Call for Papers and Posters
In addition to the invited symposia and keynote lectures we reserved a limited number of slots for paper presentations and a poster session for which we invite submissions on any topic related to animal rationality (empirical or philosophical). Submissions for paper presentations should consist of an abstract with no more than 1000 words. Submissions for a poster presentation should consist either of an abstract with no more than 600 words or a poster. Submitted papers may also be considered for presentation as a poster if space constraints prevent acceptance as a paper. If you would like us to consider your paper as a poster in this case please select the relevant ‘paper or poster’ option.
Please use the online submission form at EasyChair:
This requires registering with EasyChair, which is easy to do and free of charge. All paper and poster submissions should be in PDF-format and should be properly anonymized in order to allow for blind review.
The deadline for submissions is July 20th 2016.