List of publications



Bappert, V., Blauert, J. (1994). "Auditory Quality Evaluation of Speech-Coding Systems", Acta Acustica 2: 49-58.

Bappert, V., Jobst, M. (1993). "Training eines Time Delay Neural Network (TDNN) zur Spracherkennung unter Verwendung eines effizienten Verfahrens zur Lösung steifer Differentialgleichungen", in Fortschritte der Akustik. DAGA 93, DPG-GmbH, Bad Honnef, pp. 1000-1003.

Bappert, V., Jobst, M. (1993). "Training of a time-delay neural network for speech recognition by solving stiff differential equations", EUROSPEECH'93 Berlin: 1493-1496.

Bappert, V. (1992). "Verwendung einer Random Optimization Methode als Lernalgorithmus in einem Time Delay Neural Net zur Spracherkennung", in Fortschritte der Akustik. DAGA, DPG-GmbH, Bad Honnef, Vol. 92, pp. 549-552.

Bappert, V., Ehlert, J. (1991). "Sprachgütebeurteilung mit Hilfe des Semantischen Differentials", in Fortschritte der Akustik. DAGA 91, DPG-GmbH, Bad Honnef, pp. 1105-1108.

Bappert, V. (1990). "Auditive Güteanalyse von Systemen zur kodierten Sprachsignalübertragung", in Fortschritte der Akustik. DAGA, DPG-GmbH, Bad Honnef, Vol. 90, pp. 999-1002.


Becker, S., Hudde, H. (2014). "Einstellung des cochleären Verstärkers mit Cortiresonator, äußeren Haarzellen und aktiven Haarbündeln ", 40. Dtsch. Jahrestg. f. Akust., DAGA 2014, Oldenburg, 345-346.

Hudde, H., Becker, S. (2014). "Model analysis of spontaneous otoacoustic emissions", 21st International Congress on Sound and Vibration (ICSV21), Beijing, China, paper 25, 1-8.

Hudde, H., Becker, S. (2014). "Spontane otoakustische Emissionen werden durch akti-ve Haarbündel erzeugt ", 40. Dtsch. Jahrestg. f. Akust., DAGA 2014, Oldenburg, 343-344.

Hudde, H., Becker, S. (2013). "A physiology-based auditory model elucidating the function of the cochlear amplifier and related phenomena. Part I: Model structure and computational method",
International Congress on Acoustics (ICA) Montreal 2013, Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics, Vol. 19, 050111 (2013), Acoustical Society of America [DOI: 10.1121/1.4798788].

Becker, S., Hudde, H. (2013). "A physiology-based auditory model elucidating the function of the cochlear amplifier and related phenomena. Part II: Model parameters and simulations",
International Congress on Acoustics (ICA) Montreal 2013, Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics, Vol. 19, 050112 (2013), Acoustical Society of America [DOI: 10.1121/1.4799318].

Becker, S., Hudde, H. (2012). "Der cochleäre Verstärker - Modelle und Ergebnisse", 38. Dtsch. Jahrestg. f. Akust., DAGA 2012, Darmstadt, (2012).

Becker, S.
, Hudde, H. (2011). "Netzwerkmodell des peripheren Gehörs - Nachbildung von menschenbezogenen Daten", 37. Dtsch. Jahrestg. f. Akust., DAGA 2011, Düsseldorf,


Bednarzyk, M. (1999). "Qualitätsbeurteilung der Geräusche industrieller Produkte. Der Stand der Forschung, abgehandelt am Beispiel der Kfz-Innenraumgeräusche", Institut für Kommunikationsakustik, Ruhr-Universität Bochum. Dissertation, VDI Verlag, D-Düsseldorf

Bednarzyk, M., Stankewitz, B. (1996). "Simulation einer Stereo-Lautsprecher-Beschallung in geschlossenen Räumen", Fortschritte der Akustik. DAGA 96, pp.396-397.


Belhoula, K. (1996). "Ein regelbasiertes Verfahren zur maschinellen Graphem-nach-Phonem-Umsetzung von Eigennamen in der Sprachsynthese", Institut für Kommunikationsakustik, Ruhr-Universität Bochum. Dissertation, VDI Verlag, D-Düsseldorf

Belhoula, K. (1995). "Evaluation of a TTS System Intended for the Synthesis of Names", ESCA/Syn-II, AT&T. Bochum: 45-46.

Belhoula, K. (1994). "Evaluation of a TTS-System Intended for the Synthesis of Names", Proc. of the 2nd ESCA/IEEE Workshop on Speech Synthesis, New Paltz, NY: 211-214.

Belhoula, K., Kraft, V., Rinscheid, A. (1994). "Extension of a TTS-System to Rule-Based Pronunciation of Names", Proceedings, Artificial Intelligence, München,Germany, pp. 249-252.

Belhoula, K. (1994). "Halbautomatische Generierung von Regelsätzen zur morphologischen Zerlegung von Wörtern für ein Text-nach-Sprache System", in Fortschritte der Akustik. DAGA'94, DPG-GmbH, Bad Honnef, pp. 1341-1344.

Belhoula, K., Kugler, M., Krüger, R., Rühl, H. W. (1994). "To What Extent Does Transcription Inaccuracy Affect the Intelligibility of Names?" Proc. of the Workshop Speech Quality Assessment: Standards, Perspectives, Applications: 10-11.

Belhoula, K. (1993). "A Concept for the Synthesis of Names", Proc. of the ESCA Workshop on Applications of Speech Technology, Lautrach (Bavaria): 167-170.

Belhoula, K. (1993). "Ein Verfahren zur Synthese deutscher Orts- und Eigennamen", in Fortschritte der Akustik. DAGA'93, DPG-GmbH, Bad Honnef, pp. 1040-1043.

Belhoula, K. (1993). "Rule-based Grapheme-to-Phoneme Conversion of Names", Proc. of the EUROSPEECH'93, Berlin: 881-884.


Blauert, J. (2019). Assessing the "Quality-of-the-Acoustics" at Large. Journal of the Audio Engineering Society, 67 (1/2), 5–12. (

Blauert, J., Dominicus, R.-D. (2014). "Die Dinge, Gefühle und Gedanken der auralen Welt − eine epistemologische Analyse in Hinblick auf Qualitätsbeurteilung (The things, feelings and thoughts of the aural world. An epistomological analysis with regard to quality assessment)“, in: W.G. Schmidt, ed., „Klang“: Anthropologie–Medialität–Kulturelle Praxis. 28‒48, De Gruyter, D‒Berlin.

Raake, A., Blauert, J. (2014). "Umfassende Modellierung der Vorgänge bei der Beurteilung von Sound-Qualität (Comprehensive modeling of the processes involved in assessing sound quality)“, Proc. 28. Tonmeistertagung – VDT Intl. Convention,  D–Köln.

Raake, A., Blauert, J., Braasch, J., Brown, G., Danés, P., Dau, T., Gas, B., Argentieri, S., Kohlrausch, A. Kolossa, D., Le Goff, N., May, T., Obermayer, K. Spors, S. (2014). "Two!Ears – integral interactive model of auditory perception and experience”, Fortschr. Akust., DAGA 2014,  Dtsch. Ges. Akustik, D−Oldenburg.

