RUB » Women Professors Forum

Newly Appointed woman Professors at RUB

Prof. Dr. Johanna Waimann

Professor for Mechanics of Materials

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Prof. Dr. Katharina Kohls

Professor for System Security

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Prof. Dr. Nadja Freund

Professor for Experimental and Molecular Psychiatry

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Prof. Dr. Dr. Corinna Seliger-Behme

Director of the Clinic for Neurology at the University Hospital Knappschaftskrankenhaus Bochum

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Prof. Dr. Wiebke Fenske

Chair of Endocrinology and Diabetology

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Prof. Dr. Setareh Maghsudi

Chair of Learning Technical Systems Lab

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Prof. Dr. Silvana Botti

Professorship for the theory of excited states of integrated solid state systems, Faculty of Physics and Astronomy

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Prof. Dr. Annette Urban

Chair in the field of modern and contemporary art history with a focus on new media, Institute Art History

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Prof. Dr. Karola Marky

Chair of Human-Centred Security, Institute of Computer Science

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Prof. Dr. Astrid Krenz

Chair of Data Science in Economics, Faculty of Management and Economics

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Prof. Dr. Sunhild Kleingärtner

Chair of Archaelogy with the focus on museum-related transfer, Faculty of History, Institute of Archaeological Sciences

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Prof. Dr. Katharina Kormann

Chair of Numerical Analysis, Faculty of Mathematics

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Prof. Dr. Gunda Werner

Professor of Dogmatics and Dogma History, Faculty of Catholic Theology

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Prof. Dr. Marialore Sulpizi

Chair for Theoretical Physics of Electrified Solid/Liquid Interfaces, Faculty of Physics and Astronomy

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