List of publications

Ordered by Year



Fernandez Astudillo, R., Kolossa, D., Abad, A., Zeiler, S., Saeidi, R., Mowlaee, P., da Silva Neto, J. P., Martin, R. (2012). “Integration of Beamforming and Uncertainty-of-Observation Techniques for Robust ASR in Multi-Source Environments”, Computer Speech and Language, Special Issue on Multisource Environments, to appear 2012.

Hoffmann, E., Kolossa, D., Köhler, B.-U., Orglmeister, R. (2012). “Using Information Theoretic Distance Measures for Solving the Permutation Problem of Blind Source Separation of Speech Signals” , EURASIP Journal on Audio, Speech, and Music Processing, vol. 2012:14, April 2012.

Abdelaziz, A. H., Kolossa, D. (2012). "Decoding of Uncertain Features Using the Posterior Distribution of the Clean Data for Robust Speech Recognition", International Speech Communication Association, (2012).

Abdelaziz, A. H., Zeiler, S., Kolossa, D. (2012). "Audio-Visual Speech Recognition for Uncertain Acoustical Observations", ITG Fachtagung Sprachkommunikation, (2012).

Azarpour, M., Enzner, G., Martin, R. (2012). “Distortionless-Response vs. Matched-Filter-Array Processing for Adaptive Binaural Noise Reduction”, International Workshop on Acoustic Signal Enhancement (IWAENC 2012).

Becker, S., Hudde, H. (2012). "Der cochleäre Verstärker - Modelle und Ergebnisse", 38. Dtsch. Jahrestg. f. Akust., DAGA 2012, Darmstadt, 2012.

Blauert, J. (2012). "Conceptual aspects regarding the qualification of spaces for aural performances", acta acustica united with Acustica  99, 1–13, 2012.

Blauert, J. (2012). "Modeling binaural processing: What next?" (Abstr.) J. Acoust. Soc. Amer. 132, 1911, 2012.

Blauert, J. (2012). "A Perceptionist’s View on Psychoacoustics", Archives of Acoustics, Vol. 37, No. 3, pp. 365–371, August 2012.

Blauert, J., Jekosch, U. (2012). "A Layer Model of Sound Quality", J. Audio Eng. Soc., Vol. 60, No. 1/2, Jan.-Febr. pp. 4-12.

Blauert, J., Obermayer, K. (2012). "Rückkoppelungswege in Binauralmodellen", DAGA 2012, Darmstadt, pp. 215-216.

Blauert, J.,  Rabenstein, R. (2012). "Providing Surround Sound with Loudspeakers: A Synopsis of Current Methods",  Archives of Acoustics, Vol. 37, No. 1, pp. 5-18.

Borß, C., Martin, R. (2012). "On the Construction of Window Functions with Constant Overlap- add Constraint for Arbitrary Window Shifts", ICASSP, pp. 337-340, Kyoto, Japan, March 2012.

Dokku, R., Martin, R. (2012). “Detection of Stop Consonants in Continuous Noisy Speech Based on an Extrapolation Technique”, in Proc. European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), Bucharest, Romania, pp. 2338-2342, 2012.

Antweiler, C., Telle, A., Vary, P., Enzner, G. (2012). “Perfect-sweep NLMS for time-variant acoustic system identification", Intl. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Kyoto (Japan), March 2012.

Gergen, S., Borß, C., Madhu, N., Martin, R. (2012). " An Optimized Parametric Model for the Simulation of Reverberant Microphone Signals", IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing, Communications and Computing ICSPCC 2012, Hong Kong, August 2012.

Gergen, S., Grautstück, C., Martin, R. (2012). "Messtechnische Untersuchung der Akustik eines Elektroautos", 38. Jahrestagung für Akustik DAGA 2012, Darmstadt, März 2012.

Hudde, H., Becker, S. (2012). "Der cochleäre Verstärker - Modellvorstellungen zur Funktion des Cortiresonators", 38. Dtsch. Jahrestg. f. Akust., DAGA 2012, Darmstadt, (2012).

Kolossa, D., Nickel, R., Zeiler, S., Martin, R. (2012). “Inventory-Based Audio-Visual Speech Enhancement”, Proc. Interspeech, Portland, Oregon, USA, September 9-13, 2012.

Jacobi, R. C., Hennig, A., Kolossa, D. (2012). „Simulation Methods for Inductively Coupled Sensor Systems in Varying Environments“, Proc. PRIME, Aachen, Germany, June 12-15, 2012.

Malik, S., Schmid, D., Enzner, G. (2012). "A State-Space Cross-Relation Approach to Adaptive Blind SIMO System Identification," IEEE Signal Process. Lett., vol. 19, no. 8, pp. 511-514, Aug. 2012.

