- Office hours during winter term (14.10.2017)
Prof. Dr. Goschler:
Tuesday, 18:00-19:00. To book an appointment, please add your name to the Doodle-schedule.
Prof. Dr. Faulenbach:
Wednesday, 12:00-13:00.
Marcus Böick, M.A.:
Wednesday, 16:00-17:00.
Marcel Schmeer, M.A.; Christopher Kirchberg, M.A., PD Dr. Jan Erik Schulte:
Please send an e-mail to arrange an appointment.
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Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Department of History
Chair of Contemporary History
Universitätsstraße 150, 44780 Bochum
[Travel information]
GA 4/57-60
Tel. (0234) – 32 – 22540
Fax. (0234) – 32 – 02540
Secretary's Office
Mrs. Victoria Junkernheinrich
(Monday-Thursday 9-12 and
13.30-15.30, Friday 9-12)
GA 4/157
Tel. (0234) - 32 - 28635
Fax. (0234) - 32 - 14083
Research - Concept of the field
Further information is forthcoming.