Young Science Best Medical Paper Award 2024

Also this year we would like to present the "Young Science Best Medical Paper Award" and not only honor you and your work, but also reward you!

For this purpose, we are offering two prizes for the best clinical and best experimental paper.

Please apply if you meet the following conditions:

  • You are doing your doctorate in a research group/clinic of the Faculty of Medicine or you are a doctor of medicine or a research associate of the Faculty of Medicine.
  • Your doctorate was awarded a maximum of 3 years ago (child-rearing and care periods are taken into account). You are not yet habilitated and do not hold a professorship.
  • In the last 3 years (years 2021 - 2024) you have published a paper of high quality (original paper in an international journal with peer review system with first or last authorship and Bochum affiliation; each paper may only be submitted once for review).

Note: In case of shared first authorship, the declaration of consent must be obtained in writing from the shared first author and enclosed with the application documents.

We would ask you to refrain from applying for different prizes within the faculty with your work. The committee reserves the right to avoid double nominations.

Please submit the following documents as one coherent PDF in German or English ( by 07/10/2024:

The winners will be determined by the commission "Young Scientists" of our faculty. The award ceremony will take place during the FoRUM meeting on Wednesday, 11/13/2024.

Please note the following:
The award may be subject to taxation by the awardee; the awardee is responsible for his/her own taxation. In case of doubt, the consultation of a tax advisor is recommended.