
Dr. Michael Kasperski
Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering

For many years, I am serving in the WPR as member of the list UAP; since 2011, I am the leader of this list. One of the most important tasks of the WPR, and my motivation for working in this board, is defending the presumption of innocence when conflicts emerge. At the same time, I am scientist with heart and soul. Being the head of a research team, I guide young scientists to their PhD. Furthermore, I enjoy teaching very much. The beautiful saker falcon on the internet pages of UAP is Kyra, basically a tender and friendly bird. But when it comes to hunting, she will show courage and power. A commendable character trait.

Dr. Birgit Elvers
Faculty of Geosciences

I Studied geography/hydrology at the University of Freiburg Doctorate at the Faculty of Forestry at LMU Munich - Deputy Chairwoman of the WPR for three electoral terms - Member of the pollutant AG - Negotiation experience with the department in discussions and conciliation board proceedings - Initiation of the guideline for good employment at RUB - Member of the committee for work safety - Further training in non-violent communication - Interest in the development of a Green RUB - Member of the Beamten AG (promotion procedure, etc.) - Member of the working group on operational integration management - Member of the RUB daycare center committee I currently have 25% of my working hours released for WPR work.

Dr. Iris Mundry
Faculty of Biology and Biotechnology

I have been working at Ruhr-Universität Bochum since 1996, including over 20 years as a research assistant in biology. I have been on release from my duties for WPR-work since October 2021 and since then I have been working primarily for the interests of employees. In addition, I have been intensively involved in building projects and safety aspects in recent years, for example as part of site inspections. I have been actively engaged in the representative body for severely disabled employees since December 2022. This is an effective combination, as many synergy effects can be exploited, and the two bodies are more closely networked.I would like to continue this work at all levels and therefore continue to shape the work and cooperation at RUB in the WPR.

Dr. Karl-Ludwig Elvers
Faculty of History

I am an Ancient Historian at Bochum since 1992 and responsible (inter alia) for the coin collection of the university. I received my PhD from the Free University Berlin in 1993. Being part of the WPR since many years I am a member of the Council for the university’s economy (Wirtschaftsausschuss). If there are any problems regarding the promotion of civil servants (Beamte), please do not hesitate to contact me.

Dr. Wolfgang Kruse
Faculty of Biology and Biotechnology

After studying physics in Marburg and a postdoctoral stay in the USA, I returned to my home town of Bochum in 1995 and have been working as a research assistant in neurobiology at the RUB ever since. I have gained many years of experience in research, teaching and a wide range of committee work. I have been a member of the WPR since 2021, was initially a substitute member and now regularly attend the weekly meetings. I am involved in areas such as occupational safety and buildings, where I carry out tasks on behalf of the WPR, such as on-site inspections. I am running for the UAP for the first time because I want to advocate pragmatic solutions in the interests of RUB's employees in science and arts.

Dr. Martin Wichmann
University Language Centre (ZFA), German as a Foreign Language

After completing a vocational apprenticeship in economics, I studied German language and literature, philosophy, pedagogics and German as a foreign language at TU Dortmund, where I also received my doctorate in German linguistics. I have worked at various universities in Germany and abroad and spent a long time working in Northern Europe. I have been at RUB since 2019 as a scientific employee and as the Head of Department of German as a Foreign Language. This is my second time running for the UAP. In the last term, I was initially a substitute member and later a full member of the WPR. I would particularly like to work for a sustainable shaping of internationalization. Having worked abroad for a long time, I know the specific situation of international academics very well and would like to support their interests in particular. Internationalization should be reflected in reliable structures and working conditions. Fair application procedures and job advertisements are also high up on my agenda. I also think it is also important that the professional contribution of language centers and their close links to science are appropriately valued.

Dr. Wolf Matthias Pankau
Faculty for Chemistry und Biochemistry

I have been a deputy person of trust for RUB's severely disabled employees since December 2022 and as such I am active in the representative body (SBV). I am a chemist and have been at the RUB since 1998, as an academic advisor since 2002 and have a focus on teaching advanced students. What is particularly important to me is the representation of the interests of individual employees which require special attention. You don't have to be severely disabled to require special consideration; there can also be other health restrictions or living conditions in general or particularly at work that require special care. In such cases, I think it is very important to represent the interests of the employees. This touches on points such as conflict management, work-life balance, health care and much more. I advocate against exploitation and abuse of power and for creative freedom in the workplace.

Dr. Anja Nuß
Center of Computer Sciences

I studied mathematics and computer science in Münster, Tübingen and Wellington (NZ). I have been working at RUB since 2010 - initially in the Horst Görtz Institute for IT Security, since 2020 in the newly founded Faculty of Computer Science. I have been active in the WPR since 2021 and am committed to the topics of family-friendly working conditions, reducing bureaucracy, a bicycle-friendly university, good conditions for good teaching and a sustainable university.

Dr. Andreas Burger
Faculty of Medicine

I am a doctor and research assistant at the RUB Centre for Medical Education. This is my fourth time as a candidate for the WPR on the list of Independent Active Staff Councils (UAP). I would like to continue to stand up for the interests of my colleagues from MA and also for those employed by the university in the RUB clinics. I contribute my medical expertise to the work of the WPR.

