Dr. Kathrin Meier
I finished my Master of Education in Mathematics and Chemistry. I was a PhD student in the Stochastics group of Prof. Christoph Thäle and the Algebraic Combinatorics group of Prof. Christian Stump at Ruhr-University Bochum. Now I work at HDI Group.
My research area is: Combinatorial statistics for Weyl groups, their means and variances and central limit theorems.
Publications & Preprint
Central limit theorems for generalized descents and generalized inversions in finite root systems
Joint work with C. Stump
Preprint; 2022, [arXiv]
Second-order properties for planar Mondrian tessellations
Joint work with C. Betken, T. Kaufmann and C. Thäle
Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability 25; 2023, [journal]
- 27. September - 01. October 2021:
German Probability & Statistics Days Mannheim
Contributed Talk: "Central limits for generalized descents and inversions in permutations in finite Weyl group elements" - 13. - 17. September 2021:
Combinatorics and Representation Theory in Lausanne - 05. - 08. September 2021:
86th Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire
Contributed Talk: "Central limits for generalized descents and inversions in finite Weyl groups"
Winter 2022/23
Exercise classes: Mathematik I für Informatiker und ITS
Summer 2022
Exercise classes: Mathematik II für Informatiker und ITS
Winter 2021/22
Exercise classes: Mathematik I für Informatiker und ITS
Summer 2021
Exercise classes: Mathematik II für Informatiker und ITS
Winter 2020/21
Exercise classes: Mathematik I für Geowissenschaftler und SEPM
Summer 2020
Exercise classes: Lineare Algebra 2
Winter 2019/20
Exercise classes: Lineare Algebra 1