Start > Die USA nach dem Kalten Krieg > |
12. Die USA nach dem Kalten Krieg |
George H. W. Bush, Partners in Leadership Speech, 1989 |
Immigration Act, 1990 |
Zwei-plus-Vier Vertrag, 1990 |
CFE Treaty, 1990 |
UN Resolution 678, 1990 |
Joint Resolution for Use of U.S. Force Against Iraq and Vote Analysis, 1991 |
Constitutional Amendment XXVII, 1992 |
"Don't Ask, Don't Tell", 1993 |
NAFTA, 1993 |
Proposition 187, 1994 |
Contract with America, 1994 |
U.S. v. Lopez, 1995 |
Flag Desecration Amendment, 1995 |
Dayton Peace Accord, 1995 |
Bill Clinton, Radio Address on Dayton Peace Accord, 1995 |
Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty , 1996 |
Defense of Marriage Act, 1996 |
Bill Clinton, Second Inaugural Address, 1997 |
Starr Report, 1998 |
Articles of Impeachment, Bill Clinton, 1998 |