Forsting J, Rehmann R, Rohm M, Güttsches AK, Froeling M, Kan HE, Tegenthoff M, Vorgerd M, Schlaffke L. Robustness and stability of volume-based tractography in a multicenter setting. NMR Biomed. 2022 Jul;35(7):e4707. doi: 10.1002/nbm.4707. Epub 2022 Feb 18. PMID: 35102637.
Forsting J, Rohm M, Froeling M, Güttsches AK, Südkamp N, Roos A, Vorgerd M, Schlaffke L, Rehmann R. Quantitative muscle MRI captures early muscle degeneration in calpainopathy. Sci Rep. 2022 Nov 16;12(1):19676. doi: 10.1038/s41598-022-23972-6. PMID: 36385624; PMCID: PMC9669006.
Rohm M, Markmann M, Forsting J, Rehmann R, Froeling M, Schlaffke L. 3D Automated Segmentation of Lower Leg Muscles Using Machine Learning on a Heterogeneous Dataset. Diagnostics (Basel). 2021 Sep 23;11(10):1747. doi: 10.3390/diagnostics11101747. PMID: 34679445; PMCID: PMC8534967.
Forsting J, Rohm M, Froeling M, Güttsches AK, Vorgerd M, Schlaffke L, Rehmann R. High Inter-Rater Reliability of Manual Segmentation and Volume-Based Tractography in Healthy and Dystrophic Human Calf Muscle. Diagnostics (Basel). 2021 Aug 24;11(9):1521. doi: 10.3390/diagnostics11091521. PMID: 34573863; PMCID: PMC8466691.
Tabrik S, Behroozi M, Schlaffke L, Heba S, Lenz M, Lissek S, Güntürkün O, Dinse HR, Tegenthoff M. Visual and Tactile Sensory Systems Share Common Features in Object Recognition. eNeuro. 2021 Oct 4;8(5):ENEURO.0101-21.2021. doi: 10.1523/ENEURO.0101-21.2021. PMID: 34544756; PMCID: PMC8493885.
Rehmann R, Schneider-Gold C, Froeling M, Güttsches AK, Rohm M, Forsting J, Vorgerd M, Schlaffke L. Diffusion Tensor Imaging Shows Differences Between Myotonic Dystrophy Type 1 and Type 2. J Neuromuscul Dis. 2021;8(6):949-962. doi: 10.3233/JND-210660. PMID: 34180419.
Hui S, Mikkelsen M, Zöllner H, Ahluwalia V, Alcauter S, Baltusis L, Barany DA, Barlow LR, Becker R, Berman JI, Berrington A, Bhattacharyya PK, Blicher JU, Bogner W, Brown MS, Calhoun VD, Castillo R, Cecil KM, Choi VB, Chu WCW, Clarke WT, Craven AR, Cuypers K, Dacko M, de la Fuente-Sandoval C, Desmond P, Domagalik A, Dumont J, Duncan NW, Dydak U, Dyke K, Edmondson DA, Ende G, Ersland L, Evans CJ, Fermin ASR, Ferretti A, Fillmer A, Gong T, Greenhouse I, Grist JT, Gu M, Harris AD, Hat K, Heba S, [...], Edden RAE, Nakajima SL, Honda S (2021): Frequency drift in MR spectroscopy at 3T, NeuroImage, 241, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neuroimage.2021.118430.
Lissek S, Tegenthoff M (2021): Higher functional connectivity between prefrontal regions and the dorsal attention network predicts absence of renewal. Behavioural Brain Research
Klass, A, Otto T, Tegenthoff M, Lissek S (2021): The DA-antagonist Tiapride affects context- related extinction learning in a predictive learning task, but not initial forming of associations, or renewal. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory
Güttsches AK, Rehmann R, Schreiner A, Rohm M, Forsting J, Froeling M, Tegenthoff M, Vorgerd M, Schlaffke L. Quantitative Muscle-MRI Correlates with Histopathology in Skeletal Muscle Biopsies. J Neuromuscul Dis. 2021 Mar 27. doi: 10.3233/JND-210641. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 33814461.
