Publications in Proceedings
- David G. Kirkpatrick, Hans Ulrich Simon, and Sandra Zilles
Optimal Collusion-Free Teaching
Proceedings of the 29'th International Conference
on Algorithmic Learning Theory (ALT 2019) ,
506-528, 2010.
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- Hans Ulrich Simon
On the Containment Problem for Linear Sets
Proceedings of the 35'th Symposium
on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science (STACS 2018) ,
55:1-55:12, 2018.
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- Ziyuan Gao, David G. Kirkpatrick, Christoph Ries, Hans Ulrich Simon, and Sandra Zilles
Preference-based Teaching of Unions of Geometric Objects
Proceedings of the 27'th International Conference
on Algorithmic Learning Theory (ALT 2017) ,
185-207, 2017.
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- Francesco Alda and Hans Ulrich Simon
On the Optimality of the Exponential Mechanism
Proceedings of the First International Conference
on Cyber Security, Cryptography and Machine Learning (CSCML 2017) ,
68-85, 2017.
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- Ziyuan Gao, Christoph Ries, Hans Ulrich Simon and Sandra Zilles
Preference-based Teaching
JMLR: Workshop and Conference Proceedings, Vol. 49 (COLT 2016) ,
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- Ziyuan Gao, Hans Ulrich Simon and Sandra Zilles
On the Teaching Complexity of Linear Sets
Proceedings of the 26'th International Conference on Algorithmic Learning Theory (ALT 2015) ,
102-116, 2015.
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- Malte Darnstädt, Christoph Ries and Hans Ulrich Simon
Hierarchical Design of Fast Minimum Disagreement Algorithms
Proceedings of the 26'th International Conference on Algorithmic Learning Theory (ALT 2015) ,
134-148, 2015.
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- Christian Brandl and Hans Ulrich Simon
Complexity Analysis: Finite Transformation Monoids
Proceedings of the 19'th International Conference on Developments in Language Theory ,
143-154, 2015.
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- Hans Ulrich Simon
An Almost Optimal PAC Algorithm (Best Paper Award)
Proceedings of the 28'th Conference on Learning Theory (COLT 2015) ,
1552-1563, 2015.
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- Francesco Alda and Hans Ulrich Simon
Randomized Response Schemes, Privacy and Usefulness
Proceedings of the 7'th Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Security ,
15-26, 2014.
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- Marius Konitzer and Hans Ulrich Simon
DFA with a Bounded Activity Level.
Proceedings of the 8'th International Conference on Language and Automata Theory
and Applications, 478-489, 2014.
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- Malte Darnstädt, Thorsten Doliwa, Hans Ulrich Simon, and Sandra Zilles
Order Compression Schemes.
Proceedings of the 24'th Annual International Conference on
Algorithmic Learning Theory (ALT 2013) , 173-187, 2013.
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- Malte Darnstädt, Hans Ulrich Simon, and Balazs Szörenyi
Unlabeled Data Does Provably Help.
Proceedings of the 30'th International Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science ,
185-196, 2013.
[view abstract]
- Hans Ulrich Simon
Boolean Composition of Visual Secret Sharing Schemes.
Proceedings of the 7'th International Computer Science Symposium
in Russia, 314-325, 2012.
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- Hans Ulrich Simon
PAC-Learning in the Presence of One-sided Classification Noise.
International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Mathematics}, 2012.
Available from
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- Malte Darnstädt, Hans Ulrich Simon, and Balazs Szörenyi
Supervised Learning and Co-training.
Proceedings of the 22'nd Annual International Conference on
Algorithmic Learning Theory (ALT 2011) , 425-439, 2011.
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- Michael Kallweit and Hans Ulrich Simon
A Close Look to Margin Complexity and Related Parameters.
Proceedings of the 24'th Annual Conference on
Learning Theory (COLT 20111) , 2011.
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- Thorsten Doliwa, Hans Ulrich Simon, and Sandra Zilles
Recursive Teaching Dimension, Learning Complexity, and Maximum Classes.
Proceedings of the 21'st Annual International Conference on
Algorithmic Learning Theory (ALT 2010) , 209-223, 2010.
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- Hans Ulrich Simon
Smart PAC-learners.
Proceedings of the 20'th Annual International Conference on
Algorithmic Learning Theory (ALT 2009), 353-367, 2009.
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- Nikolas List and Hans Ulrich Simon
SVM-optimization and Steepest-descent Line Search.
Proceedings of the 22'nd Annual Conference on
Learning Theory (COLT 2009) , 2009.
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- Thorsten Doliwa, Michael Kallweit, and Hans Ulrich Simon
Dimension and Margin Bounds for Reflection-invariant Kernels.
Proceedings of the 21'st Annual Conference on
Learning Theory (COLT 2008) , 157-167, 2008.
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- Shai Ben-David, David Pal, and Hans Ulrich Simon
Stability of k-Means Clustering.
Proceedings of the 20'th Annual Conference on
Learning Theory (COLT 2007) , 20-34, 2007.