Majdak, P., Søndergaards, P. Blauert, J. (2014). “Die Auditory-Modeling-Toolbox der AABBA-Initiative  (The Auditory-Modeling Toolbox of the AABBA initiative)”, Fortschr. Akustik, DAGA 2014, Dtsch. Ges. Akustik, D−Oldenburg).

Blauert, J., Kolossa, D., Danés, P. (2014). "Feedback loops in engineering models of binaural listening",  Proc. Meetings Acoust., POMA 21, 1pPP11.

Pastore, T., Braasch, J., Blauert, J. (2014). "Temporally-diffusive reflections and the Precedence Effect”, Proc. Meetings Acoust. POMA.

Raake, A, Wierstorf, H., Blauert, J. (2014). "A case for Two!Ears in audio-qualiy assessment”, Proc. 7th Forum Acusticum, PL−Krakòw.

Blauert, J., Raake, A. (2014). “Komplexe instrumentelle Soundqualität-Beurteilung als Ausgangspunkt für Schätzungen des Kulturgrades der Rezipienten (Complex instrumental sound-quality assessment as a starting point  for estimating the cultural level of the recipients.)”, in: Schmidt, W.G. (Ed.) Die Natur-Kultur-Grenze in Kunst und Wissenschaft, 193‒-214, Königshausen & Naumann, D‒Würzburg.

Blauert, J. (2013).  "Psychoakustik aus perzeptionistischer Sicht (Psychoacoustics from a perceptionist’s viewpoint)", in: Busch, V., Schlemmer, K., Wöllner, C. (eds.) Wahrnehmung‒Erkenntnis‒Vermittlung. Musikwissenschaftliche Brückenschläge (Festschrift für Wolfgang Auhagen). 19‒31, Olms, D-Hildesheim.

Blauert, J. (2013). Editorship: "The technology of binaural listening", 18 chapters. Springer, Berlin–Heidelberg–New York NY  & ASA Press, New York NY.

Blauert, J. (2013).  Editorship: "Spatial Hearing" (Chinese version, transl. Genhua Dai), Science Press, CN-Bejing.

Blauert, J. (2013). "Räumliches Hören", Gesamtausgabe mit Bonusmaterial (Spatial Hearing, complete edition with bonus material), S. Hirzel D−Stuttgart (e-book).

Blauert, J. (2013). "On the nature and usability of room-acoustical parameters", Fortschr. Akust. AIA/DAGA’13, 857–860, Dtsch. Ges. Akust., D-Berlin, 2013.

Blauert, J. (2013). "On the nature and usability of room-acoustical parameters", Fortschr. Akust. AIA/DAGA’13, 857–860, Dtsch. Ges. Akust., D-Berlin, 2013

Blauert, J., Kolossa, D., Obermayer, K., Adiloglu, K. (2013). "Further challenges and the road ahead", in J. Blauert (ed.), The technology of binaural listening, Springer, Berlin-Heidelberg-New York, 2013.

Blauert, J., Braasch, J. (2013). "Applications of models of binaural hearing", Int. Congr. Acoust. ICA 2013 Montreal. Proc. Meetings Acoust. POMA 19 / paper 1pPPa1, 2013.

Braasch, J., Blauert, J., Parks, A. J., Pastore, M. T. (2013). "A cognitive approach for binaural models using a top-down feedback structure", Int. Congr. Acoust. ICA 2013 Montreal. Proc. Meetings Acoust. POMA 19 / paper 5pPP2, 2013.

Kohlrausch, A., Braasch, J., Kolossa, D., Blauert, J. (2013). „An introduction to binaural processing”, in J. Blauert (ed.), The technology of binaural listening, Springer, Berlin–Heidelberg–New York NY, 2013.

Raake, A., Blauert, J. (2013). " Comprehensive modeling of the formation process of sound-quality", Proc. QoMEX 2013. Klagenfurt, Austria, 2013.

Blauert, J. (2012). "Conceptual aspects regarding the qualification of spaces for aural performances", acta acustica united with Acustica  99, 1–13, 2012.

Blauert, J. (2012). "Modeling binaural processing: What next?" (Abstr.) J. Acoust. Soc. Amer. 132, 1911, 2012.

Blauert, J. (2012). "A Perceptionist’s View on Psychoacoustics", Archives of Acoustics, Vol. 37, No. 3, pp. 365–371, August 2012.

Blauert, J., Jekosch, U. (2012). "A Layer Model of Sound Quality", J. Audio Eng. Soc., Vol. 60, No. 1/2, Jan.-Febr. pp. 4-12.

Blauert, J., Obermayer, K. (2012). "Rückkoppelungswege in Binauralmodellen", DAGA 2012, Darmstadt, pp. 215-216.

Blauert, J.,  Rabenstein, R. (2012). "Providing Surround Sound with Loudspeakers: A Synopsis of Current Methods",  Archives of Acoustics, Vol. 37, No. 1, pp. 5-18.

Braasch, J., Blauert, J. (2012). "Modelling the Precedence Effect for Noise Bursts of Different Durations", CFA/DAGA 2004, Strasbourg, pp. 209-21.

Blauert, J., Dominicus, R.-D. (2011). "Die Dinge, Gefühle und Gedanken der auralen Welt - eine epistemologische Analyse in Hinblick auf Qualitätsbeurteilung", in: W.G. Schmidt, ed., Klangwelten, de Gruyter, D–Berlin, (accepted for publication ).

Blauert, J., Dominicus, R.-D. & Jekosch, U. (2011). "Die Hörwelt aus perzeptionistischer Sicht: Gliederungshilfen für die Psychoakustik", Fortschr. Akust. DAGA’11, Dtsch. Ges. Akustik, D-Berlin.

Braasch, J., Blauert, J. (2011). "Stimulus-dependent adaption of inhibitory elements", in: Proc. FORUM ACUSTICUM 2011, DK–Aalborg.

Blauert, J. (2011). "Epistemologic bases of binaural listening: A perceptionist’s approach", in: Proc. FORUM ACUSTICUM 2011, DK-Aalborg.

Blauert, J., Braasch, J. (2011). "Binaural signal processing", in: Proc. 17th Int. IEEE Conf. Signal Processing, DSP 2011, GR-Corfu

Blauert, J. (2011). "Speech-inherent functional onomatopoeia as a basis for emotional analysis of phones", in: Proc. Int. Symp. Auditory & Audiological Research, ISAAR 2011. Danavox Jubilee Foundation, DK-2750 Ballerup (in press)

Borß, C. , Blauert, J. (2011). “Auralization of Nearby Sound Sources - Part 2: Evaluation”, in Proc. Annual Meeting of the German Acoust. Society (DAGA), Düsseldorf, Germany, Mar. 2011.