Dr. Britta Eggers
Faculty of Medicine

I completed my Master's degree in Biology at RUB in 2015 and subsequently started my PhD at the Medizinische Proteom-Center, where I have been employed as a PostDoc since 2019. My research focus is on protein biochemistry in the field of basic medical research. Through the RUB Research School, I also had the opportunity to spend a longer research stay in Padua, Italy, in 2021 to broaden my scientific horizon in the field of regenerative medicine. I currently supervise various third-party funded and cooperation partner projects at my chair, supervise students at all career stages in their theses and am also active in teaching medical students. As a result, the interests of employees in early career stages are particularly important to me, including longer contract periods for a more predictable future, as well as fair working conditions. To achieve this, I am running for the UAP for the first time this year.

Dr. Jan Hildenhagen
Faculty of History

After studying at the Ruhr-Universität Bochum (BA History/Political Science - MA History), PhD in North American History (Democracy as a Threat to the Republic). Since 2018 I have been working in science management (Kustos) at the Department of History, and since 2024 I am the managing editor of the journal Moving the Social. For more than 14 years, I kept my head above water with temporary contracts, teaching assignments, interim positions at various universities, etc., until I finally got my full-time tenure. I know the working reality of many people at the RUB. Outside the university, I am involved in politics and unions on a voluntary basis. I am convinced that sustainable change can only come from a democratic basis. It is important to me that the individual is at the centre. Institutions serve people, not the other way round. I am running for the Staff Council for the first time because I believe that an independent Staff Council is more important than ever, especially in times of increasing polarisation and consolidation.

Dr. Ralf Sander
Faculty of Medicine

Born and raised in Bochum, I studied social sciences with a focus on empirical methods and statistics at Ruhr-University Bochum. Then I was employed as a doctoral student in the same area, which I completed with a PhD. Since 2003 I have been heading the Medical Faculty’s Examination Office. This position combines teaching evaluation and university examinations. My work as study advisor, my life as a father, and the daily close exchange with employees from both areas, science and administration, have made topics such as the compatibility of care obligations and career planning part of my everyday life. Based on these experiences I would like to represent the interests of the scientific employees concerning these important issues. I am now running for the Scientific Staff Council in the second electoral term on the UAP list.

Dr. Armin Safaei
Faculty of Medicine

While I was a biology student and doctoral candidate, I was given the opportunity to learn about many topics, places, projects and cases. In my Bachelor's degree, I was involved in a collaboration with the German Sport University in Cologne. After my master's degree in cellular neurobiology, I worked for a year at the Charité in Berlin in clinical research in the field of cardiovascular diseases. Afterwards I started and completed my PhD in biology at the RUB. During this time, I was able to gain experience in various clinics, including the University Hospital of Tübingen. Since April 2023, I have been working as a research assistant at the Center for Digital Teaching and Learning in Medicine at the RUB Faculty of Medicine. Due to the wide range of experiences and areas I have been able to explore and the personal challenges I have overcome, I decided to be a candidate for the UAP for the first time and would like to advise and support students and doctoral candidates. Furthermore, due to my own severe disability, I would like to support people with a severe disability.

Dr. Meret Strothmann
Faculty of History

I completed my studies in history, classical philology and philosophy at the RUB with a doctorate on the Augustan Principate (1996). Since 2007, I have been employed as a permanent historian at the RUB's Institute of History and have been particularly committed to the academic mid-level staff. A constructive cooperation between the interests of temporary and permanent employees in the mid-level faculty is important to me. I am pleased with the progress RUB has made towards reconciling work and family life in the sense of a family-friendly working environment.

Tobias Quaas
Faculty of Geosciences

I completed my Bachelor's degree in Geography in 2023 and since then I have been studying for a Master's degree in Geography, specialising in Urban and Landscape Ecology. I am also currently employed as a WHB in the physical-geographical laboratory of the Institute of Geography. I am running for the UAP list and would like to stand up for the interests of WHKs and WHBs in the WPR in order to give them a direct voice there as well.

Dr. Dirk Meyer
Faculty of Physics and Astronomy

After my postdoctoral period in the USA and the Netherlands, I have been Academic Director at the RUB/Fac. of Physics since 2001, where I am the head of the physics laboratory courses. In addition, I am responsible for students in the bachelor's degree programs in physics as a student advisor and ERASMUS coordinator. I still really enjoy working with the students. Universities have been facing constantly changing conditions in research and teaching for years. It is therefore inevitable that the demands on the profession of "Wiss.Mit." are also constantly changing. At this point, it is good if colleagues can rely on a constructive and strong WPR.

Dr. Mark-Alexander Ahrens
Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering

With brief interruptions, I have been at RUB since 1998, where I studied civil engineering and obtained my PhD in the same field in 2010. Since then, I have been working as a research assistant at the Institute of Concrete Structures in research and teaching, responsible for acquiring third-party funding and the education of future engineers. Having previously been involved in university self-administration at faculty level, I am now running for the UAP for the second time. The balancing act between family and career in these special times, increasing publication and third-party funding pressure as well as the continuous "brain drain" at institutes with too little permanent staff and often difficult or lacking perspectives for young academics are of particular concern to me.