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- Hans Ulrich Simon
A Characterization of Strong Learnability in the Statistical Query Model.
Proceedings of the 24'th Annual Symposium on
Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science, 393-404, 2007.
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- Hans Ulrich Simon
Spectral Norm in Learning Theory: Some Selected Topics (Invited Talk).
Proceedings of the 17'th Annual International Conference on
Algorithmic Learning Theory (ALT 2006) , 13-27, 2006.
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- Hans Ulrich Simon
Perfect Reconstruction of Black Pixels Revisited.
Proceedings of the 15'th Annual International Symposium on
Fundamentals of Computation Theory, 221-232, 2005.
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- Niko List and Hans Ulrich Simon
General Polynomial Time Decomposition Algorithms.
Proceedings of the 18th Annual Conference on Computational
Learning Theory (COLT 2005) , 308-322, 2005.
[view abstract]
- Hans Ulrich Simon
On the Complexity of Working Set Selction.
Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Algorithmic
Learning Theory (ALT 2004) , 324-337, 2004.
[view abstract]
- Atsuyoshi Nakamura, Michael Schmitt, Niels Schmitt, and Hans
Ulrich Simon
Bayesian Networks and Inner Product Spaces.
Proceedings of the 17th Annual Conference on Computational
Learning Theory (COLT 2004) , 518-533, 2004.
[view abstract]
- Niko List and Hans Ulrich Simon
A General Convergence Theorem for the Decomposition Method.
Proceedings of the 17th Annual Conference on Computational
Learning Theory (COLT 2004) , 363-377, 2004.
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- Eike Kiltz and Hans Ulrich Simon
Complexity Theoretic Aspects of some Cryptographic Functions.
Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Computing and Combinatorics, 294-303, 2003.
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- Dietrich Braess, Jürgen Forster, Tomas Sauer and Hans Ulrich Simon
How to Achieve Minimax Expected Kullback-Leibler Distance from an Unknown Finite Distribution.
Proceedings of the 13th International Workshop on Algorithmic Learning Theory (ALT 2002) , 380-394, 2002.
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- Jürgen Forster and Hans Ulrich Simon
On the Smallest Possible Dimension and the Largest Possible Margin of Linear Arrangements Representing Given Concept Classes.
Proceedings of the 13th International Workshop on Algorithmic Learning Theory (ALT 2002) , 128-138, 2002.
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- Hans Ulrich Simon
How Many Missing Answers can be Tolerated by Query Learners.
Proceedings of the 19th Annual Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science, 384-395, 2002.
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- Jürgen Forster, Matthias Krause, Satyanarayana V. Lokam,Rustan Mubarakzjanov, Niels Schmitt, and Hans Ulrich Simon
Relations Between Communication Complexity, Linear Arrangements, andComputational Complexity
Proceedings of the 21th Annual Conference on Foundations ofSoftware Technology and Theoretical Computer Science, 171-182, 2001.
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- Shai Ben-David, Nadav Eiron and Hans Ulrich Simon
Limitations of Learning via Embeddings on Euclidian Half-Spaces.
Proceedings of the 14th Annual ACM Conference on Computational Learning Theory (COLT 2001) , 385-401, 2001.
[view abstract]
- Hans Ulrich Simon
How Many queries are Needed to Learn One Bit of Information?
Proceedings of the 14th Annual ACM Conference on Computational Learning Theory (COLT 2001) , 1-13, 2001.
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- Jürgen Forster, Niels Schmitt, and Hans Ulrich Simon
Estimating the Optimal Margins of Embeddings in Euclidian Half Spaces.
Proceedings of the 14th Annual ACM Conference on ComputationalLearning Theory (COLT 2001) , 402-415, 2001.
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- Shai Ben-David and Hans Ulrich Simon
Efficient learning of linear perceptrons.
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 13, MITPress, 189-195, 2000.
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- Shai Ben-David, Nadav Eiron and Hans Ulrich Simon
The complexity of densest region detection.
Proceedings of the 13th Annual ACM Conference on ComputationalLearning Theory (COLT 2000) , 255-264, 2000.
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- Matthias Krause and Hans Ulrich Simon
On contrast-optimal secret sharing schemes in visual cryptography.
Proceedings of the 4th Latin American Conference on TheoreticalInformatics, 280-291, 2000.
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- Christian Kuhlmann and Hans Ulrich Simon
Construction of visual secret sharing schemes with almost optimal contrast.
Proceedings of the 11th Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms, 262-272, 2000.
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- José Balcàzar, Jorge Castro, David Guijarro, and Hans Ulrich Simon
The consistency dimension and distribution-dependent learning fromqueries.
Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on AlgorithmicLearning Theory (ALT 1999) , 77-92, 1999.
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- Andreas Birkendorf, Norbert Klasner, Christian Kuhlmann and Hans Ulrich Simon
Structural Results about Exact Learning with Unspecified AttributeValues
Proc. of the 11th Conference on Computational Learning Theory (COLT 1998) , 144-152, 1998.