Blauert, J., Braasch, J., Buchholz, J., Colburn, H.S., Jekosch, U., Kohlrausch, A., Mourjopoulos, J., Pulkki, V. & Raake, A. (2010), "Aural assessment by means of binaural algorithms – the AABBA project, " in: Buchholz, J.M., Dau, T., Dalsgaard, J.C. & Poulsen, T. (eds.) Binaural Processing and Spatial Hearing, Proc. 2nd Int. Symp. Auditory & Audiolog. Res. − ISAAR’09, 113–124, The Danavox Jubilee Foundation, DK−2750 Ballerup

Blauert, J. (2010). DIN 1320, Dezember 2009, "Akustik: Begriffe" - kommentiert aus der Sicht der Hörakustik, Z. Lärmbekämpf. 5, 117-119

Blauert, J. (2010). " Zur Terminologie der Hörakustik im Lichte der neuen DIN 1320", Fortschr. Akustik, DAGA’10, 611-612, D-Berlin

Blauert, J. & Rabenstein, R. (2010). " Schallfeldsynthese mit Lautsprechern I: Beschreibung und Bewertung", Proc. ITG Fachtg. Sprachkommunikation, ITG-Fachberichte, ITG, D-Frankfurt

Blauert, J. & Rabenstein, R. (2010). " Loudspeaker Methods for Surround Sound (2010) " , Proc. 57th Open Seminar of Acoustiscs, OSA’10, 21-28, Polish Acoust. Soc. Upper Silesien sect. PL-Gliwice

Rabenstein, R. & Blauert, J. (2010). "Schallfeldsynthese mit Lautsprechern II: Signalverarbeitung", Proc. ITG Fachtg. Sprachkommunikation, ITG-Fachberichte, ITG, D-Frankfurt

So, R.H.Y., Ngan, B., A. Horner, A., Braasch, J., Blauert, J. & Leung, K.L. (2010). "Toward orthogonal non-individualised head-related transfer functions for forward and backward directional sound: cluster analysis and an experimental study", Ergonomics 53, 767-781

Blauert, J. & Guski, R. (2009). "Critique of "pure" psychoacoustics", Fortschr. Akust., NAG/DAGA’09, 1550-1551, Dtsch. Ges. Akust., D-Berlin

Guski, R. & Blauert, J., (2009). " Psychoacoustics without psychology?" Fortschr. Akust. NAG/DAGA’09, 1518-1519, Dtsch. Ges. Akust., D-Berlin

Blauert. J. (2009). "Editorship of: J. Blauert, J. Braasch, H. Fastl, V.Hamacher, D. Hammershoei, U. Heute, I. Holube, H. Hudde, U. Jekosch, G. Klump, A. Kohlrausch, A. Lacroix, H. Moeller, S. Möller, J. N. Mourjopoulos, P. Novo & S.van der Par", Communication Acoustics, Chinese Edition. Science Press., Beijing. China

Blauert, J. (2008). "3-D–Lautsprecher-Wiedergabemethoden", Fortschr. Akust. DAGA’08, 25-26, Dtsch. Ges. Akustik, D-Berlin.

Blauert, J. (2008). "Concepts in sound quality", Master-Class Lecture (90 min), Audio Engr. Soc, New York NY, last access 1.1.09

Blauert, J., Braasch, J. (2007). “Räumliches Hören”, in: Weinzierl, Ed.: Handbuch der Audiotechnik, 87-122, Springer Berlin-Heidelberg-New York.

Blauert, J. (2007). "Zeitmanagement für Doktoranden", Fortschr. Akust. DAGA 2007, 169 - 170, Dtsch. Ges. Akustik, Berlin.

Blauert, J. and U. Jekosch (2007). "Auditory quality of concert halls - the problem of the references", Proc. 19th Int. Congr. Acoust., ICA 2007 Madrid, paper RBA 06-004, Soc. Española de Acoustica, ES–Madrid.

Blauert, J. (2006). "Reality, virtual reality - and the roots of psychoacoustics." Proc. 2nd Int. Conf. Perceptive Quality of Systems, 149-151, D-Berlin.

Blauert, J. (2006). "Scheinwelten, Wirkwelten...und die Wurzeln der Psychoakustik, Fortschr. Akustik." DAGA'06, 303-304, Dtsch. Ges. Akustik, Berlin.

Blauert, J., Braasch, J. (2005). "Acoustical communication: the Precedence Effect." Proc. Forum Acusticum Budapest 2005, HU-Budapest.

Blauert, J. (2005). "Analysis and synthesis of auditory scenes (2005)." Communication Acoustics, 1-26, Springer, Berlin-Heidelberg-New York NY.

Blauert, J., Jekosch, U. , (2005). "Noise quality: What's the problem?" Proc. 3rd Congr. Austrian-Alps-Adria Acoust. Soc., 18-25, HR-Opatje

Blauert, J., Jekosch, U. (2005). "Product-sound quality – What is the problem? ." Proc. Int. Conf. Underwater Acoustic Measurements: Technologies & Results, S7-P1, GR-Crete.

Blauert, J., Jekosch, U. (2005). "Sprachtechnologie-Forschung am Institut für Kommunikationsakustik in Bochum." Festschrift für Prof. Endres, Studientexte zur Sprachkommunikation, w.e.b. Universitätsverlag, D-Dresden

Blauert, J., Jekosch, U., Möller, S. (2005). "30 Years of Speech-Technology Research at the Institute of Communication Acoustics - and the Philosophy Behind It ", in: Proc. 10th Int. Conf. on Speech and Computer (SPECOM 2005), GR-Patras, 17-19 Oct. 2005, 49-56.

Hess, W., Blauert, J. (2005). "Evaluation of auditory spatial impression in performance spaces ", in FORUM ACUSTICUM BUDAPEST 2005, HU-Budapest.

Jekosch, U., Blauert, J. (2005). "Einige Grundüberlegungen zur Qualität von Geräuschen.", in: Fortschr. der Akustik, DAGA'05, Dtsch. Ges. Akust, D-Berlin.

Jekosch, U. Blauert, J. (2005). "Schritte zu einer vereinheitlichten Theorie der Qualität von Geräuschen.", in: Zeitschrift f. Lärmbekämpfg. 52, 87-81

Merimaa, J., Hess, W., Blauert, J. (2005). "Der auditive Raumeindruck in zwei Konzertsäälen stark unterschiedlicher Größe." 31. Dtsch. Jahrestg. f. Akust. (DAGA'05), D-München.

Blauert, J., Raake, A., Möller, S., Jekosch, U., Altinsoy, E., Novo, P. (2004). "Stationäre und nicht-stationäre Beiträge zur Qualität von Sprache und Geräuschen." Final Project Report, PROCOPE collaboration with LMA-CNRS, Institut für Kommunikationsakustik, Ruhr-Universität, D-Bochum.

Altinsoy, M. E., Blauert, J., So, R. H. Y. (2003). Do we feel what we hear? 146th meeting Acoust. Soc. Am., USA-Austin TX.

Altinsoy, M. E., Blauert, J., So, R. H. Y. (2003). "Effect of Loudness on the Haptic Force-Feedback Perception in Virtual Environments." J Acoust Soc Am 114: 2330-2331.

