
Payment of the conference registration fee is required in order for abstract(s) to be published in the Conference Abstracts Volume; a separate abstract fee will not be charged.

October 10, 2014:                  deadline for abstract submission - IMORTANT NOTE: Deadlined postponed to Monday, October 20th

November 10, 2014:              notification of abstract acceptance

Each participant of IEC-2015 may submit a maximum of two abstracts for either poster or oral presentation. Poster presentations are strongly encouraged. Depending on the total number of submitted abstracts, the Scientific Committee reserves the right to assign oral presentations as posters and vice versa. Abstracts should describe original work on topics relevant to the conference scope. Significant time slots will be allocated to poster sessions in order to support communication, scientific debate and networking.

The Authors must use the abstract template (.doc, .docx) and submit it to eclogite@rub.de by October 10, 2014 at the latest. In an accompanying e-mail, the authors must specify the preferred type of presentation (oral or poster) and the preferred session (please indicate also an alternative session).

Planned sessions

  1. Recognition and interpretation of nano- to micro-scale fabrics in HP-UHP minerals
  2. HP- and UHP-fluids and melts and their interaction with rocks
  3. HP- and UHP-terranes: P-T-t paths; geochronological, rheological and geochemical characteristics
  4. The origin of subduction-related ophiolites, chromitites, peridotites, and pyroxenites
  5. Large-scale processes: crustal tectonics, mantle dynamics, and their modeling
  6. HP- and UHP-rocks: Keys to understanding the origin of the Caribbean region
  7. Open session