Malik, S., Enzner, G. (2012). "State-Space Frequency-Domain Adaptive Filtering for Nonlinear Acoustic Echo Cancellation", IEEE Trans. Audio, Speech  Lang. Process., vol. 20, no. 7, pp. 2065-2079 , Sept. 2012.

Malik, S., Enzner, G. (2012). "Variational Bayesian Inference For Nonlinear Acoustic Echo Cancellation Using Adaptive Cascade Modeling", Publisher: Intl. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Kyoto, Japan, March 2012.

Martin, R., Kolossa, D. (2012). “Voice activity detection, noise estimation, and adaptive filters for acoustic signal enhancement”, in: T. Virtanen, R. Singh, B. Raj (eds.): “Techniques for Noise Robustness in Automatic Speech Recognition”, John Wiley & Sons, September 2012.

Mowlaee, P., Saeidi, R., Martin, R. (2012). "Model-Driven Speech Enhancement for Multisource Reverberant Environment", Signal Separation Evaluation Campaign (SiSEC) 2011, in: Proc. The 10th International Conference on Latent Variable Analysis and Source Separation LVA/ICA 2012 , vol. 7191, pp. 454-461, 2012.

Mowlaee, P., Saeidi, R., Christensen, M., Martin, R. (2012). "Subjective and Objective Quality Assessment of Single-Channel Speech Separation Algorithms", ICASSP, pp. 69-72, Kyoto, Japan, March 2012.

Mowlaee, P., Saeidi, R., Christensen, M. G., Zheng-Hua Tan, Z.-H., Kinnunen,T., Fränti, P., Jensen, S. H. (2012). "A Joint Approach for Single-Channel Speaker Identification and Speech Separation", IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, Vol. 20, No. 9, Nov. 2012.

Nagathil, A., Martin, R. (2012). "Optimal Signal Reconstruction from a Constant-Q Spectrum", ICASSP, pp. 349-352, Kyoto, Japan, March 2012.

Nickel, R., Astudillo, R., Kolossa, D., Zeiler, S., Martin, R. (2012). "Inventory-Style Speech Enhancement with Uncertainty-of- Observation Techniques", ICASSP, pp. 4645-4648, Kyoto, Japan, March 2012.

Schasse, A., Tendyck, C., Martin, R. (2012). "Improved Source Localisation Based on the Doppler Effect", Intern. Workshop on Acoustic, Echo and Noise Control (IWAENC), 2012.

Schasse, A., Martin, R., Soergel, W., Pilgrim, T., Puder, H. (2012). "Efficient Implementation of Single-Channel Noise Reduction for Hearing Aids Using a Cascaded Filter-Bank", Proc. ITG Symposium Speech Communication, 287-290, 2012.

Schlesinger, A. (2012). "Transient-Based Speech Transmission Index for Predicting Intelligibility in Nonlinear Speech Enhancement Processors", ICASSP, pp. 3993-3996, Kyoto, Japan, March 2012.

Schmid, D., Malik, S., Enzner, G. (2012). "A Maximum A Posteriori Approach to Multichannel Speech Dereverberation and Denoising," in Proc. Int. Workshop on Acoustic Signal Enhancement (IWAENC), Aachen, Germany, Sep. 2012.

Schmid, D., Thüne, P., Kolossa, D., Enzner, G. (2012). "Dereverberation Preprocessing and Training Data Adjustments for Robust Speech Recognition in Reverberant Environments," in Proc. ITG Fachtagung Sprachkommunikation, Braunschweig, Germany, Sep. 2012.

Schmid, D., Malik, S., Enzner, G. (2012). "An Expectation-Maximization Algorithm for Multichannel Adaptive Speech Dereverberation in the Frequency-Domain," in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Acoust., Speech, and Signal Process. (ICASSP), Kyoto, Japan, Mar. 2012, pp. 17-20.

Schmid, D., Enzner, G. (2012). "Cross-Relation-Based Blind SIMO Identifiability in the Presence of Near-Common Zeros and Noise," IEEE Trans. Signal Process., vol. 60, no. 1, pp. 60-72, Jan. 2012.

Taghia, J., Hendriks, R., Martin, R. (2012). "On Mutual Information as a Measure of Speech Intelligibility", ICASSP, pp. 65-68, Kyoto, Japan, March 2012.

Thüne, P., Enzner, G. (2012). "Assessment of Multichannel Acoustic System Identification Using a Spectral-Importance Weighted Misalignment", International Workshop on Acoustic Signal Enhancement (IWAENC), Aachen, Germany, 2012.

Weinert, M., Enzner, G., Batke, J.-M., Jax, P. (2012). „Komfortable Messung und Bereitstellung individueller kopfbezogener Impulsantworten als OpenDAFF“, Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Akustik (DAGA)/, Darmstadt (Germany), March 2012.