Blauert, J., Jekosch, U. (2003). "Concepts Behind Sound Quality: Some Basic Consideration." Proc. InterNoise`03, KR-Jesu Isld.

Blauert, J., Braasch, J. (2003). Einführung in die Modellierung des Binauralen Hörens [Introduction to the modeling of binaural hearing]. Proceedings of the 6. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Audiologie e.V. [6. Annual Meeting of the German Society for Audiology], Würzburg, Germany.

Braasch, J., Blauert, J. (2003). "The Precedence Effect for Noise Bursts of Different Bandwidths II. Comparison of Model Algorithms." Acoust. Sci. & Tech. (Journal of the Acoustical Society of Japan) 24 (5): 293-303.

Braasch, J., Blauert, J., Djelani, T. (2003). "The precedence effect for noise bursts of different bandwidths. I. Psychoacoustical data." Acoust. Sci. & Tech. (Journal of the Acoustical Society of Japan) 24 (5): 233-241.

Farag, H., Blauert, J., Abdel Alim, O. (2003). "Psychoacoustic Investigation on Sound-Source Occlusion." Audio-Engr. Soc. Conv. paper.

Farag, H., Blauert, J., Abdel Alim, O. (2003). "Sound Occlusion: A Primary Investigation." Proc. 1st Conf. Hellenistic Acoust. Soc., Acoustics 2002, GR-Patras.

Farag, H., Blauert, J., Abdel Alim, O. (2003). "A Study on Perceptual Changes Caused by Sound-Source Occlusion." DAGA 2003 Fortschritte der Akustik: Plenarvortr. u. Fachbeitr. d. 29. Dtsch. Jahrestg. f. Akust., D-Aachen, Dtsch. Ges. Akust., D-Oldenburg.

Hess, W., Braasch, J., Blauert, J. (2003). "Acoustical Evaluation of Virtual Rooms by Means of Binaural Activity Patterns." Proceedings of the 115th Convention of the Audio Engineering Society in New York, New York, USA, 10-13 October

Hess, W., Braasch, J., Blauert, J. (2003). "Evaluierung von Räumen anhand Binauraler Aktivitätsmuster [Evaluation of rooms by means of binaural activity patterns]." DAGA 2003 Fortschritte der Akustik: Plenarvortr. u. Fachbeitr. d. 29. Dtsch. Jahrestg. f. Akust., D-Aachen, Dtsch. Ges. Akust., D-Oldenburg 658-659.

Altinsoy, M. E., Blauert, J., Treier, C. (2002). "Zur Wahrnehmung der Synchronität bei auditv-taktil dargebotenen Stimuli." DAGA 2002 Fortschritte der Akustik: Plenarvortr. u. Fachbeitr. d. 28. Dtsch. Jahrestg. f. Akust., D-Bochum, Dtsch. Ges. Akust., D-Oldenburg: 728-729.

Blauert, J. (2002). "Instrumental Analysis and Synthesis of Auditory Scenes: Communication Acoustics." Proc. 22nd Int. Conf. Audio.Engr. Soc.:Virtual Synthesis, Entertainment and Audio: 387-395, Audio Engr. Soc, USA-New York, N.Y.

Djelani, T., Blauert, J. (2002). "Modeling the Direction-Specific Built-Up of the Presedence Effect." Proc. 3rd European Congress on Acoustics (Forum Acusticum Sevilla 2002), ES-Sevilla, Special Issue Revista de Acústica 33.

Warusfels, O., Blauert, J., Wessel, D. (2002). "Synopsis of Reverberation Enhancement Systems." Proc. 3rd European Congress on Acoustics (Forum Acusticum Sevilla 2002), ES-Sevilla, Special Issue Revista de Acústica 33.

Altinsoy, M. E., Blauert, J., Treier, C. (2001). "Inter-Modal Effects of Non-Simultaneous Stimulus Presentation." Proceedings of the 17 th International Congress on Acoustics, Rome, Italy.

Blauert, J. (2001). "Kommunikationsakustik: Instrumentelle Analyse und Synthese auditiver Szenen." Fortschr. Akust. DAGA 2001: Plenarvortr. u. Fachbeitr. d. 27. Dtsch. Jahrestg. f. Akust., D-Hamburg, Dtsch. Ges. Akust., D-Oldenburg: 38-47.

Blauert, J. (2001). "La Realidad Virtual Auditiva y sus apliciones: algunos comentarios y reflexiones." hurly burly 16: 4-16.

Buchholz, J., Mourjopoulos, J., Blauert, J. (2001). "Room Masking: Understanding and Modelling the Masking of Room Reflections." 110th convention of the Audio Engineering Society, preprint: 5312.

Djelani, T., Blauert, J. (2001). "Investigations into the Built-Up and Breakdown of the Precedence Effect." ACUSTICA/acta acustica 87: 253-261.

Djelani, T., Blauert, J. (2001). "Untersuchung des Präzedenzeffektes mit einem System zur Generierung auditiver virtueller Umgebungen." Ztsch. Audiologie.

Korany, N., Onsy, A. A., Blauert, J. (2001). "Acoustic Simulation of Rooms with Boundaries of Partially Specular Reflectivity." J. Appl. Acoust. 62: 875-887.

Tsakostas, C.,Blauert, J. (2001). "Some New Experiments on the Presedence Effect." Fortschr. Akust. DAGA 2001: Plenarvortr. u. Fachbeitr. d. 27. Dtsch. Jahrestg. f. Akust., D-Hamburg, Dtsch. Ges. Akust., D-Oldenburg: 486-487.

Blauert, J. (2000). "Auditory Virtual Reality and its Applications - Some Comments and Reflections." Proc. 2nd Conf. Acoust. Soc. Slovenia (M. Cudina, ed.).

Blauert, J., Braasch, J., Dürrer, B., Hempel, Th., Jekosch, U., Möller, S., Pellegrini, R., Pörschmann, C., Raake, A. (2000). "Einfluss der räumlichen Position von Schallquellen auf die Qualitätsbeurteilung von Hörereignissen,." Final Project Report, PROCOPE collaboration with LMA-CNRS, Institut für Kommunikationsakustik, Ruhr-Universität, D-Bochum.

Blauert, J., Lehnert, H., Sahrhage, J., Strauss, H. (2000). "An Interactive Virtual-Environment Generator for Psychoacoustic Research I: Architecture and Implementation." ACUSTICA/acta acustica 86: 94-102.

Djelani, T., Pörschmann, C., Sahrhage, J., Blauert, J. (2000). "An Interactive Virtual-Environment Generator for Psychoacoustic Research II: Collection of Head Related Impulse Responses and Evaluation of Auditory Localization." ACUSTICA/acta acustica 86: 1046-1053.

Djelani, T., Blauert, J. (2000). "Investigations into the Buildup and Breakdown of the Precedence Effect." ACUSTICA/acta acustica.

Djelani, T., Blauert, J. (2000). "Some New Aspects of the Buildup and Breakdown of the Precedence Effect, in: Physiological and Psychophysical Bases of Auditory Function." Proc. 12th Int. Symposium on Hearing (A.J.M. Houtsma, A. Kohlrausch, V.F. Prijs, R. Schoonhoven, eds) Shaker Publishing.