Junker FB, Schlaffke L, Axmacher N, Schmidt-Wilcke T. Impact of multisensory learning on perceptual and lexical processing of unisensory Morse code. Brain Res. 2021 Jan 7:147259. doi: 10.1016/j.brainres.2020.147259. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 33422535.
nach oben
Lissek S, Klass A, Tegenthoff M (2020): Left inferior frontal gyrus participates in mediating the renewal effect irrespective of context salience. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience
Uengoer M, Klass A, Tegenthoff M, Lissek S (2020): Intra-individual reproducibility of the renewal effect. Behavioral processes
Uengoer M, Lissek S, Tegenthoff M, Manahan-Vaughan D, Lachnit H (2020): Principles of extinction learning of nonaversive experience. Neuroforum
Bettmann JH, Meyer-Frießem CH, Schweizer LM, Schlaffke L, Zahn PK, Tegenthoff M, Höffken O. Transcutaneous spinal direct current stimulation shows no effect on paired stimulation suppression of the somatosensory cortex. Sci Rep. 2020 Dec 15;10(1):22010
Forsting J, Rehmann R, Froeling M, Schlaffke L. Evaluation of interrater reliability of different muscle segmentation techniques in diffusion tensor imaging. NMR Biomed. 2020 e4430:1-11
Stouge A, Khan KS, Kristensen AG, Tankisi H, Schlaffke L, Froeling M, Væggemose M, Andersen H. MRI of Skeletal Muscles in Participants with Type 2 Diabetes with or without Diabetic Polyneuropathy. Radiology. 2020 Dec;297(3):608-619
Junker FB, Schlaffke L, Bellebaum C, Ghio M, Brühl S, Axmacher N, Schmidt-Wilcke T. Transition From Sublexical to Lexico-Semantic Stimulus Processing. Front Syst Neurosci. 2020 Oct 30;14:522384
Heba S, Sczesny-Kaiser M, Sucker K, Bünger J, Brüning T, Tegenthoff M, Schmidt-Wilcke T (2020). Pain Perception, Brain Connectivity, and Neurochemistry in Healthy, Capsaicin-Sensitive Subjects. Neural Plasticity, Article ID 9125913, 11 pages. https://doi.org/10.1155/2020/9125913
Behroozi, M., Helluy, X., Ströckens, F., Gao, M., Pusch, R., Tabrik, S., Tegenthoff, M., Otto, T., Axmacher, N., Kumsta, R., Moser, D., Genc, E., & Güntürkün, O. (2020). Event-related functional MRI of awake behaving pigeons at 7T. Nature Communications, 11(1), 4715. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-020-18437-1
Rehmann R, Froeling M, Rohm M, Forsting J, Kley RA, Schmidt-Wilcke T, Karabul N, Tegenthoff M, Vorgerd M, Schlaffke L (2020): Muscle Diffusion tensor imaging reveals changes in non-fat infiltrated muscles in late-onset Pompe disease. Muscle and Nerve 62:541–549.
Otto LAM, van den Pol L, Schlaffke L, Wijngaarde CA, Stam M, Wadmann R, Cuppen I, van Eijk R, Asselman F-L, Bartels B, van der Woude D, Hendrikse J, Froeling M (2020): Quantitative MRI of skeletal muscle in a cross-sectional cohort of Spinal Muscular Atrophy patients type 2-3. NMR Biomed 2020;33:e4357
Queiroz de Paiva JP, Magalhães SC, Moura LM, Sato JR, Amaro E, Sterr A, Schlaffke L, Eckeli AL, Fernandes do Prado G, Conforto AB (2020): Sensorimotor white matter projections and disease severity in primary Restless Legs Syndrome/ Willis-Ekbom Disease: a multimodal DTI analysis. Sleep Med. 2020;73:106–16
Billings B. K., Bhagwandin A., Patze, N., Ngwena, A., Rook N., von Eugen K., Tabrik S., Güntürkün O., & Manger P. R. (2020). Nuclear organization and morphology of catecholaminergic neurons and certain pallial terminal networks in the brain of the Nile crocodile, Crocodylus niloticus. Journal of Chemical Neuroanatomy, 109, 101851
Von Eugen K, Tabrik S, Güntürkün O, Ströckens F (2020). A comparative analysis of the dopaminergic innervation of the executive caudal nidopallium in pigeon , chicken , zebra finch and carrion crow . Journal of Comparative Neurology.
Schlatter S, Guillot A, Faes C, Saruco E, Collet C, Di Rienzo F, Debarnot U (2020). Acute stress affects implicit but not explicit motor imagery: A pilot study. International Journal of Psychophysiology, (62-71).
