Invited Lectures (selection of more than 80)
- 23.07.2023
- 23rd International Symposium on Fluorine Chemistry, Quebéc. (CDN)
- 02.07.2023
- ISOM-XXIV, Bergen (NOR): International Symposium on Olefin Metathesis and Related Chemistry.
- 19.02.2023
- CaRLa Winterschool, Heidelberg. Inventing new concepts for catalytic C-C and C-Heteroatom bond formation.
- 07.01.2023
- 26th Winterfluorine Conference, Florida (USA). C-H fluoromethoxylation of arenes by photoredox catalysis.
- 17.07.2022
- Gordon Research Conference: Innovations in Synthesis. New Catalysts and Concepts for C-C and C-Heteroatom Bond Formation.
- 19.06.2022
- ISCHA 6: International Symposium on C-H Activation, Göttingen.
- 30.05.2022
- 11th Workshop on Fats and Oils as Renewable Feedstock for the Chemical Industry. Isomerizing Metathesis as a Concept for the Valorization of Fatty Acid Derivatives. (M)
- 08.03.2020
- International Conference on Organometallics and Catalysis (ICOC-2020). Inventing Reactions: Catalytic activation of C-C, C-O, C-N, and C-H bonds.
- 24.09.2019
- 18th GÖCH Meeting, Linz (AUT). Carboxylates as Directing and Leaving Groups in Catalytic Bond Formation.
- 03.09.2019
- 12th ISOC Summerschool, Camerino (IT). Decarboxylative Coupling Reactions: a Modern Strategy for C–C and C–Heteratom Bond Formation.
- 16.07.2019
- Plenary Lecture: 21st ESOC, Wien (AUT). Carboxylates as Directing and Leaving Groups in Catalytic Bond Formation.
- 30.11.2018
- DGF-Jahrestagung, Hamburg. Isomerisierende Metathese als Schlüsseltechnologie für die Umwandlung nachwachsender Rohstoffe.
- 18.10.2018
- 122nd General Meeting of the Korean Chemical Society, Degu (KOR). Inventing Reactions – Catalytic Activation of C-C, C-O, C-N, and C-H Bonds.
- 22.07.2018
- 22nd International Symposium on Fluorine Chemistry, Oxford (UK). Sustainable Concepts for Late-Stage Fluoroalkyl(thiol)ations.
- 20.05.2018
- Nanjing Fluorine Days (CHN). Sustainable Concepts for Late-Stage Fluoroalkyl(thiol)ations.
- 12.10.2017
- Arbeitsgemeinschaft Qualitätsmanagement Biodiesel, Berlin. Isomerizing Metathesis of Biodiesel.
- 10.07.2017
- ISOM XXII, Zürich (CHE). Isomerizing Metathesis as a Concept for the Valorization of Renewables.
- 30.03.2017
- Plenary Lecture, Process Research & Development Conference, Bayer Crop Science Research Center, Monheim. Sustainable Concepts for C-C and C-Heteroatom Bond Formation.
- 11.10.2016
- Polish-German Meeting on Organic Chemistry, Warsaw (PL). Sustainable Concepts For C-C And C-Heteroatom Bond Formation.
- 22.02.2016
- INDIGO Research Conference, Lucknow (IND). Sustainable Concepts for C–C and C–Heteroatom Bond Formation.
- 16.12.2015
- PACIFICHEM, Honolulu (USA): Sandmeyer-type Fluoroalkylations and Fluoroalkylthiolations.
- 31.08.2015
- GDCh-Wissenschaftsforum, Dresden: C-C and C-H Functionalizations of Carboxylic Acids.
- 15.06.2015
- 16th Blue Danube Symposium on Heterocyclic Chemistry, Balatonalmádi (HU): Sustainable Concepts for C–C and C–Heteroatom Bond Formation.
- 10.12.2014
- 21st Annual Review Meeting: Advances and Innovations in Organic Synthesis, London: C–H and C–C Functionalizations of Carboxylic Acids.
- 07.08.2013
- International Symposium on Relations between Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Catalysis (ISHHC-16), Sapporo (JP): Sustainable concepts for C-C and C-heteroatom bond formation.
- 11.10.2013
- Beijing Symposium 2013 “New Frontiers in Organic Chemistry-New Reagents, New Reactions”, Beijing (CN).
- 20.11.2012
- New Horizons in Catalysis Conference, Prague (CZ).
- 25.09.2012
- A Celebration of Organic Chemistry 2012, Alderley Edge, Cheshire (UK): New concepts for the cleavage and the formation of C-C bonds.
- 18.03.2012
- 5th Workshop on Fats and Oils, Karlsruhe: Isomerizing functionalizations of fatty acids.
- 10.05.2011
- RSC/SCI Conference Stevenage (UK): Decarboxylative coupling reactions.
- 12.06.2010
- BOSS XII, Namur (BE).
- 06.06.2010
- Asian-European Symposium, Singapore (SGP): Decarboxylative Cross-Coupling Reactions – A Modern Strategy for C-C-Bond Formation.
- 08.01.2010
- Plenary lecture at the RSC One-Day Symposium, Imperial College London (UK).
- 10.11.2009
- Plenary lecture at the Pfizer Autumn Symposium, Sandwich (UK): Carboxylic acids as substrates in homogeneous catalysis.
- 18.06.2009
- Plenary lecture at ROCCAT, Münster: New catalytic transformations based on carboxylic acids.
- 16.09.2008
- Plenary lecture at the SACI-GDCh Bi-National Organic Chemistry Conference, Kruger Park (SA).
- 24.04.2008
- Plenary lecture at the GDCh conference " Synthesis and Processes for Sustainable Chemistry", Aachen: New catalytic transformations – on the way to dream reactions.
- 18.04.2008
- Plenary lecture at the symposium "Frontiers of Organometallic Catalysis", Munich: Carboxylic acids as substrates in homogeneous catalysis.
- 05.03.2008
- Plenary lecture at the AstraZeneca Global Process Chemistry Symposium, Bristol (UK): Carboxylic acids as substrates in homogeneous catalysis.
- 14.08.2007
- Plenary lecture at the 41st IUPAC Chemistry Conference, Torino (IT): New catalytic transformations – On the way to "dream reactions".
- 22.10.2006
- Plenary lecture at the Symposium on Green Chemical Processes, Montreal (CDN): From Innovative Organic Synthesis to “Dream Reactions”.
- 15.07.2005
- Plenary lecture at the Pre-OMCOS, Paris (FRA): New Transition Metal-Catalyzed Reactions for Organic Synthesis.
- 30.04.2004
- Leo Lectureship, University Kopenhagen (DNK): Mechanistic Studies on Pd-Catalyzed Cross-Coupling Reactions.