Korany, N., Blauert, J., Abdel Alim, O. (2000). "Acoustic Simulation of Rooms with Boundaries of Partially Specular Reflectivity." Applied Acoustics.

Sahrhage, J., Blauert, J. (2000). "Zur Architektur interaktiver Systeme zur Erzeugung virtueller Umgebungen." Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2000: 150-151.

Stöber, K., Wagner, P., Helbig, J., Köster, S., Stall, D., Thomae, M., Blauert, J., Hess, W., Hoffmann, R., Mangold, H. (2000). "Speech Synthesis using Multilevel Selection and Concatenation of Units from Large Speech Corpora." Verbmobil, Foundations of Speech-to-Speech Translations. W. Wahlster, Springer Verlag Berlin Heidelberg: 519-534.

Braasch, J., Blauert, J. (1999). "Plazierung der Orgel [Positioning of the organ]." Zur Geschichte der Konzertsaalorgel in Deutschland [On the History of the Concert-Hall Organ in Germany], (Chr. Ahrens, J. Braasch, eds.): 120-132, Bochinsky, D-Frankfurt am Main.

Blauert, J., Jekosch, U. (1998). "Product-Sound Quality: A New Aspect of Machinery Noise." Archives of Acoustics 23, 1: 3-12.

Blauert, J., Jekosch, U., Köster, S., Mersdorf, J., Möller, S., Rinscheid, A. (1998). "Zur Qualität von Systemen der maschinellen Sprachsynthese." Internal Report, study funded by Mannesmann Pilotentwicklung, Institut für Kommunikationsakustik, Ruhr-Universität, D-Bochum.

Blauert, J., Jekosch, U. (1997). "Sound-Quality Evaluation - A Multi-Layered Problem." ACUSTICA/acta acustica 1997 83: 747-753.

Blauert, J. (1996). "Einführung in die Binauraltechnik (invited plenary lecture)." 19. Tonmeistertagung, D-Karlsruhe.

Blauert, J. (1996). "Hearing of Music in Three Spatial Dimensions." Festschrift zum 65. Geburtstag von Prof. J. Fricke, Musikwiss. Inst. Universität Köln.

Blauert, J. (1996). "An Introduction to Binaural Technology." in: Binaural and Spatial Hearing in Real and Virtual Environments (R. Gilkey & T. Anderson, eds.)." Lawrence Erlbaum, USA-Hilldale NJ 593-609.

Blauert, J. (1996). "2. Nachschrift zu: Räumliches Hören." D-Stuttgart, S. Hirzel Verlag.

Blauert, J., Lehn, K. (1996). "A-Posteriori Auralization of the Effect of Noise Barriers." Proc. INTERNOISE: 809-812.

Blauert, J., Jekosch, U. (1996). "Sound-Quality Evaluation - A Multi-Layered Problem." EAA Tutorium Aurally-Adequate Sound-Quality Evaluation, Antwerp.

Blauert, J.(1996). "Spatial Hearing: The Psychophysics of Human Sound Localization (2nd Enhanced Edition)." The MIT press, USA-Cambridge MA.

Jekosch, U., Blauert, J. (1996). "A Semiotic Approach towards Product Sound Quality." inter noise 96: 2283-2288.

Lehn, K., Blauert, J. (1996). "Binaurale Auralisierung des Effektes von Lärmschutzmaßnahmen." Fortschr. Akust. DAGA 96: 346-347.

Sahrhage, J., Blauert, J., Lehnert, H. (1996). Implementation of an Auditory/Tactile Virtual Environment. FIVE Conference 96, Pisa, Italy.

Sterbing, S. J., Hartung, K., Hoffman, K. P., Blauert, J. (1996). "Auditory Spatial Tuning of Inferior Colliculus Neurons in the Guinea Pig." Soc. Neurosci.

Blauert, J., Lehnert, H. (1995). "Acoustics of Virtual Environments." Invited plenary lecture, 2nd Int. Conf. Acoust. Music. Res., I-Ferrara, 1995.

Blauert, J., Lehnert, H. (1995). "The Auditory Representation in Virtual Reality." Proc. Int. Conf. Acoustics ICA 95 3: 207-210.

Blauert, J., Lehnert, H. (1995). "Binaural Technology & Virtual Reality." Proc. 2nd. Int. Conf. Acoust. Music. Res. CIARM 95, I-Ferrara: 3-10.

Strauss, H., Blauert, J. (1995). "Virtual Auditory Environments." FIVE Conference 95, London, UK.

Bappert, V., Blauert, J. (1994). "Auditory Quality Evaluation of Speech-Coding Systems." Acta Acustica 2: 49-58.

Blauert, J. (1994). "Auditory Perception and Room Acoustics: What Next?" (invited talk) at the Wallace-Clement-Sabine-Centennial Symp. ASA 127th Meeting, USA- Cambridge MA.

Blauert, J. (1994). "Binaural Technology and Virtual Reality (invited special lecture)." Special Meeting, Japan. MITI Committee on Virtual Reality, J-Tokyo.

Blauert, J. (1994). "Binaural Technology: New Opportunities for Hearing Aids (Knowles Lecture)." Inst. Sound Vibr. Contr., GB-Southhampton.

Blauert, J. (1994). "Foundations and Application Opportunities of Binaural Technology (R.S.W-Stephens Lecture)." Proc. of Inst. Acoust 16, Part 2, GB-St. Albans: 21-36.

Blauert, J., Bodden, M. (1994). "Gütebeurteilung von Geräuschen." Soundengineering / kundenbezogene Akustikentwicklung in der Fahrzeugtechnik, edited by Q.- H. Vo (Expert-Verlag, D-Renningen): 1-9.

Blauert, J. (1994). "An Introduction to Binaural Technology. Binaural and Spatial Hearing." R. G. T. Anderson. USA-Hilldale NJ, Lawrence Erlbaum.

Blauert, J. (1994). "La Technologie Binaurale: Bases Scientifiques et Domaines D'application Génériques." J. Phys. IV, Colloque C5, Les editions des physique, F-Les Ulis: 11-20.

Blauert, J. (1994). "Listening with Two Ear: A Challenge for Technology." (invited public guest), Aalborg University, DK-Aalborg.

Blauert, J. (1994). "Problems with the Precedence Effect (invited lecture)." Techn. Session on Communication Acoust.

Blauert, J. (1994). "Product-Sound Assessment: An Enigmatic Issue from the Point of View of Engineering." Proc. of INTERNOISE 94 2: 857-862.

Blauert, J. (1994). "Scientific Foundations and Generic Application Areas of Binaural Technology." IPO-Symp. Human Interfaces, Perception, Action, NL- Eindhoven.

Blauert, J. (1994). "Zur Problematik von Geräuschbeurteilung und -design." Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA'94, DPG-GmbH, Bad Honnef, pp. 1181-1184.

