
Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Professor for History Education and Public History
GA 5/58
Universitätsstr. 150
44801 Bochum

Roxana Breitenbach
(0)234 32-23992
GA 4/147


The team of the Department of History Didactics and Public History will be on summer break from 22 July to 18 August. We kindly ask you to clarify all urgent requests in advance, as these can only be processed to a limited extent during the specified period.

Many thanks and a great summer from the staff of the GDPH department!

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The anthology Geschichtskulturen im digitalen Wandel by Olaf Hartung, Alexandra Krebs and Johannes Meyer-Hamme, recently published by Wochenschau Verlag, is enriched with a contribution by Mia Berg and Elena Lewers, among others. The essays are dedicated to current issues relating to historical culture and digital change.

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Current projects include history in immersive media (AR, VR, 360° film), history teaching under digital conditions and history of the 19th century. 



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Public History

The seventh year Public History students have published a podcast about the first luxury cruise of the Augusta Viktoria in 1894: "Mit Champagner auf (Nor)Wegen" can be found on Spotify.

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