List of publications
Nelus, A., Gergen, S., Taghia, J., Martin, R. (2016). "Towards Opaque Audio Features for Privacy in Acoustic Sensor Networks", ITG-Fachtagung Sprachkommunikation, Paderborn, Germany, Oct. 2016.
Taghia, J., Kolossa, D., Martin, R. (2016). „ALE for robots! A single-channel approach to robot self-noise cancellation”, IEEE International Workshop on Acoustic Signal Enhancement (IWAENC), S. 1–5, 2016.
Taghia, J., Martin, R. (2016). “A Frequency-domain adaptive line enhancer with step-size control based on mutual information for harmonic noise reduction”, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, vol. 24, no. 6, pp. 1140-1154, June 2016.
Taghia, J., Martin, R. (2014). "A negentropy based adaptive line enhancer for single-channel noise reduction at low SNR conditions”, IEEE international conference on acoustics, speech, and signal processing (ICASSP), Florence, 2014.
Taghia, J., Martin, R. (2014). “Objective intelligibility measures based on mutual information for speech subjected to speech enhancement processing”, IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, vol. 22, no. 1, pp. 6-16, January 2014.
Taghia, Jalal, Martin, R., Taghia, Jalil, Leijon, A. (2013). "Dual-Channel Noise Reduction Based on a Mixture of Circular-Symmetric Complex Gaussians on Unit Hypersphere", IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Vancouver, 2013.
Taghia, J., Hendriks, R., Martin, R. (2012). "On Mutual Information as a Measure of Speech Intelligibility",
ICASSP, pp. 65-68, Kyoto, Japan, March 2012.
Taghia, Jalal, Taghia, Jalil, Mohammadiha, N., Sang, J., Vaclav Bouse, V., Martin, R. (2011). "An Evaluation of Noise Power Spectral Density Estimation Algorithms in Adverse Acoustic Environments", IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Prague, 2011.
Taschke, H., Hudde, H. (2005). "Aspekte
der Knochenschallleitung." 31. Dtsch. Jahrestg. f. Akust.
(DAGA'05), D-München.: 425-426.
Taschke, H., Hudde, H. (2004). "Bone
Conduction Affecting the Peripheral Hearing Organ." Proceedings
of 7. Congrès Français d'Acoustique / 30. Dtsch.
Jahrestg. f. Akust. (CFA/DAGA'04), F-Strassburg: 933-934.
Taschke, H. (2003). FE-Modellierung und -Analyse
der Gehörschnecke des Menschen. 21st CAD-FEM Users' Meeting,
Taschke, H., Hudde, H., Curdes, Y. (2003).
"Finite-Elemente-Studie der Basilarmembran." DAGA
2003 Fortschritte der Akustik: Plenarvortr. u. Fachbeitr.
d. 29. Dtsch. Jahrestg. f. Akust., D-Aachen, Dtsch. Ges. Akust.,
D-Oldenburg, DEGA e.V., CD-ROM: 114-115.
Taschke, H., Curdes, Y. (2002). "Einfluss
der basalen und apicalen Abschlüsse auf Schwingungen
innerhalb der Cochlea." Poster SA/ST 6, 9. Tag der Biomedizinischen
Technik an der Ruhr-Universität Bochum.
Taschke, H., Curdes, Y. (2002). "Knochenschall
- Schwingungsformen des menschlichen Schädels."
DAGA 2002 FORTSCHRITTE DER AKUSTIK: Plenarvortr. u. Fachbeitr.
d. 28. Dtsch. Jahrestg. f. Akust., D-Bochum, Dtsch. Ges. Akust.,
D-Oldenburg: 62-5.
Taschke, H. (2001). "Knochenschall -
Ein Finite-Elemente-Modell des menschlichen Schädels."
Biomedizinische Technik 46, Ergänzungsband 1: 302-3.
Taschke, H., Hülskemper, M. (2001).
"Knochenschall - Finite-Elemente-Berechnungen zur Innenohrkomponente."
DAGA Hamburg 27, Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2001: Plenarvortr.
u. Fachbeitr. d. 27. Dtsch. Jahrestg. f. Akust., D-Hamburg,
Dtsch. Ges. Akust., D-Oldenburg.: 169-170.
Taschke, H., Weistenhoefer, Chr., Hudde,
H. (2000). "A Full-Size Physical Model of the Human Middle
Ear." Acustica/acta acustica 86: 103-16.
Taschke, H., Baierl, K., Hudde, H. (2000).