Genuit, K., Blauert, J., Hudde, H., Richter, U., Fedtke, T. (1994). Objektiver Gehörschützermeßplatz zur Bestimmung der Schalldämmung von Gehörschützern mit einem Kunstkopf-Meßsystem. Bericht Fb-699, Wirtschaftsverlag NW, ISBN 3-89429-439-6.

Jekosch, U., Blauert, J., Hegehofer, Th., Mariniak, A. (1994). "Auditory Speech Quality Assessment in the Context of the GSM Transmission Network." Proc. of the Workshop Speech Quality Assessment: Standards, Perspectives, Applications 42.

Pompetzki, W., Blauert, J. (1994). "A Study on the Perceptual Authenticity of Binaural Room Simulation." Proc. Wallace-Clement-Sabine-Centennial Symp., Acoust. Soc. Am.: 81-84.

Blauert, J. (1993). "Anomalien des Gesetzes der ersten Wellenfront." Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA'94, DPG-GmbH, Bad Honnef, pp. 788-791.

Blauert, J., Bodden, M., Lehnert, H. (1993). "Binaural Signal Processing and Room Acoustics." IEICE Transact. Fundamentals E75: 1454-1458.

Blauert, J., Genuit, K. (1993). "Sound-environment evaluation by binaural technology: Some basic consideration." J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 14: 139-145.

Blauert, J., Lehnert, H. (1993). "Zur Erzeugung interaktiver auditiv-taktiler Scheinwelten." Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA'93: 546-549.

Hartung, K., Miyoshi, M., Bodden, M., Blauert, J. (1993). "Merkmale der Vorne-Hinten-Lokalisation in der Horizontalebene unterhalb von 2 kHz." Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA'93 836-839.

Wolf, S., Blauert, J., Persterer, A. (1993). "Human Sound Localization and the Direction of Gravity." ACUSTICA/Acta Acustica 1: 57-59.

Xiang, N., Blauert, J. (1993). "Binaural Scale Modelling for Auralization and Prediction of Acoustics in Auditoria." J. Appl. Acoust. 38: 267-290.

Blauert, J., Bodden, M., Lehnert, H. (1992). "Binaural Signal Processing & Room Acoustics Planning." IEICE Trans. Fundamentals. E75-A.

Blauert, J. (1992). "Binaural-interaction modelling (translated into Japanese)." J. Acoust. Soc. Japan.

Blauert, J., Lehnert, H., Pompetzki, W. (1992). "Fernsteuerung mittels Scheinwelt-Systemen." Berichte 7. Symposium Maritime Elektronik, Rostock, Arbeitskreis Maritime Messelektronik.

Blauert, J. (1992). "Some basic consideration of sonic quality." J. d'acoustique 5: 379-385.

Blauert, J., Col, J. P. (1992). "A study of temporal effects in spatial hearing, in Auditory Psychology & Perception , edited by Cazals, Y. et. al." Pergamon Press: 531-538.

Blauert, J. and W. Pompetzki (1992). "Auditory Virtual Environment." Proc. of the sixth FASE Congr.: 23-29.

Bodden, M., Blauert, J. (1992). "Separation of concurrent speech signals: a Cocktail-Party-Processor for speech enhancement." Proc. of the ESCA Workshop on speech processing in adverse conditions: 147-150.

Genuit, K., Blauert, J. (1992). "Evaluation of sound environment from the viewpoint of binaural technology." Proc. of ASJ Intern. Symp. on Contribution of Acoustics to the Creation of Comfortable Sound Environment, J-Osaka: 27-38.

Lehnert, H., Blauert, J. (1992). "Binaural Room-Simulation: Basics and Applications." Proc. of the 14th ICA, paper L3-4.

Lehnert, H., Blauert, J. (1992). "Principles of binaural room simulation." Applied Acoustics 2002 36 (3&4): 259-291.

Miyoshi, M., Hartung, K., Bodden, M., Blauert, J. (1992). "On front-rear reversals in horizontal plane localization of noise below 2 kHz." J. Acoust. Soc. Am., in preparation.

Pompetzki, W., Blauert, J. (1992). "Auditory Virtual Environment." Proc. of the 6th Int. FASE-Congress 92: 29-32.

West, G. A., Blauert, J., McLean, J. (1992). "Teleconferencing system using head-related signals." J. Appl. Acoust. 36: 327-333.

Xiang, N., Blauert, J. (1992). "Auditorium-acoustics prediction using binaural tenth-scale modelling." Proc. Inst. Acoust. 14 part 2: 57-64.

Xiang, N., Blauert, J. (1992). "Binaural Scale Modelling." Proc. 14th ICA 4: L3-1.

Blauert, J., Hegehofer, T., Jekosch, U., Mariniak, A. (1991). "An Adaptive Test for the Assessment of Speech Intelligibility." Public Laboratories Exhibition at EUROSPEECH, 2nd European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology, Genova, Italy, September.

Blauert, J. (1991). "Application-oriented modelling of binaural interaction." Nederlands-akoestisch-genootschap (NAG)-Journal 104: 51-57.

Blauert, J., Lehnert, H., Pompetzki, W., Xiang, N. (1991). "Binaural room simulation." Acustica 72: 295-296.

Blauert, J., Bodden, M., Lehnert, H. (1991). "La technologie binaurale appliquée à l'acoustique des salles (en anglais), Cinquantaire du Laboratoire de Mechanique et d'Acoustique." Colloque Genese et Perception des Sons.

Lehnert, H., Blauert, J. (1991). "Berechnung von langen Raumimpulsantworten durch ein schnelles Strahlverfolgungsverfahren (Ray-Tracing)." Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA'91: 637-640.

Lehnert, H., Blauert, J. (1991). "Binaural Room Simulation - Principles." Tagung der DAGA'91, Vorkolloquium.

Lehnert, H., Blauert, J. (1991). "Virtual auditory environment." Proc. of the 5th international conference on advanced robotics IEEE-ICAR 1: 211-216.

Xiang, N., Blauert, J. (1991). "Computer-aided tenth-scale modelling for binaural auralization in room-acoustics design." Proc. 91th AES Conv., Preprint 3120.

Xiang, N., Blauert, J. (1991). "A Miniature Dummy Head for Binaural Evaluation of Tenth-Scale Acoustic Models." J. Appl. Acoust. 33: 123-140.

Blauert, J. (1990). "Kognitive und ästhetische Aspekte von Geräuschproblemen." Zeitschr. Lärmbekämpfung 38: 51-54.

Xiang, N., Blauert, J.(1990). "Binaurale Raumsimulation (invited plenary paper)." Proc. 9. Tagung Akustik: 13-35.

Blauert, J., Pösselt, Ch. (1989). "Application of modeling tools in the process of planning electronic room acoustics." Sound Reinforcement, edited by T.Tuzzle, Audio Engr. Soc., New York, N.Y: 510-517.

Blauert, J. (1989). "Binaural technology: fundamentals and applications (distinguished plenary session)." 118th Meeting Acoust. Soc. Amer., J. Acoust. Soc. Amer. 86, Suppl.1, S66.

Blauert, J. (1989). "Binaural technology: has its time finally come ?" (invited plenary lecture). Audio Engr. Soc. Conv., D-Hamburg.

