Qingdao Institute of BioEnergy and Bioprocess Technology, CAS
The team led by Prof. Jian Xu at the „Single Cell Center“ of the „Institute of BioEnergy and Bioprocess Technology“ at the „Chinese Academy of Sciences“ in Qingdao (China) is one of the pioneers that established Nannochloropsis spp. as a research model of systems and synthetic biology for microalgae-based production of oils. Genomic/transcriptomic technologies and the gene technology with CRISPR/Cas are established methods at the „Single Cell Center“. The Chinese scientists are experts in developing single-cell analysis tools, like e.g. the Raman analysis. A Raman-microscopy based, non-invasive, labelfree imaging, sorting and sequencing technology platform has been developed at the institute.
Further information http://english.qibebt.cas.cn/
Prof. Dr. Jian Xu | Prof. Dr. Bo Ma |