent, Canterbury, UK
High Isolation Planar UWB Antennas for Wireless Application
A. H. Radhi, R. Nilavalan, H. S. Al-Raweshidy, N. A. Aziz
Brunel University, London, UK
On the Study of Monolayer Graphene Resonator and Antenna for Wireless Applications
X. Zhang1, G. Auton1, K. Pan1, E. Hill1, H. Ouslimani2, Z. Hu1
1University of Manchester, Manchester, UK, 2Université Paris Ouest, Ville d’Avray, France
Hybrid Manufactured Waveguide Resonators and Filters for mm-Wave Applications
U. Jankovic1, N. Mohottige1, D. Budimir1, O. Glubokov2
1University of Westminster, London, UK, 2KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden
Comparison of Triangular Geometries of YJunction in Co-sintered LTCC based Microstrip Circulator
P. Ravi Raj, A. Basu, S.K. Koul
Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, New Delhi, India