Prof. Dr.-Ing. Annette Hafner set up the Resource-Efficient Building (ReB) working group at the Ruhr-Universität Bochum in 2014 and has headed it ever since. Her work focuses on the implementation of resource-efficient building constructions, sustainable building and building with renewable raw materials. The chair deals intensively with the life cycle assessment of buildings and energy-efficient and resource-conserving construction for buildings, neighbourhoods and in specifications for municipal actors. The Chair is involved in various research projects in the field of sustainable and resource-efficient construction up to the implementation stage.

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Annette Hafner is an architect, sustainability auditor and has been involved for years in life cycle assessment, sustainability assessment and timber construction projects for many years.

Since 2016, she has been a member of the Scientific Advisory Board for Forest Policy at the BMEL, the Charta for Wood 2.0 steering group as well as the Round Table on Sustainable Building (BBSR). She is also a regular member of various advisory boards and (architectural) award juries.