News 2015
Website is added: "4th Annual Meeting" (12 Nov 2015)
You can find and download further information here.
Deadlines: Registration: 31 November 2015
Survey Scientic program: 18 December 2015
R in Science - beginner's course (2 October 2015)
A new ”R in Science” workshop for students, PhD and postdoc scientists in SPP1529 will take place at the Ruhr-Universität Bochum (RUB) from 10 - 11 February 2016. This hands-on course about how to use R & RStudio and how to perform applications in statistics, phylogenetics, and data visualizations will be adapted to your specific needs. Downloads: Registration form | Programme
BrassiBase Workshop III - 8th to 9th of October 2015 (6 June 2015)
You can download further information here: Info Flyer.
Gender Equality - Promotion of Female Careers in Science (17 March 2015)
The DFG promotes female careers in science. The SPP1529 coordination project offers support for participation of female scientists in lab management/leading courses, mentoring programs or personal coaching lessons.
If you have ideas, how to improve your career, please contact Dr. Ines Kubigsteltig for help
| Gender Equality-Website
»Die große Show der Naturwunder« by Frank Elstner and Ranga Yogeshwar
(5 March 2015)
on Thursday, April 30th, 2015, starting at 8.15 p.m. on television ARD with a presentation about »Phytomining« by the »Department of Plant Physiology« of the Ruhr University Bochum
3rd RNA-seq Workshop 2015 RWTH Aachen - 25th to 27th of March (26 Feb 2015)
Read Mapping, Statistical Evaluation, Enrichment Analyses, Clustering Tools, Biological Interpretation. You can find and download further information here: Info Flyer.
Conference: Quantitative Genomics 2015 (QG15) on May 29, 2015 in London
(24 Feb 2015)
Quantitative Genomics 2015 (QG15), a conference for students in quantitative genomics that will take place on Friday 29th of May at the Wellcome Trust Headquarters at Euston square in the very heart of London.
The conference will focus on giving early-career researchers (Master’s and PhD students) working at the forefront of mathematical and quantitative genomics a chance to present their work and learn from their peers…
Poster templates, the scientific programme and further information are added to the "3rd Annual Meeting" (23 January 2015)
Poster Templates (DIN A0 Portrait) for Adobe Illustrator CS 4-6 (recommended), Indesign CS 4-6, CorelDraw X5 (open File "SPP1529 Poster Template AI CS4"), PowerPoint (please read the notes in the PDF file). Download the zip-package here | Further Downloads: Scientific Programm, Meeting Information | Website: 3rd Annual Meeting
News 2014
EMBO Workshop "Mechanisms of plant speciation", 9 – 13 June 2015,
Norrtälje, Sweden
(24 Nov 2014)
The EMBO Workshop will be organized into the following sessions:
(1) Plant reproductive systems, drivers for speciation; (2)
Reproductive isolation as a consequence of adaptive divergence; (3)
Impact of hybridization and polyploidization on speciation; (4)
Molecular and evolutionary consequences of hybridization.
Early registration and abstract submission deadline: 15 January 2015
Motherboard online magazine: Phytomining (8 Oct 2014)
The online magazine 'Motherboard' published an article about Ute Krämer and the topic 'Sind diese metallfressenden Bochumer Pflanzen die Zukunft der Rohstoffgewinnung?'. Read the article here:
Süddeutsche Zeitung Magazin: Phytomining (2 Oct 2014)
The Süddeutsche Zeitung Magazine published an article about the biologist Ute Krämer, Alan Baker and Rufus Chaney on the topic 'phytomining - how plants get metals from the ground'
(Issue 40 2014). Read the article here:
Call for SMBE 2015 Symposia is now open (24 Sep 2014)
The "Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution" is now accepting proposals for symposium topics for SMBE 2015 (July 12th to the 16th, 2015). For more information please visit:
Website is added: "3rd Annual Meeting" (28 Aug 2014)
You can find and download further information here.
Internet Questioniare about sequncing services (26 June 2014)
Results of the Internet Questioniare about sequncing services added (password required)
direct link | Website: Downloads
First International Symposium: group photo added (29 May 2014)
You can view and download the photo here:
Website: 1st International Symposium | JPG: high-resolution photo.
Poster Templates are added to 1st International Symposium" (11 March 2014)
Poster Templates (DIN A0 Portrait) for Adobe Illustrator CS 4-6 (recommended), Indesign CS 4-6, CorelDraw X5 (open File "SPP1529 Poster Template AI CS4"), PowerPoint (please read the notes in the PDF file). Download the zip-package here | Website: 1st International Symposium
Important notice: First International Symposium
Please note that the First International ADAPTOMICS Symposium from March 31 to April 3 2014 will be held as an international conference. All talks and poster presentations should be held as is common at conferences. Unfortunately, there can be NO panel review with proposal presentations for the 2nd round proposals. Instead, the panel will meet in Bonn. In addition, some members of the review panel - but not all of them - will be present at the Symposium. Website.
