
Laboratory of
Plant Cell
Physiology and Molecular Biology
(Selected Abstracts until 2011 / more recent Events will appear on News Page)
RNAP2010 ‐ Structure, function and evolution of RNA polymerases.
A joint Biochemical Society / Wellcome Trust conference
22—25 September 2010, Wellcome Trust, Hinxton, Cambridge, UK
Regulation and Chloroplast Transcription by multiple Sigma Factors
Jennifer Schweer, Sylvia Bock, Thomas Pieta and Gerhard Link
Chloroplasts have their
own genetic system with both pro‐ and eukaryotic features. This is
reflected by the organellar transcription apparatus itself, which has
turned out to be a complex protein network that has not
yet completely been resolved. Plastid transcription involves at least
two DNA‐dependent RNA polymerases with different promoter‐,
development‐ and environment‐ selective roles: NEP, the nucleus‐encoded
phage‐type enzyme, and PEP, the plastid‐encoded multi‐subunit
bacterial‐type enzyme. Like in bacteria, PEP is initiation‐competent
only when associated with a sigma factor. Typically for higher plants,
Arabidopsis thaliana has a set of six ‐ nucleus‐encoded ‐ sigma factors
(SIG1‐6). The regulatory repertoire of plastid transcription is further
increased by other PEP accessory proteins that can modify, and affect
the activity level of, these transcription factors. The C-terminal part
of the sigma proteins is very conserved and harbors the basic functions
including promoter (‐10/‐35 element) and polymerase binding. In
contrast, the N‐terminal half is highly variable in sequence and length
and contains critical factor‐specific determinants (Schweer et al.,
2009, 2010). Recent data will be presented that underpin the regulatory
function which these factor‐specific sites and motifs can have on
chloroplast transcription. For instance, a PEP‐associated plastid
transcription kinase phosphorylates sigma factors and, this way,
modulates transcription activity and specificity. Putative and
experimentally confirmed phosphorylation sites on individual members of
the Arabidopsissigma factor family will be discussed (Schweer, 2010).
7th Tri-national Arabidopsis Meeting, 15-18 September 2010, Salzburg, Austria
Effects of light and salt stress on the expression of photosynthesis genes in A. thaliana sigma mutants
Thomas Pieta and Gerhard Link
Ruhr‐University Bochum, Laboratory of Plant Cell Physiology & Molecular Biology
(Email: thomas.pieta at rub.de)
Chloroplasts and other plastids are genetically semiautonomous
organelles, i.e. they have their own DNA and an active transcription
apparatus with a complex and dynamic architecture. The latter is built
up from both chloroplast‐own and nucleus‐encoded proteins, reflecting
the stringent interaction network between different cell compartments.
The basic catalytic process of RNA synthesis by plastid RNA
polymerase(s) is part of a much larger molecular machinery that
integrates various regulatory interactions. The impact of individual
transcription regulatory proteins to a large part depends on
developmental stage as well as on environmental cues. Like in bacteria,
a small family of (nucleus‐encoded) proteins, so called sigma‐factors,
seems to play a major role in 'landscaping' plastid transcription. To
analyse the consequences resulting from defects in plastid
transcription, sigma factor mutant lines of A. thaliana were tested for
changes in plastid gene expression under different biotic and abiotic
stress conditions, with emphasis on photosystem I and II components.
Environmentally‐related stress conditions included redox‐active
variation of light quality and intensity, salt, and biotic stress
mediated by the plant pathovar Pseudomonas syringae DC3000.
ISE (International Society of Endocytobiology)
XIth International Colloquium on Endocytobiology and Symbiosis
Tromsø, Norwegen 29.08.- 03.09.2010
Emerging functions of plant sigma factors – flexible network for regulated plastid gene expression
Jennifer Schweer, Sylvia Bock, Thomas Pieta, Brigitte Link and Gerhard Link
Ruhr University Bochum, Bochum
Chloroplasts are the
essential plant cell organelles that carry out photosynthesis and
contain a complete genetic system composed of plastid- and
nucleus-encoded proteins. Two different types of organellar RNA
polymerases participate in transcription, i.e the phage T7-type
nucleus-encoded NEP and the bacterial-type PEP with a plastid-encoded
core. The latter is embedded, however, into a complex with more than 50
accessory - mostly regulatory - proteins that are imported from the
cytosol. The nucleus-encoded regulatory PEP partners include a set of
sigma factors, which can confer the ability for promoter binding and
transcription initiation to the core enzyme. Much current interest is
centered on the members of the plant sigma family, their function and
regulatory importance.
To define the role of individual members of this
transcription factor family in Arabidopsis, sigma knockout plants as
well as double mutants and chimeric constructs were analysed. In the
work described here, we have studied the impact on plastid expression
by chimeric (hybrid) factors that contain or lack critical motifs. We
observe a dramatic decrease or even complete loss of certain
chloroplast transcripts and, conversely, the appearance of new RNAs not
seen in wildtype, which seem to be initiated from previously
unrecognized promoter(s) far-upstream of known coding regions. These
distal promoter regions reveal conserved sequence elements used by the
nucleus-encoded NEP polymerase (RpoTp and/or RpoTmp). Molecular
adaptation to NEP promoter clusters can be viewed as a way to ensure
RNA synthesis in situations where the regulatory fine-tuning of
PEP-sigma complexes is unbalanced, thus resulting in sufficient
transcript level for rescue and maintenance of fundamental processes
(SOS response). Hence, these data provide information on plastid sigma
factors themselves as well as on the NEP/PEP interplay, which
seems to be more complex than might be expected from the relatively small size of the chloroplast genome.
ISE (International Society of Endocytobiology)
XIth International Colloquium on Endocytobiology and Symbiosis
Tromsø, Norwegen 29.08.- 03.09.2010
Balance and Fine-Tuning within the Sigma Factor Family in Arabidopsis thaliana
Sylvia Bock, Jennifer Schweer, Thomas Pieta, Brigitte Link and Gerhard Link
Ruhr University Bochum, Bochum
In terms of origin and function, plastids are genetically
semiautonomous cell organelles with both prokaryotic and eukaryotic
features in their gene expression maschinery. This is evident at the
level of transcription, which is shared by two types of RNA
polymerases: the nucleus-encoded phage-type polymerase (NEP) and the
„plastid-encoded“ multisubunit bacterial-type enzyme (PEP).
Its catalytic core is embedded in a complex with up to 50 accessory
proteins, most of which are nucleus-encoded. The perhaps best-known
representatives of the latter are the sigma factors, i.e.
prokaryotic-type transcription regulatory proteins necessary for
transcription initiation. The plastids of higher plants contain
multiple sigma factors (e.g. six in Arabidopsis) and recent efforts
have centered on their role and regulation during plant development and
in response to variable environmental conditions. In contrast to the
situation in bacteria, plant sigma factors cannot easily be grouped
into either primary (essential) or alternative factors; instead, both
functional redundancy and specialization is noticeable. To reduce the
complexity of the system, we have addressed the question of function by
using single and multiple sigma knockout lines. Recent results suggest
a flexible network of interactors and regulators that can affect the
efficiency of individual sigma factors and the entire family. Using
multiple knockout mutants, progress has been made towards a minimal
system with regard to the plastid sigma factor(s). This coarse-control
strategy, along with fine-tuning by RNAi, can be expected to further
help answer the question of sigma specialization versus functional