Mercator Research Center Ruhr (MERCUR)
Laminare Ultrahochfeldbildgebung im menschlichen Hippocampus Projekte 20. Antragsrunde 2 16.07.21.pdf

Applicant: Prof. Dr. Nikolai Axmacher

European Research Council
Neural mechanisms, functional roles and pathophysiological relevance of human grid cell-like representations

ERC Consolidator Grants 2019/ Panel L55

Applicant: Prof. Dr. Nikolai Axmacher

SFB 874

Projectnumber: 122679504

Subproject B11

Shaping of object representations by cognitive and emotional factors

Applicant: Prof. Dr. Nikolai Axmacher

Team member:: Dr. Hui Zhang

Projectnumber: 122679504

Applicant: Prof. Dr. Nikolai Axmacher

Subproject A11

The relationship between implicit and explicit visuomotor task learning in hippocampus and parietal cortex

Applicant: Prof.Dr. Nikolai Axmacher / Dr Christian Klaes


SFB 1280

Subproject A02

Neural mechanisms of context generalization

Applicant: Prof. Dr. Nikolai Axmacher

Applicant: Prof. Dr. Nikolai Axmacher

Subproject A03

Fokusgruppe Neurobildgebung: KonnektivitÄtsanalysen im Extinktionsnetzwerk

Subproject Applicant: Prof. Dr. Nikolai Axmacher,Prof. Dr. Dagmar Timmann-Braun, Prof. Dr. Harald H. Quick

Projectnumber 397530566

The genetics of congenital prosopagnosia

Founded by the German Research Foundation

Projectnumber 397267069

Applicant: Prof. Dr. Boris Suchan

Enhancing Early Memory Consolidation via Theta EEG Neurofeedback and Stimulation

Founded by German-Israeli Foundation for Scientific Research and Development

Project: I-166-418.12-2017

Prof. Daniel Levy, Prof. Dr. Nikolai Axmacher

WMREPS Hidden brain states underlying efficient representations in working memory

Founded by the German Research Foundation

Projectnumber: 396894956


Dr. Elkan Akyurek, Department of Experimental Psychology, University of Groningen
Prof. Dr. Nikolai Axmacher, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Institut für Kognitive Neurowissenschaft, Abteilung Neuropsychologie
Prof. Dr. Mark Stokes, University of Oxford, Department of Experimental Psychology

Leitmarke Argentur.NRW
go4cognition Entwicklung eines Gamificationmoduls zum Erhalt kognitiver sensomotorischer Funktionen bei MCI

File number LS-2-019


BG Klinikum Dortmund, NAK Seniorenzentrum Oberhausen Gute Hoffnung, Hamburger Fern-Hochschule SZ Essen gGmbH, Ruhr-Universität Bochum Prof. Dr. Boris Suchan