Blauert, J. (1989). "Current efforts to the model of psychophysics of binaural interaction (invited lecture)." Ass. for Research in Otolaringology (ARO), Midwinter meeting, USA-St. Petersburg FL.

Blauert, J., Col, J. P. (1989). "Etude de quelques aspects temporels de l'audition spatiale." Note-laboratoire LMA, No. 118, CNRS.

Blauert, J. (1989). "Räumliches Hören von Musik." Magazin Studiotechnik 5/89: 88-94.

Fleischerer, H., Blauert, J.(1989). "Audibility of some specific public-address warning signals in typical environmental noise situations." Applied Acoustics 27: 305-319.

Lehnert, H., Blauert, J. (1989). A concept for binaural room simulation. Workshop of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics, New Paltz, New York.

Xiang, N., Blauert, J. (1989). "Binaural simulation technique for scale modeling." J. Acous. Soc. Am. 86: 53.

Blauert, J., Pösselt, Ch. (1988). "Application of modeling tools in the process of planning electronic room acoustics." Reports Audio Engr. Soc. 6th Intern. Conf., Nashville, TS.

Blauert, J., Canevet, G., Gaik, W., Pösselt, Ch., Scharf, B. (1988). "Experiences de compensation sur des signaux enregistrés à l'aide d'une tête artificielle." Acustica 67: 127-134.

Blauert, J., Fleischer, H. (1988). "Perceptibility of warning signals in typical noise situations." J. Appl. Acoustics 27: 305-319.

Blauert, J., Divenyi, P. (1988). "Spectral selectivity in binaural contralateral inhibition." Acustica 66: 267-274.

Blauert, J., Hudde, H., Letens, U. (1987). "Eardrum impedance and middle-ear modelling." 5th Congress of the Federation of the Acoustical Societies of Europe (FASE 87), Lisboa, Advances in Physical Acoustics, pp. 125-128.

Blauert, J., Canevet, G., Scharf, B., Pösselt, Ch. (1987). "Kompensationsexperimente mit dichotischen Signalen unterschiedlichen Ursprungs." Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA'87: 525-528.

Blauert, J., Canevet, G., Voinier, Th. (1987). "The precedence effect: No evidence for an active release process found." J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 85(6).

Blauert, J. (1987). "Some fundamentals of auditory spaciousness." Perception of Reproduced Sound, edited by S. Bech & O.J. Pedersen: 33-40.

Jekosch, U., Blauert, J. (1987). "Experiences of an Interdisciplinary Cooperation between Acousticians and Linguistics in Speech Technology." Proc. of SEFI Annual Conf., Interdisciplinarity in Engineering Education, Helsinki Inst. of Technology: 613-620.

Blauert, J., Lindemann, W. (1986). "Auditory spaciousness: Some further psychoacoustic analyses." J. Acoust. Soc. Amer. 80: 533-541.

Blauert, J. (1986). "Cognitive and aesthetic aspects of noise engineering." Reports Internoise' 86, Cambridge MA 1: 3-24.

Blauert, J. (1986). "Further explorative studies of auditory spaciousness." Proc. of the 12th Int. Congr. Acoustics, Vancouver Symp. on Acoust. and Theatre Planning for the Performing Arts: 39-44.

Blauert, J.(1986). "Neuere Aspekte zum Entwurf von Aufführungsstätten für Musik." Bundesbaublatt 170-173.

Blauert, J., Lindemann, W. (1986). "Spatial mapping of intracranial audio events for various degrees of interaural Coherence." J. Acoust. Soc. Amer. 79: 806-813.

Blauert, J., Möbius, U., Lindemann, W. (1986). "Supplementary psychoacoustical results on auditory spaciousness." Acustica 59: 292-293.

Divenyi, P., Blauert, J. (1986). "On creating a precedent for binaural pattern: when is an echo an echo?", Auditory Processing of Complex Sounds, Hilldale, N.J.

Divenyi, P., Blauert, J. (1986). "The presedence effect revisited: echo suppression within and across frequency bands." Reports 12th Int. Congr. Acoust. 1: B2-9.

Els, H., Blauert, J. (1986). "A Measuring System for Acoustic Scale Models." Proc. of Vancouver Symp. on Acoustics and Theatre Planning for the Performing Arts 65-70.

Kulas, W., Blauert, J. (1986). "German text-to-phoneme software drives any speech synthesizer." Report Speech Tech '86, Media Dimensions Inc.

Pösselt, C., Schroeter, J., Opitz, M., Divenyi, P. L., Blauert, J. (1986). "Generation of binaural signals for research and home entertainment." Proc. ICA'86 Toronto, B1-6.

Blauert, J., Lindemann, W. (1985). "Auditory spaciousness in concert-halls - new aspects." Reports of the 5th FASE Symposium, Thessaloniki.

Blauert, J., Gruber, K., Lindemann, W. (1985). "Zur Psychoakustik der auditiven Räumlichkeit." Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA'85: 495-498.

Els, H., Blauert, J. (1985). "Measuring Techniques for Acoustic Models - Upgraded. Reports Internoise '85." Schriftenreihe der Bundesanstalt für Arbeitsschutz. Ib 39/II.

Lindemann, W., Blauert, J., Gruber, K., Breuer, U. (1985). "Die räumliche Verteilung der Hörereignisse als Funktion des interauralen Korrelationsgrades." Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA'85: 499-502.

Blauert, J. (1984). "Akustische Untersuchungen mit verkleinerten Modellen." Bundesblatt: 601-604.

Blauert, J., Morimoto, M., Gotoh, T. (1984). Kühkan Onkyo, (Space Acoustics), Kajima-Shuppankai, Tokyo.

Blauert, J. (1984). "Psychoakustik des binauralen Hörens." Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA'84: 117-128.

Blauert, J. (1983). "Psychoacoustic binaural phenomena." Springer Verlag.

Blauert, J. (1983). "Spatial Hearing - The Psychophysics of Human Sound Localization." MIT-Press, Cambridge, MA.

Blauert, J.(1982). "Binaural localization in Binaural Effects in Normal and Impaired Hearing." Scand. Audiol. 15: 7-25.

Blauert, J. (1982). "Binaural localization: Multiple images and applications in room- and electroacoustics, in Localization of Sound, Theory and Application." The Amphora Press: 65-68.

Blauert, J. (1982). "The psychoacoustic background of auditory spaciousness." Proc. of Conf. Auditorium Acoustics and Electro-Acoustics, Edinburgh, Institute of Acoustics, London.

Blauert, J. (1982). Stichworte: Hören, binaurales, Hören, monaurales, Räumliches Hören, Sprachsynthese. Frankfurt, Verlag E. Bochinsky.

Blauert, J., Lindemann, W. (1982). "Zur Entwicklung von Modellen der binauralen Signalverarbeitung." Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA'82: 1161-116.

Lindemann, W., Blauert, J. (1982). "Die Anwendung eines Modells binauraler Signalverarbeitung auf Schallfelder in Räumen." Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA'82: 1165-1168.