Wang BA, Pleger B (2020). Confidence in decision-making during probabilistic tactile learning related to distinct thalamo-prefrontal pathways. Cerebral Cortex. 30(8): 4677-4688. DOI: 10.1093/cercor/bhaa073
Viswanathan S*, Abdollahi R*, Wang BA, Grefkes C, Fink GR, Daun S (2020). A response-locking protocol to boost sensitivity for fMRI-based neurochronometry. Human Brain Mapping. DOI: 10.1002/hbm.25026
Považan M, Mikkelsen M, Berrington A, Bhattacharyya PK, Brix MK, Buur PF, Cecil KM, Chan KL, Chen DYT, Craven AR, Cuypers K, Dacko M, Duncan NW, Dydak U, Edmondson DA, Ende G, Ersland L, Forbes MA, Gao F, Greenhouse I, Harris AD, He N, Heba S, Hoggard N, Hsu TW, Jansen JFA, Kangarlu A, Lange T, Lebel RM, Li Y, Lin CE, Liou JK, Lirng JF, Liu F, Long JR, Ma R, Maes C, Moreno-Ortega M, Murray SO, Noah S, Noeske R, Noseworthy MD, Oeltzschner G, Porges EC, Prisciandaro JJ, Puts NAJ, Roberts TPL, Sack M, Sailasuta N, Saleh MG, Schallmo MP, Simard N, Stoffers D, Swinnen SP, Tegenthoff M, Truong P, Wang G, Wilkinson ID, Wittsack HJ, Woods AJ, Xu H, Yan F, Zhang C, Zipunnikov V, Zöllner HJ, Edden RAE, Barker PB (2020). Comparison of Multivendor Single-Voxel MR Spectroscopy Data Acquired in Healthy Brain at 26 Sites. Radiology. Feb 11:191037. doi: 10.1148/radiol.2020191037. [Epub ahead of print]
Schlaffke L, Friedrich S, Tegenthoff M, Güntürkün O, Genc E, Ocklenburg S. (2020) Boom Chack Boom - A multimethod investigation of motor inhibition in professional drummers. Brain Behav, 10(1).
Forsting J, Rehmann R, Froeling M, Vorgerd M, Tegenthoff M, Schlaffke L. (2020) Diffusion Tensor Imaging of the Human Thigh: Consideration of DTI-based fiber tracking stop criteria. MAGMA, 33(3):343–55.
Wang BA, Schlaffke L, Pleger B. (2020) Modulations of insular projections by prior belief mediate the precision of prediction error during tactile learning. J Neurosci, 40(19):3827–37
nach oben
Saruco E, Guillot A, Multari L, & Saimpont A (2019). Effects of Different Ratios of Physical and Mental Practice on Postural Control Improvement. Journal of motor behavior, (1-11).
Debarnot U, Neveu R, Samaha Y, Saruco E, Macintyre T & Guillot A (2019). Acquisition and consolidation of implicit motor learning with physical and mental practice across multiple days of anodal tDCS. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, (1-32).
Di Rienzo F, Saruco E, Church D, Daligault S, Delpuech C, Gurret JM, Debarnot U & Guillot A (2019). Neuropsychological correlates of an energy psychology intervention on flight phobia: A MEG single-case study. PsyArXiv, (1-14). DOI: 10.31234/osf.io/s3hce
Drexler SM, Merz CJ, Lissek S, Tegenthoff M, Wolf OT (2019). Reactivation of the unconditioned stimulus inhibits the return of fear independent of cortisol. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, https://doi.org/10.3389/fnbeh.2019.00254
Hauser MFA, Heba S, Schmidt-Wilcke T, Tegenthoff M, Manahan-Vaughan D (2019). Cerebellar-hippocampal processing in passive perception of visuospatial change: An ego- and allocentric axis? Hum Brain Mapp. Nov 15. doi: 10.1002/hbm.24865. [Epub ahead of print]
Hankir MK, Rullmann M, Seyfried F, Preusser S, Poppitz S, Heba S, Gousias K, Hoyer J, Schütz T, Dietrich A, Müller K, Pleger B (2019). Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery progressively alters radiologic measures of hypothalamic inflammation in obese patients. JCI Insight. Oct 3;4(19). doi: 10.1172/jci.insight.131329.
Rullmann M, Preusser S, Poppitz S, Heba S, Gousias K, Hoyer J, Schuetz T, Dietrich A, Mueller K, Hankir M, Pleger B (2019). Adiposity related brain plasticity induced by bariatric surgery. Front. Hum. Neurosci., https://doi.org/10.3389/fnhum.2019.00290
De Luca A, Schlaffke L, Siero J, Froeling M, Leemans A (2019). On the sensitivity of the diffusion MRI signal to brain activity in response to a motor cortex paradigm. Hum Brain Mapp:1–14.
