Research Interests
- Indigenous Australian Studies
- Postcolonial Poetry and Theory
- SoSe 2019: The Tempest in the Postcolonial World, Postcolonial London (Summer School in Canterbury)
- WiSe 2018/19: Academic Skills, mit Prof. Dr. Christiane Meierkord: English(es) in Australia's Indigenous Poetry
- SoSe 2018: "Where sciene and rules break down": Science in Contemporary Fiction
- WiSe 2017/18: Academic Skills
- SoSe 2017: Academic Skills
Biographical Information
- Lioba Schreyer is currently finishing her doctoral project on contemporary Australian poetry, for which she conducted research at the University of Queensland in 2017.
- She joined Ruhr-University Bochum in 2017, having previously worked as a research assistant in the section of Postcolonial Studies at the University of Duisburg-Essen. Over her six years in teaching, Lioba Schreyer has worked a variety of courses in diverse formats, including two seminars taught abroad, at Fort Hays State University, KS, in 2015 and as part of the annual summer school in Canterbury, UK, in 2019.
- Lioba Schreyer finished her Master's degree at the University of Duisburg-Essen with a thesis on Irish poetry in 2014, which she partly researched at the University of Limerick funded by a UDE travel grant. For her Bachelor thesis, she analysed the development of national identity in relation to country as depicted in Australian poetry, which she researched at Griffith University, QLD, in 2012.
- Lioba Schreyer joined the Poetic Writing Workshop at UDE in 2009 and co-edited its first publication, Verse and Tile (2017). She organised several conferences and cultural events, including the workshop "Voices from the Margins: Societal Change and the Environment in Poety" (2016), the Connotations symposium "Self-Imposed Fetters: The Productivity of Formal and Thematic Restrictions" (2017), and two performance nights in cooperation with the Fachschaft Anglistik. Lioba Schreyer is the founder of the newsletter of the English Seminar and acted as editor until 2020.
- Lioba Schreyer and Lena Mattheis, eds. Voices from the Margins: Societal Change and the Environment in Poetry. Special Feature in Transnational Literature 10.2 (2018).
- Lioba Schreyer and Torsten Caeners, eds. Verse and Tile. Gilles and Francke, 2017.
- "Sarah Kay". The Literary Encyclopedia. 19 June 2017.
- "A "Cry for Justice": Mabo and Poetry" Postcolonial Justice in Australia: Reassessing the 'Fair Go', edited by Gigi Adair and Anja Schwarz, WVT, 2016, pp.139-149.
Conference Papers & Guest Lectures (Selection)
- "'I Love a Sunburnt Country': Contested Australian Land & the Immediacy of Poetry", Workshop Ecocriticism as a Current Trajectory in Narrative Research, Nachwuchsnetzwerks "Current Trajectories in Narrative Research", Bergische Universität Wuppertal, 07.02.2020; and guest lecture in Prof. Dr. Birgit Spengler's seminar Poetic Encounters in a More-Than-Human World, Bergische Universität Wuppertal, 03.12.2020.
- "'A Broken Spine Beneath the Freeway': Displacement in a Land Belonging to No One", conference Australian Perspectives on Migration, GASt, Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf, 06.09.2018.
- "Re Mabo: Poetic Responses to the High Court Decision and its Legacy", Workshop Mabo's Cultural Legacy: The Mabo Decision, 25 Years On, GASt, University of Stuttgart, 17.11.2017.
- "How I Express my Dreaming": The Coloniser's Language as a Productive Fetter in Indigenous Australian Poetry", Symposium Self-Imposed Fetters: The Productivity of Thematic and Formal Restrictions, Connotations, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Mülheim a.d. Ruhr, 01.08.2017.
- "'Mabo Decision Was…': Indigenous Perspectives in Poetry", guest lecture in Dr. Kathrin Althans's seminar 25 Years of Mabo: Aboriginal Land Rights in Literature, Heinrich-Heine University Düsseldorf, 07.07.2017.
- "From Stage to Page: Spoken Word Poetry in the EFL-Classroom" with Sarah Steinhoff, Dramapädagogik-Tage 2017, Hochschule Konstanz, 01.07.2017.
- "'Meaningful Meaninglessness'?: Alienating Language in Anglophone (Post-)Colonial Poetry" Conference Expressing the Postcolonial: Approaches to Verbalize the Unspeakable, Postcolonial Narrations, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, München, 10.10.2016.
- "'Words used for things other than filling emptiness': Spoken Word Poetry in the EFL Classroom" with Sarah Steinhoff, Bundeskongress Fremdsprachen Gelebte Mehrsprachigkeit – Sprachen als Tor zur Verständigung, GMF, Nürnberg, 29.09.2016.
- "Teaching Anglophone Literature to German Undergraduate Students", Workshop Teaching and Researching the Anglophone World in Europe, Metropolitan University Prague, 29.04.2016.
- "The Hidden Ireland: Of Dying Women and Speaking Statues", Workshop Neurosis & Social Transformations, UDE, 19.02.2016.
- "Postcolonial Language and Literature: Achebe and Thiong'o", guest lecture in Dr. Katrin Althans’s seminar Postcolonial Theory, UDE, 22.01.2015.
- "'Puzzled' - Dissolving Language Boundaries in Indigenous Australian Poetry", Kolloquium Entgrenzung, UDE, 14.11.2014.
- "Justice as a Contested Concept in Indigenous Australian Poetry", Interdisplinäres Kolloquium Anglistik/ Kunstwissenschaft, UDE, 18.07.2014.
- "Cry for Justice - Mabo and Poetry", Conference Postcolonial Justice, GNEL and GASt, Potsdam/ Berlin, 29.05.2014.
- "Narrative Techniques and Cultural Mediation in Phillip McLaren's Sweet Water, Stolen Land", Symposium Indigenous Australian Literature in Context, 1993-2013, UDE, Kulturwissenschaftliches Institut Essen, 13.04.2013.