Seit 08/2024 Academic assistant at the Chair of History Didactics and Public History at the Ruhr University Bochum
06/2022 bis 07/2024 Student assistant in the ‘Communication and Marketing’ department of the LVR Industrial Museum in Oberhausen
04/2022 bis 01/2023 Working student at the Initative Nordbahnhof e.V. in Bochum
Seit 10/2021 Master of Arts in Public History at the Ruhr University Bochum
10/2020 bis 03/2021 Student assistant for the integrated proseminar at the Historicum of the University of Erfurt
10/2017 bis 09/2021 Studies of Political Science-Social Sciences and History at the University of Erfurt
08/2016 bis 08/2017 European Voluntary Service at the International Youth Meeting and Memorial Centre Krzyżowa (Poland)
07/2016 General higher education entrance qualification at the Bischöfliches Gymnasium St. Ursula Geilenkirchen
Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Fakultät für Geschichtswissenschaften
Historisches Institut
Didaktik der Geschichte
Universitätsstr. 150
Room: GA 4/55
44780 Bochum