Schlaffke L, Rehmann R, Rohm M, Otto L, De Luca A, Burakiewicz J, Baligand C, Monte J, den Harder C, Hooijmans MT, Nederveen AJ, Schlaeger S, Weidlich D, Karampinos DC, Stouge A, Vaeggemose M, D’Angelo M, Arrigoni F, Kan HE, Froeling M (2019). Multicenter evaluation of stability and reproducibility of quantitative MRI measures in healthy calf muscles. NMR Biomed:1–14.
Mikkelsen M, Rimbault DL, Barker PB, Bhattacharyya PK, Brix MK, Buur PF, Cecil KM, Chan KL, Chen DY, Craven AR, Cuypers K, Dacko M, Duncan NW, Dydak U, Edmondson DA, Ende G, Ersland L, Forbes MA, Gao F, Greenhouse I, Harris AD, He N, Heba S, Hoggard N, Hsu TW, Jansen JFA, Kangarlu A, Lange T, Lebel RM, Li Y, Lin CE, Liou JK, Lirng JF, Liu F, Long JR, Ma R, Maes C, Moreno-Ortega M, Murray SO, Noah S, Noeske R, Noseworthy MD, Oeltzschner G, Porges EC, Prisciandaro JJ, Puts NAJ, Roberts TPL, Sack M, Sailasuta N, Saleh MG, Schallmo MP, Simard N, Stoffers D, Swinnen SP, Tegenthoff M, Truong P, Wang G, Wilkinson ID, Wittsack HJ, Woods AJ, Xu H, Yan F, Zhang C, Zipunnikov V, Zöllner HJ, Edden RAE (2019). Big GABA II: Water-referenced edited MR spectroscopy at 25 research sites. Neuroimage. 191:537-548. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2019.02.059.
Weise C, Bachmann T, Pleger B (in press) Brain Structural Differences in Monozygotic Twins Discordant for Body Mass Index. NeuroImage
Viswanathan S*, Wang BA*, Abdollahi, R, Daun S, Grefkes C, Fink GR (2019). Freely chosen and instructed actions are terminated by different neural mechanisms revealed by kinematics-informed EEG. NeuroImage 188: 26-42 (* equal contribution)
Lissek S, Klass A, Tegenthoff M (2019) Effects of noradrenergic stimulation upon context-related extinction learning performance and BOLD activation in hippocampus and prefrontal cortex differ between participants showing and not showing renewal. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, https://doi.org/10.3389/fnbeh.2019.00078.
nach oben
Rehmann R, Schlaffke L, Froeling M, Kley RA, Kühnle E, De Mareés M, Forsting J, Rohm M, Tegenthoff M, Schmidt-wilcke T, Vorgerd M (2018): Muscle diffusion tensor imaging in Glycogen storage disease V (McArdle disease). Eur Radiol 29:3224–3232.
Puts NAJ, Heba S, Harris AD, Evans CJ, McGonigle DJ, Tegenthoff M, Schmidt-Wilcke T, Edden RAE (2018). GABA Levels in Left and Right Sensorimotor Cortex Correlate across Individuals. Biomedicines. 2018 Jul 24;6(3). pii: E80. doi: 10.3390/biomedicines6030080.
Wistehube T, Rullmann M, Wiacek C, Braun P, Pleger B (2018) Fat perception in the human frontal operculum, insular and somatosensory cortex. Sci. Rep. 8:11825
Kumar S, Grundeis F, Brand C, Hwang HJ, Mehnert J, Pleger B (2018) Satiety-induced enhanced neuronal activity in the frontal operculum relates to the desire for food in the obese female brain. Exp. Brain Res. 236:2553-2562
Rosjat N, Liu L, Wang BA, Popovych S, Toth TI, Viswanathan S, Grefkes C, Fink GR, Daun S (2018). Aging-associated changes of movement-related functional connectivity in the human brain. Neuropsychologia, 117:520-529
Ocklenburg S, Anderson C, Gerding WM, Fraenz C, Schlüter C, Friedrich P, Raane M, Mädler B, Schlaffke L, Arning L, Epplen JT, Güntürkün O, Beste C, Genç E (2018) Myelin Water Fraction Imaging Reveals Hemispheric Asymmetries in Human White Matter That Are Associated with Genetic Variation in PLP1. Mol Neurobiol.