Rühl, H. W., Blauert, J. (1982). Syntex - the text-to-speech system of the Ruhr-University Bochum. A status report, The Fourth F.A.S.E. Symposium on Acoustics and Speech.

Blauert, J. (1981). "Lateralization of jittered tones." J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 70: 694-698.

Blauert, J., Tüttemann, G. (1980). "Auditory backward inhibition in concert halls, (Translation of Acustica 40, '78, 132-133)." Journal of the Audio Eng. Soc. 28: 718-719.

Blauert, J. (1980). "Interaural arrival tome difference: Envelope vs. fine structure." Proc. of the tenth International Congress on Acoustics Vortrag B - 10.7.

Blauert, J. (1980). "Modelling of interaural time and intensity difference discrimination, in Psychophysical, Physiological and Behavioural Studies in Hearing, edited by G. van den Brink, F.A. Bilsen." Delft University Press.

Blauert, J., Fricke, J. P. (1980). "Optimale Aussteuerung in der Sendung." Rundfunktechnische Mitteilungen 24: 63-71.

Blauert, J. (1980). "Räumliches Hören." Moskau, Verlag Energija.

Blauert, J., Els, H., Schroeter, J. (1980). "A Review of the Progress in External Ear Physics Regarding the Objective Performance Evaluation of Personal Ear Protectors." Proc. of INTER-NOISE 80: 653-658.

Blauert, J., Braas, J., Lenz, H., Tüttemann, G. (1980). "Schallabstrahlung von Drehstromschienensystemen mit Ummantelung." Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA'80: 257-260.

Blauert, J., Laws, P. (1978). "Group delay distortions in electroacoustical systems." J. Acoust. Soc. Am 63: 1478-1483.

Blauert, J., Tüttemann, G. (1978). "Primärschall-Unterdrückung in Konzertsälen." Acustica: 40.

Blauert, J. (1978). "Schalldämmung im Schulbau - Ein Vorschlag." Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA'78: 163-166.

Blauert, J. (1978). "Some aspects of three dimensional hearing in rooms." Proc. of FASE 78 3: 65-68.

Blauert, J., Cobben, W. (1978). "Some consideration of binaural cross correlation analysis." Acustica 39: 96-104.

Blauert, J., Mellert, V., Platte, H. J., Laws, P., Hudde, H., Scherer, P., Poulsen, T., Gottlob, D., Plenge, G. (1978). Wissenschaftliche Grundlagen der kopfbezogenen Stereophonie. Rundfunktechn. Mitteilungen. 22: 195-218.

Allen, J. B., Berkley, D. A., Blauert, J. (1977). Multimicrophone signal-processing technique to remove room reverberation from speech signals. J Acoust Soc Am. 85: 254-261.

Blauert, J., Tüttemann, G. (1977). "An unsuccessful attempt to reproduce von Bekesy's auditory backward inhibition experiment." Reports 9th, International Congress on Acoustics 1: 372.

Boerger, G., Laws, P., Blauert, J. (1977). "Stereophone Kopfhörerwiedergabe mit Steuerung bestimmter Übertragungsfaktoren durch Kopfdrehbewegungen." Acustica 39: 22-26.

Blauert, J. (1976). "Vorbemerkungen zur 2. Auflage." Hörsaalplanung, 2. Auflage. V. Aschoff, Vulcan-Verlag Dr. Classen, D-Essen: 3-17.

Blauert, J. and H.-J. Platte (1976). "Impulse measurements of human eardrum impedance." Journal of Audiology Techniques 15: 34-44.

Laws, P., Blauert, J., Platte, H. J. (1976). "Anmerkungen zur stereophonen kopfbezogenen Übertragungstechnik." Acustica 36: 45-47.

Aschoff, V. and Blauert, J. (1975). "Akustische und sichttechnische Probleme in Unterrichtsräumen mit wechselnder Nutzung." Bauverw. 4, 148-149
SBL-Kurzinform. 6 (1974) 32-35.

Blauert, J. and P. Trittart (1975). "Ausnutzung von Verdeckungseffekten bei der Sprachkodierung." Fortschr. Akustik, DAGA'75, Physiker-Verlag, D-Weinheim.: 377-380.

Blauert, J. (1974). "Akustik im Schulbau." Rep. Symp. Unterrichtstechnologie & Schulbau 1973, Heyn-Verlag, A-Klagenfurt: 43-73.

Blauert, J. (1974). "Impulse measurements of eardrum impedance." Rep. 8th Int. Congr. Acoustics I:172, GB-London.

Blauert, J. (1974). "Räumliches Hören." S. Hirzel, D-Stuttgart.

Blauert, J. (1974). "Vergleich unterschiedlicher Systeme zur originalgetreuen elektroakustischen Übertragung." Rundfunktechn. Mitt. 18:222-227;
Nachrichtentechn. Fachber. 48: 127-135.

Blauert, J., P. Laws, et al. (1974). "Impulsverfahren zur Messung von Außenohrübertragungsfunktionen." Acustica 31: 36-37.

Laws, P., Blauert, J., et al. (1973). "Ein Beitrag zur Hörbarkeit von Laufzeitverzerrungen." Fortschr. Akustik, DAGA'73, VDI-Verlag, D-Düsseldorf.: 447-450.


Bodden, M.
(1996). "Auditory Demonstrations of a Cocktail-Party Processor." ACUSTICA - acta acustica: 2356-357.

Bodden, M. (1996). "Binaural Hearing and Hearing Impairment: Relations, Problems, and Proposals for Solutions." Seminars in Hearing, New York.

Bodden, M. (1996). "Binaural Models and Cocktail-Party-Processors." ACUSTICA - acta acustica 82: 1, 86.

Bodden, M., Rateitschek, K. (1996). "Noise-Robust Speech Recognition Based on a Binaural Auditory Model." ESCA workshop on the Auditory Basis of Speech Perception, Keele, UK, July

Bodden, M., Anderson, T. (1995). "A Binaural Selectivity Model for Speech Recognition." 4th European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology (Eurospeech): 127-130.

Bodden, M., Anderson, T. (1995). "Binaurale automatische Spracherkennung in Störschall." Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA'95.

Bodden, M., Anderson, T. (1995). "Cocktail Party Speech Recognition." Links between Speech Technology, Speech Science and Hearing. Workshop of the Institute for Language, Speech and Hearing, University of Sheffield, UK.

Bodden, M., Grabke, J., Hartung, K., Rateitschek, K. (1995). "Hörereignisausdehnung in Abhängigkeit von Anzahl, Dichte und Einfallsbereich der frühen seitlichen Reflexion." Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA '95: 935 -938.

Bodden, M. (1994). "Binaural Hearing and Future Hearing-Aids Technology, Third French Congress on Acoustics." Journal de Physique IV, Colloque C5, suppl. au Journal de Physique III 4: 411-414.

Bodden, M., Grabke, J. W., Hartung, K., Rateitschek, K. (1994). "Binaurale Lokalisation in reflexionsbehafteter Umgebung." Abschlußbericht, DFG-Projekt Bl 189/15-1.

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