Blog of Reasoning, Rationality and Science

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For the news archive move here.

Some new papers on 1st order nonmonotonic logic, formal dialogues of explanation, and using inconsistency measures for normative reasoning 2024-10-25

In the meanwhile there are a few new papers on nonmonotonic logic have been accepted, including papers on deontic logic, dialogue models and first-order nonmonotonic logic.

Intra-RUB Collaboration: first paper 2024-10-25

Dunja and Christian started collaborating with Daniel Eisenhardt, Christian Meske and Johannes Schneider on Mitigating Bias in Academic Publishing: Towards Responsible AI-Augmentation in Peer-Rewiew Processes. A first paper will be presented at MCIS/CAPSI 2024.

Eliot has a new article on Reasons for Non-Agents 2024-10-25

Eliot’s paper on Reasons for Non-Agents has been accepted in the Australasian Journal of Philosophy.

New articles on Beliefs and Credences by Minkyung Wang 2024-10-25

Minkyung has some new works out on how beliefs relate to credences.

Eliot Watkins joined our research group 2024-06-10

Eliot Watkins joined our research group to work on the LoDEx project (Logical Methods for Deontic Explanations).

Ofer Arieli visted us 2024-06-10

Ofer Arieli (the Academic College of Tel-Aviv) visited our group for one month.

Jacob Stegenga visited us 2024-06-10

On June 5 2024, Jacob Stegenga (University of Cambridge) visited our group and gave a talk at the Colloquium of the Institute for Philosophy II, RUB on the topic “ Judging Science”.

New Paper in COMMA “Towards an Argumentative Unification of Default Reasoning” 2024-06-10

Kees van Berkel, Christian Straßer and Zheng Zhou have a new paper out in COMMA 2024 on an argumentative unification of default reasoning.

New paper on Planning with Norms 2024-06-06

The paper “The Goal after Tomorrow: Offline Goal Reasoning with Norms” by Pere Pardo and Christian Straßer has been accepted for publication in JAIR.

Some new publications 2024-04-29

There are some new publications of our group in JASSS, IJCAI, AAAI and JURIX :-).

Some talks 2024-04-29

Christian and Minkyung gave some talks on recent results.

New members: Luca Redondi and Minkyung Wang 2024-04-29

New members joined our team: Luca Redondi (phd) and Minkyung Wank (postdoc).

We had visitors: Stipe Pandzic and Nora Hangel 2024-04-29

We had research visits by Stipe Pandzic (Utrecht) and Nora Hangel (Hannover).

Winter guests 2024-01-15

Guests in WS-23-24

SEP-entry on Agent-Based Modeling in the Philosophy of Science 2023-10-04

Dunja published her entry on “Agent-Based Modeling in the Philosophy of Science” in the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.

Christian revieved the “Quality Champion Award” for his reviewing efforts in ECAI 2023 2023-10-04

Christian revieved the “Quality Champion Award” for his reviewing efforts in ECAI 2023.

Call for Applications: PostDoc position in LoDex project, 3 years 2023-10-04

We are offering a postdoc position for 3 years with a specialization into deontic logic and/or argumentation theory.

New paper on the logic behind instrumental judgments 2023-10-04

Kees van Berkel, Tim Lyon and Matteo Pascucci have a new paper out on Logical Analysis of Instrumentality Judgments: Means-End Relations in the Context of Experience and Expectations (JLP).

Reasoning Web Summer School 2023-10-04

Kees and Christian gave a tutorial on “Proof-Theoretic Approaches in Logical Argumentation” for the reasoning web summer school in Oslo.

Call for Applications: PostDoc position, 2 years 2023-09-19

We are offering a postdoc position for 2 years with a specialization into one of the following: deontic logic, nonmonotonic logic, argumentation theory, or similar.

Call for Abstracts: Computational Models in Social Epistemology 2023-07-06

We are organizing a workshop on December 6-8 (2023) funded by the DFG research network “Simulations of Scientific Inquiry”.

WEAVE Project on Deontic Explanations funded 2023-05-16

The joint application for a WEAVE project on “Logical Methods for Deontic Explanations” (LoDEx) with partners in Luxembourg, Vienna and Bochum got funded.

Research Visit by Ofer Arieli 2023-05-16

Currently Ofer Arieli is visiting our group to collaborate on topics in logical argumentation.

Paper in Artificial Intelligence Journal 2023-05-03

The paper on A Postulate-Driven Study of Logical Argumentation by AnneMarie, Ofer and Christian got accepted for publication in the Artificial Intelligence Journal.

New Paper in Philosophy of Science 2023-05-01

The paper “Scientific Disagreements, Fast Science and Higher-Order Evidence” by Daniel Cserhalmi Friedman and Dunja has just been accepted for publication in the Philosophy of Science.

New SEP entry on Agent-based Modeling in the Philosophy of Science 2023-05-01

Dunja’s SEP entry on Agent-based Modeling in the Philosophy of Science got accepted for the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.

IJCAI 2023 - Two papers accepted 2023-04-19

Two papers got accepted to IJCAI 2023 (15% acceptance rate): “A Comparative Study of Ranking Formulas based on Consistency” by Said, Badran and Christian and Said Jabbour, as well as “Ranking-based Argumentation Semantics applied to Logical Argumentation” by Jesse, Badran and Christian.

Program Committees 2023-04-17

Christian joined the program committees of CAKR23 and ArgXAI-23.

Paper on Scientific Disagreements and Diagnosticity accepted in JASSS 2023-04-11

Our paper “Scientific disagreements and the diagnosticity of evidence: how too much data may lead to polarization” (Michelini, Osorio, Houkes, Šešelja, and Straßer) has been accepted for publication in JASSS.

Dagstuhl Seminar on Normative Reasoning in AI 2023-04-11

Christian currently participates at the Dagstuhl seminar on Normative Reasoning in AI.

News - Several talks on Fact-Checking of Scientific Claims 2023-04-03

Dunja gave several talks on fact checking of scientific claims, joint work with Will Fleisher (Georgetown) and Daniel Friedman (Stanford).

New Paper 2023-04-03

The paper “Evaluating and Selecting Arguments in the Context of Higher Order Uncertainty” by Christian and Lisa has been accepted for publication in Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence.

Research Stay in Luxembourg 2023-04-03

Christian, Dunja and Kees spent a few days in Luxembourg for a research stay.

News - Program Committees 2023-04-03

Christian joined several program committees, such as IJCAI 2023, KR 2023 (senior PC), ECAI 2023, CLAR 2023, DEON 2023 (chair)

Call for PhD position in our new research group “Reasoning, Rationality and Science” 2022-08-05

We invite applications for a new PhD position in our newly formed research group “Reasoning, Rationality and Science” which will be coordinated by Dunja Šešelja and Christian Straßer. The call is for all interested in researching the emergence and dynamics of social reasoning processes. The deadline is on 31th of August 2022.