Lissek S, Glaubitz B, Klass A, Tegenthoff M (2018). The effects of dopaminergic stimulation upon behavioral and neural correlates of renewal depend on individual context processing propensities. Neuroimage 169: 69-79. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neuroimage. 2017.12.022
Schmidt-Wilcke T, Wulms N, Heba S, Pleger B, Puts NAJ, Glaubitz B, Kalisch T, Tegenthoff M, Dinse HR (2018). Structural changes in brain morphology induced by brief periods of repetitive sensory stimulation. NeuroImage 165: 148-157.
Hellrung L, Dietrich A, Hollmann M, Pleger B, Kalberlah C, Roggenhofer E, Villringer A, Horstmann A (2018) Intermittent compared to continuous real-time fMRI neurofeedback boosts control over amygdala activation. NeuroImage 166:198-208
Kuehn E, Haggard P, Villringer A, Pleger B*, Sereno MI* (2018) Visual topographic maps in primary somatosensory cortex. J. Neurosci. 38(5):1295-1310 (*contributed equally)
Anselme P, Edeş N,Tabrik S, Güntürkün O (2018). Long-term behavioral sensitization to apomorphine is independent of conditioning and increases conditioned pecking, but not preference, in pigeons. Behavioural Brain Research, 336, 122–134. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bbr.2017.08.037
nach oben
Kuehn E, Doehler J, Pleger B (2017) The influence of vision on tactile Hebbian learning. Sci. Rep. 7(1):9069
Grundeis F, Brand C, Kumar S, Rullmann M, Mehnert J, Pleger B (2017) Non-invasive Prefrontal/Frontal Brain Stimulation Is Not Effective in Modulating Food Reappraisal Abilities or Calorie Consumption in Obese Females. Front. Hum. Neurosci. 11:334. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2017.00334
Weise CM, Piaggi P, Reinhardt M, Chen K, Savage CR, Krakoff J, Pleger B (2017) The obese brain as a heritable phenotype - A combined morphometry and twin study. Int. J. Obes. 41(3):458-466
Ünver E, Garland A, Tabrik S, Güntürkün O (2017). Sneaking a peek: pigeons use peripheral vision (not mirrors) to find hidden food. Animal Cognition. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10071-017-1090-x.
Dinse HR, Kattenstroth JC, Lenz M, Tegenthoff M, Wolf OT (2017).The stress hormone cortisol blocks perceptual learning in humans. Psychoneuroendocrinology 77: 63-67.
Enax-Krumova EK, Lenz M, Frettlöh J, Höffken O, Reinersmann A, Schwarzer A, Westermann A, Tegenthoff M, Maier C (2017). Changes of the Sensory Abnormalities and Cortical Excitability in Patients with Complex Regional Pain Syndrome of the Upper Extremity After 6 Months of Multimodal Treatment.Pain Med. 18(1): 95-106.
Schlaffke L, Leemans A, Schweizer LM, Ocklenburg S, Schmidt-Wilcke T (2017). Learning Morse Code Alters Microstructural Properties in the Inferior Longitudinal Fasciculus: A DTI Study. Front Hum Neurosci 11: 383.
Rullmann M, Preusser S, Poppitz S, Heba S, Hoyer J, Schütz T, Dietrich A, Müller K, Pleger B. (2017). Gastric-bypass surgery induced widespread neural plasticity of the obese human brain. NeuroImage, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neuroimage.2017.10.062.
