
Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Professor for History Education and Public History
GA 5/58
Universitätsstr. 150
44801 Bochum

Email: gd-ph[at]

Roxana Breitenbach
(0)234 32-23992
GA 4/147


On 13 May 2025, Elena Lewers will give a guest lecture on Bildungsrevolution durch Virtual Reality? Geschichtsdidaktische Perspektiven auf VR als Lernraum at the University of Duisburg-Essen. To register, please send a message to the following e-mail:

You can find more information and other current events at: News ...


The recently published volume of sources on antiquity by Christian Bunnenberg, Tobias Arand, Holger Dietrich and Martin Fell offers a range of sources that are suitable for students to learn by thinking for themselves: Arand, Tobias et al. (Hrgs.): Antike. Ungewöhnliche Quellen für den Geschichtsunterricht (Fundus - Quellen für den Geschichtsunterricht), Frankfurt am Main 2025.

More: Publications ...


Current projects include history in immersive media (AR, VR, 360° film), history teaching under digital conditions and history of the 19th century. 



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Public History

The seventh year Public History students have published a podcast about the first luxury cruise of the Augusta Viktoria in 1894: "Mit Champagner auf (Nor)Wegen" can be found on Spotify.

More: Public History ...