"Knochenschall - Ein Modell des menschlichen Schädels
zur Bestimmung von Schädelschwingungen." DAGA Oldenburg
Taschke, H., Weistenhoefer, Chr., Hudde,
H. (1998). "Ein akustomechanisches Mittelohrmodell in
Originalgröße." DAGA Zürich 24, FORTSCHRITTE
Taschke, H. and H. Hudde (2006). "A
finite element model of the human head for auditory bone conduction
simulation." Journal for Oto-Rhino-Laryngology 68: 319-323.
Thüne, P., & Enzner, G. (2019). Tracking Theory of Adaptive Filters with Input-Output Sampling Rate Offset. In 27th EUSIPCO 2019: European Signal Processing Conference : A Coruña, Spain, September 2-6, 2019. IEEE. ( Chinaev, A., Thüne, P., Enzner, G. (2019). "A Double-Cross-Correlation Processor for Blind Sampling Rate Offset Estimation in Acoustic Sensor Networks", accepted for publication on ICASSP, May 2019.
Enzner, G., Thüne, P. (2018). "Bayesian MMSE Filtering of Noisy Speech by SNR Marginalization With Global PSD Priors", IEEE/ACM Trans. on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, vol. 26, no. 12, pp. 2289 - 2304, December 2018.
Thüne, P., Enzner, G. (2018). "Maximum-Likelihood and Maximum-A-Posteriori Perspectives for Blind Channel Identification on Acoustic Sensor Network Data", ITG Conference on Speech Communication, Oldenburg, Germany, 2018.
Chinaev, A., Thüne, P., Enzner, G. (2018). "Low-rate Farrow structure with discrete-lowpass and polynomial support for audio resampling", European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), Rome, Italy, September 2018.
Enzner, G., Thüne, P. (2017). “Robust MMSE filtering for single-microphone speech enhancement”, Proc. IEEE Intl. Conf. Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), New Orleans (USA), March 2017.
Thüne, P. (2017). "Advances in Blind Multichannel Wiener Filtering of Noisy Speech", Dissertation, Institut für Kommunikationsakustik, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Universitätsbibliothek der Ruhr-Universität Bochum, 2017.
Thüne, P., Enzner G. (2017). "Maximum-Likelihood Approach with Bayesian Refinement for Multichannel-Wiener Postfiltering", IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing, vol. 65, no. 13, pp. 3399-3413, July 2017.
Thüne, P., Enzner, G. (2016). "Maximum-Likelihood Approach to Adaptive Multichannel-Wiener Postfiltering for Wind-Noise Reduction", ITG Conference on Speech Communication, Paderborn, Germany, 2016.
Enzner, G., Kranemann, T., Thüne, P. (2016). "Evaluation of Estimated Hammerstein Models via Normalized Projection Misalignment of Linear and Nonlinear Subsystems", IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Shanghai, China, 2016.
Thüne, P., Enzner, G. (2015). "Multichannel Wiener Filtering via Multichannel Decorrelation", IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Brisbane, Australia, 2015.
Enzner, G., Thüne, P. (2014). "On the Statistics and the Detection of Multichannel Common Zeros", International Workshop on Acoustic Signal Enhancement (IWAENC), Antibes - Juan-les-Pins, France, 2014.
Thüne, P., Enzner, G. (2013). "Improved Online Identification of Acoustic MISO Systems Based on
Separated Input Signal Components", IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Vancouver, Canada, 2013.
Thüne, P., Enzner, G. (2012). Assesment of Multichannel Acoustic System Identification using a
Spectral-Importance Weighted Misalignment", International Workshop on Acoustic Signal Enhancement 2012, 4-6 September 2012, Aachen.
Schmid, D., Thüne, P., Kolossa, D., Enzner, G. (2012). "Dereverberation Preprocessing and Training Data Adjustments for Robust Speech Recognition in Reverberant Environments", ITG Conference on Speech Communication, Braunschweig, Germany, Sept. 2012.
Thüne, P., Enzner, G. (2012). "Assessment of Multichannel Acoustic System Identification Using a Spectral-Importance Weighted Misalignment", International Workshop on Acoustic Signal Enhancement (IWAENC), Aachen, Germany, 2012.
Schmid, D., Thüne, P., Enzner, G. (2010). "A Real-Time Speech Dereverberation Environment Based on Multichannel Parametric Room Equalization", ITG Conference on Speech Communication, Bochum, Germany, Oct. 2010.