Heba S, Lenz M, Kalisch T, Höffken O, Schweizer LM, Glaubitz B, Puts NAJ, Tegenthoff M, Dinse HR, Schmidt-Wilcke T (2017). Regionally Specific Regulation of Sensorimotor Network Connectivity Following Tactile Improvement. Neural Plasticity. https://doi.org/10.1155/2017/5270532
Klass A, Glaubitz B, Tegenthoff M, Lissek S (2017). D -Cycloserine facilitates extinction learning and enhances extinction-related brain activation. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 144, 235–247. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nlm.2017.08.003
Mikkelsen M, Barker PB, Bhattacharyya PK, Brix MK, Buur PF, Cecil KM, Chan KL, Chen DY-T, Craven AR, Cuypers K, Dacko M, Duncan NW, Dydak U, Edmondson DA, Ende G, Ersland L, Gao F, Greenhouse I, Harris AD, He N, Heba S, Hoggard N, Hsu T-W, Jansen JFA, Kangarlu A, Lange T, Lebel RM, Li Y, Lin C-YE, Liou J-K, Lirng J-F, Liu F, Ma R, Maes C, Moreno-Ortega M, Murray SO, Noah S, Noeske R, Noseworthy MD, Oeltzschner G, Prisciandaro JJ, Puts NAJ, Roberts TPL, Sack M, Sailasuta N, Saleh MG, Schallmo M-P, Simard N, Swinnen SP, Tegenthoff M, Truong P, Wang G, Wilkinson ID, Wittsack H-J, Xu H, Yan F, Zhang C, Zipunnikov V, Zöllner HJ, Edden RAE (2017). Big GABA: Edited MR spectroscopy at 24 research sites. NeuroImage, doi: 101016/jneuroimage201707021
Golisch A, Heba S, Glaubitz B, Tegenthoff M, Lissek S (2017). Enhancing effects of NMDA-receptor blockade on extinction learning and related brain activation are modulated by BMI. Front. Behav. Neurosci. 11:34. doi: 10.3389/fnbeh.2017.00034
Schlaffke L, Rehmann R, Froeling M, Kley R, Tegenthoff M, Vorgerd M, Schmidt-Wilcke T. (2017). Diffusion Tensor Imaging of the Human Calf : Variation of Inter- and Intramuscle-Specific Diffusion Parameters. J Magn Reson Imaging, 1–12. doi:10.1002/jmri.25650
nach oben
Schlögl H, Müller K, Horstmann A, Miehle K, Püschel J, Villringer A, Pleger B, Stumvoll M, Fasshauer M (2016) Leptin Substitution in Patients With Lipodystrophy: Neural Correlates for Long-term Success in the Normalization of Eating Behavior. Diabetes 65(8): 2179-2186
Pleger B, Wilimzig C, Nicolas V, Kalisch T, Ragert P, Tegenthoff M, Dinse HR (2016) A comlementary role of intracortical inhibition in age-related tactile degradation and its remodelling in humans. Sci. Rep. 6:27388. doi: 10.1038/srep27388.
Kumar S, Grundeis F, Brand C, Hwang HJ, Mehnert J, Pleger B (2016) Differences in Insula and Pre-/Frontal Responses during Reappraisal of Food in Lean and Obese Humans. Front. Hum. Neurosci. 10:233. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2016.00233
Long X, Huang W, Napadow V, Liang F, Pleger B, Villringer A, Witt CM, Nierhaus T, Pach D (2016) Sustained Effects of Acupuncture Stimulation Investigated with Centrality Mapping Analysis. Front. Hum. Neurosci. 10:510
Taubert M, Stein T, Kreuzberg T, Stockinger C, Hecker L, Focke A, Ragert P, Villringer A, Pleger B (2016) Remote Effects of Non-Invasive Cerebellar Stimulation on Error Processing in Motor Re-Learning. Brain Stim. 9(5): 692-699
Taubert M, Mehnert J, Pleger B, Villringer (2016) Rapid and specific gray matter changes in M1 induced by balance training. NeuroImage. 133: 399-407
Mathar D, Horstmann A, Pleger B, Villringer A, Neumann J (2016) Is it Worth the Effort? Novel Insights into Obesity-Associated Alterations in Cost-Benefit Decision-Making. Front. Behav. Neurosci. 9(360): 10.3389/fnbeh.2015.00360
Melasch JT, Rullmann M, Hilbert A, Luthardt J, Becker GA, Patt M, Villringer A, Arelin K, Meyer PM, Lobsien D, Ding YS, Mueller K, Sabri O., Hesse S., Pleger B (2016): The central nervous norepinephrine network links a diminished sense of emotional well-being to an increased body weight. Int. J. Obes. 40(5): 779-787
Melasch JT, Rullmann M, Hilbert A, Luthardt J, Becker GA, Patt M, Stumvoll M, Blüher M, Villringer A, Arelin K, Meyer PM, Sabri O, Hesse S, Pleger B (2016) Sex differences in serotonin-hypothalamic connections underpin a diminished sense of emotional well-being with increasing body weight. Int. J. Obes. 49(8): 1268-1277
Schlaffke L, Schweizer LM, Rüther NN, Luerding R, Tegenthoff M, Bellebaum C, Schmidt-Wilcke T (2016). Dynamic changes of resting state connectivity related to the acquisition of a lexico-semantic skill. NeuroImage. doi:10.1016/j.msea.2016.06.054
Lissek S, Golisch A, Glaubitz B, Tegenthoff M (2016). The GABAergic system in prefrontal cortex and hippocampus modulates context-related extinction learning and renewal in humans. Brain Imaging and Behavior. doi:10.1007/s11682-016-9662-y
Lissek S, Glaubitz B, Schmidt-Wilcke T, Tegenthoff M (2016): Hippocampal context processing during acquisition of a predictive learning task is associated with renewal in extinction recall. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, Jan 25:1-16
Kinner VL, Merz CJ, Lissek S, Wolf OT (2016). Cortisol disrupts the neural correlates of extinction recall. Neuroimage 133: 233-243. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2016.03.005.
nach oben
Heba S, Puts NAJ, Kalisch T, Glaubitz B, Haag LM, Lenz M, … Schmidt-Wilcke T (2015). Local GABA Concentration Predicts Perceptual Improvements After Repetitive Sensory Stimulation in Humans. Cerebral Cortex, 1–7. doi:10.1093/cercor/bhv296
Schlaffke L, Golisch A, Haag LM, Lenz M, Heba S, Lissek S, … Tegenthoff M (2015). The Brain’s Dress Code: How The Dress allows to decode the neuronal pathway of an optical illusion. Cortex, 73, 271–275.
Lissek S, Glaubitz B, Wolf OT, Tegenthoff M (2015) The DA antagonist tiapride impairs context-related extinction learning in a novel context without affecting renewal. Front. Behav. Neurosci. 9:238.
Schlaffke L, Rüther NN, Heba S, Haag LM, Schultz T, Rosengarth K, Tegenthoff M, Bellebaum C, Schmidt-Wilcke T (2015) From perceptual to lexico-semantic analysis-cortical plasticity enabling new levels of processing. Hum Brain Mapp
Chang DI, Lissek S, Ernst T, Thürling M, Üngör M, Tegenthoff M, Ladd ME, Timmann D (2015): Cerebellar contribution to context processing in extinction learning and recall. Cerebellum doi:10.1007/s12311-015-0670-z
Enzi B, Lissek S, Edel M-E, Tegenthoff M, Nicolas V, Scherbaum N, Juckel G, Roser P (2015): Alterations of monetary reward and punishment processing in chronic cannabis users. An fMRI study. Plos One 10(3): e0119150
Meyer-Frießem CH, Haag LM, Schmidt-Wilcke T, Magerl W, Pogatzki-Zahn EM, Tegenthoff M, Zahn PK (2015) Transcutaneous spinal DC stimulation reduces pain sensitivity in humans. Neurosci Lett 589:153–158
Lissek S, Glaubitz B, Güntürkün O, Tegenthoff M (2015) Noradrenergic stimulation modulates activation of extinction-related brain regions and enhances contextual extinction learning without affecting renewal. Front Behav Neurosci 9:34
Haag LM, Heba S, Lenz M, Glaubitz B, Höffken O, Kalisch T, Puts NAJ, Edden RAE, Tegenthoff M, Dinse H, Schmidt-Wilcke T (2015) Resting BOLD fluctuations in the primary somatosensory cortex correlate with tactile acuity. Cortex 64:20–28
Schlaffke L, Lissek S, Lenz M, Juckel G, Schultz T, Tegenthoff M, Schmidt-Wilcke T, Brüne M (2015): Shared and non-shared neural networks of cognitive and affective theory-of-mind: a neuroimaging study using cartoon picture stories. Human Brain Mapping,Jan;36(1):29-39.
nach oben
Haag LM, Heba S, Lenz M, Glaubitz B, Höffken O, Kalisch T, Puts NAJ, Edden RAE, Tegenthoff M, Dinse H, Schmidt-Wilcke T (2014). Resting BOLD fluctuations in the primary somatosensory cortex correlate with tactile acuity, Cortex, doi: 10.1016/j.cortex.2014.09.018.
Ocklenburg S, Schlaffke L, Hugdahl K, Westerhausen R (2014). From structure to function in the lateralized brain: How structural properties of the arcuate and uncinate fasciculus are associated with dichotic listening performance. Neurosci Lett 580:32–36.
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Schlaffke L, Lissek S, Lenz M, Brüne M, Juckel G, Hinrichs T, Platen P, Tegenthoff M, Schmidt-Wilcke T (2014). Sports and brain morphology - a voxel-based morphometry study with endurance athletes and martial artists. Neuroscience 259:35-42
nach oben
Harris AD, Glaubitz B, Near J, Evans JC, Puts NAJ, Schmidt-Wilcke T, Tegenthoff M, Barker PB, Edden RAE (2013). Impact of frequency drift on gamma-aminobutyric acid-edited MR spectroscopy. Magn Reson Med Note:1–8.
Schultz T, Schlaffke L, Schölkopf B, Schmidt-Wilcke T (2013). HiFiVE: A Hilbert Space Embedding of Fiber Variability Estimates for Uncertainty Modeling and Visualization. Comput Graph Forum 32:121–130.
Lenz M, Üceyler N, Frettlöh J, Höffken O, Krumova EK, Lissek S, Reinersmann A, Sommer C, Stude P, Waaga-Gasser A, Tegenthoff M, Maier C (2013). Local cytokine changes in complex regional pain syndrome type I (CRPS I) resolve after 6 months. Pain 154(10): 2142-9
Lissek S, Glaubitz B, Uengoer M, Tegenthoff M (2013). Hippocampal activation during extinction learning predicts occurrence of the renewal effect in extinction recall. Neuroimage 81: 131-143
Lissek S, Vallana GS, Güntürkün O, Dinse H, Tegenthoff M (2013). Brain activation in motor sequence learning is related to the level of native cortical excitability. Plos One, 8(4): e61863. doi 10.371/journal.pone.0061863
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Edel MA, Enzi B, Witthaus H, Tegenthoff M, Peters S, Juckel G, Lissek S (2012). Differential reward processing in subtypes of adult attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Journal of Psychiatric Research, epub ahead of print 29 November 2012
Saft P, Lissek S, Hoffmann R, Nicolas V, Tegenthoff M, Juckel G, Brüne M (2012). Mentalizing in preclinical Huntington's disease: an fMRI study using cartoon picture stories. Brain Imaging and Behavior, published online 24. November 2012.
Roser P, Lissek S, Tegenthoff M, Nicolas V, Juckel G, Brüne M (2012). Alterations of theory of mind network activation in chronic cannabis users. Schizophrenia Research 139(1-3): 19-26
Enzi B, Edel MA, Lissek S, Peters S, Hoffmann R, Nicolas V, Tegenthoff M, Juckel G, Saft C (2012). Altered ventral striatal activation during reward and punishment processing in premanifest Huntington's disease: a functional magnetic resonance study. Experimental Neurology 235(1): 256-64
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Lenz M, Höffken O, Stude P, Lissek S, Schwenkreis P, Reinersmann A, Frettlöh J, Richter H, Tegenthoff M, Maier C (2011). Bilateral somatosensory cortex disinhibition in complex regional pain syndrome type I. Neurology 77 (11): 1096-101
Brüne M, Özgürdal S, Ansorge N, von Reventlow HG, Peters S, Nicolas V, Tegenthoff M, Juckel G, Lissek S (2011). An fMRI study of „theory of mind“ in at-risk-states of psychosis: Comparison with manifest schizophrenia and healthy controls. Neuroimage 55(1): 329-337
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Lissek S, Wilimzig C, Stude P, Pleger B, Kalisch T, Maier C, Peters SA, Nicolas V, Tegenthoff M, Dinse HR (2009). Immobilization Impairs Tactile Perception and Shrinks Somatosensory Cortical Maps. Current Biology, 19: 837-842. doi:10.1016/j.cub.2009.03.065
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Lissek S, Peters SA, Fuchs N, Witthaus H, Juckel G, Tegenthoff M, Brüne M (2008). Cooperation and deception recruit different subsets of the Theory-of-Mind network. PloS One, 3(4) : e2023. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0002023
Brüne M, Lissek S, Fuchs N, Witthaus H, Peters S, Juckel G, Tegenthoff M (2008). An fMRI study of theory of mind in schizophrenic patients with "passivity" symptoms. Neuropsychologia, 46: 1992-2001
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Höffken O, Veit M, Knossalla F, Lissek S, Bliem B, Ragert P, Dinse HR, Tegenthoff M (2007). Sustained increase of somatosensory cortex excitability by tactile coactivation studied by paired median nerve stimulation in humans correlates with perceptual gain. The Journal of Physiology, 584(Pt 2):463-71.
Lissek S, Hausmann M, Knossalla F, Peters SA, Nicolas V, Güntürkün O, Tegenthoff M (2007). Sex differences in cortical and subcortical recruitment during simple and complex motor control: An fMRI study. Neuroimage, 37: 912-926
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