Registration - Trends in Logic XI

TRENDS XI Registration

Registration opens: 12 March, 2012.

TRENDS IN LOGIC registration form

To register please fill in and submit the registration form shown below.
Registration fees are as follows:

Students: 40€
Non-Students: 90€
Conference dinner: 40€
Early registration bonus: -10€ for students, -20€ for non-students

Persons from non-OECD countries may apply for a partial waiver of the registration fees. The registration fee is to be paid in cash at the registration desk upon arrival. Early registration closes 20th May, 2012.

Last name
First name:
Academic title:
Your affiliation:
Contact information:
E-mail address:
Alternative e-mail adress:
Postal address:
Conference Dinner (40€ extra):
Early registration bonus: