Call for papers - Trends in Logic XI

Trends in Logic XI, 2012: CALL FOR PAPERS

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The 11th Trends in Logic international conference will be held at Ruhr University Bochum, Germany, from June 3-June 5, 2012 under the title “Advances in Philosophical Logic”. It is organized by the chair of Logic and Epistemology at the Department of Philosophy II of Ruhr University Bochum, in co-operation with the journal Studia Logica, .

We invite submissions presenting substantial recent advances in formal philosophical logic. The range of topics includes but is not limited to:

-    modal logics,
-    temporal logics,
-    deontic logics,
-    logics of agency,
-    dynamic logics,
-    epistemic and doxastic logics,
-    formal epistemology,
-    belief revision,
-    substructural logics,
-    relevance logics,
-    paraconsistent logics,
-    constructive logics,
-    many-valued logics,
-    non-monotonic logics,
-    the paradoxes,
-    theories of truth and falsity,
-    natural language semantics,
-    vagueness,
-    applications of logical methods in philosophy.


-    Giovanna Corsi (University of Bologna, Italy)
-    Hans van Ditmarsch (University of Sevilla, Spain)
-    John Horty (University of Maryland, USA)
-    Norihiro Kamide (Waseda Institute,Tokyo, Japan)
-    Marcus Kracht (University of Bielefeld, Germany)
-    Sergei Odintsov (Sobolev Institute of Mathematics, Novosibirsk, Russia)
-    Rohit Parikh (City University of New York, USA)
-    Graham Priest (University of Melbourne, Australia/City University of New York, USA)
-    Greg Restall (University of Melbourne, Australia)
-    Yaroslav Shramko (Pedagogical State University Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine)
-    Ryszard Wójcicki (Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw)
-    Alberto Zanardo (University of Padova, Italy)


Abstracts of at most three pages length should be submitted electronically as pdf documents using the EasyChair submission page at

At least one author of each accepted paper must register for, and attend, the conference to present her or his work.


The organizers plan to publish selected papers presented at the conference in a special issue of a journal or with a major book publisher.


-    Robert Goldblatt (Wellington, New Zealand)
-    Andrzej Indrzejczak (Łódź, Poland)
-    Hannes Leitgeb (Munich, Germany)
-    Jacek Malinowski (Torun and Warsaw, Poland)
-    Daniele Mundici (Florence, Italy)
-    Constantine Tsinakis (Nashville, USA)
-    Heinrich Wansing (Bochum, Germany)
-    Markus Werning (Bochum, Germany)



-    Heinrich Wansing (Ruhr University Bochum)
-    Roberto Ciuni (Ruhr University Bochum)
-    Andrea Kruse (Ruhr University Bochum)
-    Caroline Semmling (Ruhr University Bochum)


CFP: 20 September 2011
Abstract submission deadline: 12 February, 2012
Notification: 11 March, 2012
Registration opens: 12 March, 2012
Early registration closes: 20 May, 2012
Conference: 3-5 June, 2012.   




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