Henske J, De Dijn BPE, Eltz T
Non-floral scent sources of orchid bees: Observations and significance.
2025. Biotropica 57: e13395 doi:https://doi.org/10.1111/btp.13395
Henske J, Eltz T
Age-dependent perfume development in male orchid bees, Euglossa imperialis.
2024. J Exp Biol 227 doi:ARTN jeb246995 10.1242/jeb.246995
Eltz T, Mende T, Ramírez S R
Evolution of acquired perfumes and endogenous lipid secretions in orchid bees.
2024. Journal of Chemical Ecology 50, 430-438
Chen L, Gõmez R, Horstmann M & Weiss L C
Temperature and light timing effects on diapause progression in Daphnia magna.
2024. Freshwater Biology, 00, 1-11.
Horstmann M, Speck T, Cerasino L, Popinga S
Orchestrated Movement Sequences and Shape-Memory-like Effects in Pine Cones.
2024. Plants 13. 2078, https://doi.org/10.3390/plants13152078
Henske J, Eltz, T
Age-dependent perfume development in male orchid bees, Euglossa imperialis.
2024. Journal of Experimental Biology 227, 246995
Schweinsberg M, Gemeinhardt L, Begerow D, Klenner-Koch S, Virgo J, Tollrian R, Weiss, L C
Daphnia magna feeds on Batrachochytrium salamandrivorans zoospores.
2024. Fundam. Appl. Limnol. 197, 117-125.
Obertegger U, Corradini S, Cerasino L, Weiss, L C
Decadal changes in surface CO2 concentrations and CO2 fluxes in a mountain lake.
2024. Limnol. Oceanogr. 2, 1-14.
Horstmann M, Luncke J, Weiss L C, Tollrian R
Long-term analysis and effectiveness of inducible behavioural and morphological traits of Daphnia longicephala in response to Notonecta
2023. Fundamental and Applied Limnology Volume 196 Nr. 3-4 (2023), p. 287 - 299
Vos M, Tollrian R, Vermiert A M et al.
The Asymmetric Response Concept explains ecological consequences of
multiple stressor exposure and release
2023. Science of the Total Environment 872 (2023) 162196
Henske J, Saleh N W, Chouvenc T, Ramirez S R, Eltz T
Function of environment-derived male perfumes in orchid bees.
2023. Current Biology 33, 2075-2080.
Barton S, Virgo J, Krenn H W
The Mouthparts of Female Blood-Feeding Frog-Biting Midges (Corethrellidae, Diptera)
2023. Journal of Insects 2023, 14(5), 461
Boening P, Virgo J, Bleidissel S, Dabbagh N, Dalbeck L, Ellwart S, Feiler L, Ferner V, Fleck T, Gemeinhardt L, Guschal M, Hansbauer G, Kirst K, Kordges T, Kuehnle L, Neumann S, Plewnia A, Preissler K, Schluepmann M,
Schneider M, Schreiber R, