Our teaching philosophy

Our teaching activities are designed to provide a high standard basis in English linguistics, whilst at the same time being challenging and stimulating. Our empirical approach to linguistic research is also reflected in our teaching.

For BA students, we contribute to teaching the English Department's Introductions to English Linguistics and English Sounds and Sound Systems at the basic level (Basismodul). These are taught in small groups to encourage active student participation. At the more advanced level (Aufbaumodul), our lecture courses, seminars, and workshops cover all major fields of English linguistics, ranging from morphology, via sociolinguistics and multilingualism, to analyses of social media.

At the MA or MEd level, courses increasingly place emphasis on developing students' scientific skills through enabling them to do their own fieldwork and to work empirically with authentic English language data. A special focus is placed on familiarising students with the scientific study of the diverse varieties of English that exist throughout the world.

At all levels, our teaching offers in English linguistics are complemented by those made by the highly dedicated senior lecturers and lecturers of the English Department.

For the full course catalogue in English linguistics, see here.