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- Andreas Birkendorf, Andreas Böker, and Hans Ulrich Simon.
Learning deterministic finite automata from smallest Counterexamples.
Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Discrete Algorithms, 599-609, 1998.
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- Thomas Hofmeister, Matthias Krause, and Hans Ulrich Simon
Contrast-optimal k-out-of-n secret sharing schemes invisual cryptography.
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Computing and Combinatorics, 176-186, 1997.
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- Nicolò Cesa-Bianchi, Paul Fischer, Eli Shamir, and Hans Ulrich Simon
Randomized hypotheses and minimum disagreement hypothesis for learning with noise.
Proceedings of the 3rd European Conference on Computational Learning Theory (COLT 1997) , 119-134, 1997.
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- Andreas Birkendorf, Eli Dichterman, Jeffrey Jackson, Norbert Klasner, and Hans Ulrich Simon
On restricted-focus-of-attention learnability of boolean functions.
Proceedings of the 9th Annual Conference on Computational Learning Theory (COLT 1996) , 205-217, 1996.
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- Nicolò Cesa-Bianchi, Eli Dichterman, Paul Fischer, and Hans Ulrich Simon.
Noise-tolerant learning near the information-theoretic bound.
Proceedings of the 28th Annual Symposium on Theory of Computing, 141-151, 1996.
[view abstract]
- Andreas Birkendorf and Hans Ulrich Simon.
Using computational learning strategies as a tool in combinatorialoptimization.
Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Mathematics, :, 1996.
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- Norbert Klasner and Hans Ulrich Simon
From noise-free to noise-tolerant and from on-line to batch learning.
Proceedings of the 8th Annual Conference on Computational Learning Theory (COLT 1995) , 250-258, 1995.
[view abstract]
- Hans Ulrich Simon
Learning decision lists and trees with equivalence queries.
Proceedings of the 2nd European Conference on Computational Learning Theory (EuroCOLT 1995) , 322-336, 1995.
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- Hans Ulrich Simon
Bounds on the number of examples needed for learning functions.
Proceedings of the 1st European Conference on Computational Learning Theory (COLT 1994) , 83-95, 1994.
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- Jorge Ricardo Cuellar and Hans Ulrich Simon
Neural discriminant analysis.
Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Algorithmic Learning Theory (ALT 1993) , 223-237, 1993.
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- Hans Ulrich Simon
General bounds on the number of examples needed for learning probabilistic concepts.
Proceedings of the 6th Annual Workshop on Computational Learning Theory (COLT 1993) , 402-412, 1993.
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- Klaus Uwe Höffgen and Hans Ulrich Simon
Robust trainability of single neurons.
Proceedings of the 5th Annual ACM Workshop on Computational Learning Theory (COLT 1993) , 73-77, 1993.
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- Svetlana Anoulova, Paul Fischer, Stefan Pölt, and Hans Ulrich Simon
PAB-decisions for boolean and real-valued features.
Proceedings of the 5th Annual ACM Workshop on Computational Learning Theory (COLT 1992) , 353-363, 1992.
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- Svetlana Anoulova, Jorge R. Cuellar, Klaus U. Höffgen, and Hans U. Simon
Bayes Decisions in a neural network pac-setting.
Proceedings of the Workshop on Computational Learning Theory and Natural Learning Systems, MIT Press, :, 1991.
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- Paul Fischer, Stefan Pölt, and Hans Ulrich Simon
Probably almost bayes decisions.
Proceedings of the 4th Annual Workshop on Computational Learning Theory (COLT 1991) , 88-97, 1991.
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- Paul Fischer and Hans Ulrich Simon
On learning ring-sum-expansions.
Proceedings of the 3th Annual Workshop on Computational Learning Theory (COLT 1990) , 130-143, 1990.
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- Paul Fischer and Hans Ulrich Simon
Separation problems and circular arc systems.
Proceedings of the 16th International Workshop on Graph Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science, Springer Verlag, 251-260, 1990.
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- Hans Ulrich Simon
On the number of examples and stages needed for learning decision trees.
Proceedings of the 3rd Annual Workshop on Computational Learning Theory (COLT 1990) , 303-314, 1990.
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- Hans Ulrich Simon
Approximation algorithms for channel assignment in cellular radionetworks.
Foundations of Computation Theory, Springer Verlag, 405-416, 1989.
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- Bernd Becker and Hans Ulrich Simon
How robust is the n-cube ?
Proceedings of the 27th Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science, 283-282, 1986.
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- Hans Ulrich Simon
On the singularity of the 2-processor case in the multiprocessor scheduling problem.
Modelling & Simulation, Tassin, France, AMSE Press, Vol.1B, 137-149, 1985.
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- Hans Ulrich Simon
A tight
-bound on the time for parallel RAM's to compute nondegenerated boolean functions
Foundations of Computation Theory, Springer Verlag, 439-445, 1983.
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- Hans Ulrich Simon
Wordproblems for groups and contextfree recognition.
Fundamentals of Computation Theory, Akademie Verlag, 417-422, 1979.
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