Prof. Dr. Yuko Harayama
Keynote speech: Japan's proposal "Society 5.0"
Dr. Yuko Harayama is the former Executive Member of the Council for Science and Technology Policy, Cabinet Office of Japan. She is the former Deputy Director of the Directorate for Science, Technology and Innovation, OECD. She is a Legion D’Honneur recipient (Chevalier), and was awarded honorary doctorate from the University of Neuchâtel. Previously, she was Professor in the Department of Management Science and Technology at the Graduate School of Engineering of Tohoku University. She holds a Ph.D. in education sciences and a Ph.D. in economics, both from the University of Geneva.
Prof. Dr. Yasuo Kuniyoshi
Keynote speech: Next Generation AI for Humans and Society 5.0
Yasuo Kuniyoshi received his Ph.D. from The University of Tokyo in 1991 and joined Electrotechnical Laboratory, AIST, MITI, Japan. From 1996 to 1997 he was a Visiting Scholar at MIT AI Lab. In 2001 he was appointed as an Associate Professor and then full Professor in 2005 at The University of Tokyo. He is also the Director of RIKEN CBS-Toyota Collaboration Center since 2012, and the Director of Next Generation AI Research Center of The University of Tokyo since 2016. He published over 290 refereed academic papers and received IJCAI 93 Outstanding Paper Award, Gold Medal "Tokyo Techno-Forum21" Award, Best Paper Awards from Robotics Society of Japan and other awards.
Prof. Dr. Yoshiyuki Sankai
Keynote speech: Chances and Risks of Society 5.0 - Cybernics Revolution for Social Innovation starting from the University of Tsukuba
Yoshiyuki Sankai has progressed from being an assistant professor in University of Tsukuba and a visiting professor at Baylor College of Medicine in the United States. Currently, he is a professor and Executive Research Director at the Center for Cybernics Research, University of Tsukuba; the President and CEO of CYBERDYNE, INC. (established as a university venture in 2004, and is listed with the Mothers section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange from 2014); and a Program Manager of the Impulsing Paradigm Change through Disruptive Technologies (ImPACT) program initiated by the Cabinet Office in Japan. He is a fellow of the RSJ and SICE. He is also a member of Global Future Council of the World Economic Forum.
Prof. Dr. Yasushi Yagi
Keynote speech: New scientific paradigm through “Datability”
Yasushi Yagi received his Ph.D in Engineering from Osaka University 1991. He became a lecturer at the School of Engineering Science, Osaka University, in 1993. He was appointed as an Associate Professor at the School of Engineering in 1996, and at the Graduate School of Engineering in 1997. From 2003 to 2012 he was a Professor at The Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research, Osaka University. After serving as a Director of The Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research, he became an Executive Vice President of Osaka University in 2015.
Prof. Dr. Gregor Leander & Prof. Dr. Christof Paar
Keynote speech: Security Challanges of the Digital Transformation
Prof. Dr. Gregor Leander is an expert in lightweight cryptographic algorithms and the development of new cryptanalytic techniques. He and his team have been in the forefront of designing cutting edge lightweight symmetric primitives. In particular, he co-designed lightweight ciphers PRESENT (ISO/IEC standard), PRINTCipher, PRINCE and PRIDE and more recently SKINNY. He and his co-authors have also cryptanalyzed many (lightweight) block ciphers. Prof. Leander is currently a PI of the DFG (German research foundation) project, which focuses on designing block ciphers for specific applications.
Prof. Dr. Christof Paar has the Chair for Embedded Security at Ruhr University Bochum and is research professor at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. He co-founded CHES (Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems), the leading international conference on applied cryptography. His research interests include hardware security, efficient crypto implementations, and security analysis of real-world systems. He holds an ERC Advanced Grant in hardware security and has over 200 peer-reviewed publications. He is Fellow of the IEEE and the IACR (International Association of Cryptological Research) and co-founded ESCRYPT, a leading system provider for automotive security that is now part of Bosch.