2nd RNA-seq Workshop Düsseldorf 2014 5th to 7th of March (16 January 2014)
You can find and download further information here: Info Flyer.
International Symposium 2014 “Genome-enabled approaches towards molecular functions in ecology and evolution” (10 January 2014)
Registration is now open. Registration will close when the maximum number of participants is reached, or alternatively on 30 January 2014. Website
News 2013
Proposals for the second three-year funding period (2 October 2013)
Proposals for the second three-year funding period should be submitted via DFG’s electronic sub-mission system "elan" by 24 January 2014. You can find and download further information here: PDF .
SPP 1529 Workshop "Population genomic data analysis” (2 September 2013)
You can find and download further information here: Website | registration form.
"Arabidopsis phylogenomics - Consortium project / DFG SPP 1529” (23 July 2013)
An entry has been completed in the ADAPTOMICS web pages on the Arabidopsis phylogenomics project initiated as a joint activity of SPP1529 in December 2012. Website
International Symposium 2014 “Genome-enabled approaches towards molecular functions in ecology and evolution” (25 June 2013)
You can find and download further information here: Website | First announcement.
Workshop "Brassicaceae - introduction to family-wide biodiversity part II"
(6 June 2013)
You can find and download further information here: Website | Info Flyer.
lessons from the FielD: Draft programme added (27 May 2013)
You can find and download further information here:
"Draft programme" | "Lessons from the field".
Two new workshops added (7 March 2013)
You can find and download further information here: "Summer School 2013" | " Lessons from the field".
News 2012
Poster Templates are added to "2nd Annual Meeting" (30 0ct 2012)
for Adobe Illustrator CS5 (recommended), Indesign CS5, CorelDraw X5 (open File "SPP1529 Poster Template AI CS4"), PowerPoint (please read the notes in the PDF file)
Download the zip-package here | 2nd Annual Meeting | Downloads
Information is added to "2nd Annual Meeting" (25 Oct 2012)
You can find and download further information here.
Project groups are now online (11 Oct 2012)
An overview can be found here.
Call for proposals "start-up grants - Deadline: 9 November 2012 (7 Sept 2012)
These small grants are intended to for junior research group leaders who would like to conduct preparatory work enabling them to submit a full proposal in the 2nd phase of SPP1529 starting in August 2014.
Open call for proposals "gender issues" (7 Sept 2012)
This call is for the support of scientists who have to balance career and family
BrassiBase-Workshop October 2012
Friday 19th October, 10 a.m. to Saturday, 20th October 12 a.m. 2012
Botanic Garden, Centre for Organismal Studies (COS), Heidelberg University
read more | download announcement (PDF) | download program (PDF)
ZDF television documentary "GLOWA Jordan River" - 12 August 2012
Das deutsche Fernsehprogramm ZDF präsentiert im Rahmen der Dokumentationsreihe "planet e." das "GLOWA Jordan River Projekt" und die Wasser-Krise im Mittleren Osten. Unter dem Titel "Kampf ums Wasser" wird die Sendung am Sonntag, dem 12.08.2012, von 14:00 - 14:30 Uhr ausgestrahlt und danach als Podcast zur Verfügung stehen.
The second German Television ZDF has made a documentary about the GLOWA Jordan River Project and the water crisis in the Middle East in the series Planet e., "Kampf ums Wasser", on Sunday 12 August 2012, 2:00 pm (German time).
Link ZDF | Link GLOWA Jordan River | abstract Katja Tielbörger (PDF)
News 2010
ress Release of the Ruhr-University Bochum (17 May 2010)
Wie sich Pflanzen an veränderte Bedingungen anpassen
Neues DFG-Schwerpunkt Programm startet
Biologin der Ruhr-Universität Bochum koordiniert bundesweite Forschungsaktivitäten
Wie passen sich Pflanzen genetisch an veränderte Umweltbedingungen an – verursacht auch durch den Menschen? Die Vielfalt pflanzlicher Formen und Leistungen, die schon Charles Darwin beschäftigte, steht im Mittelpunkt eines neuen Schwerpunkt Programms, dessen Einrichtung die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) beschlossen hat. Die Koordination übernimmt Prof. Dr. Ute Krämer (Lehrstuhl für Pflanzenphysiologie der Ruhr-Universität Bochum).
Press Release of the German Research Foundation (5 May 2010)
DFG richtet 13 weitere Schwerpunkt-Programme ein.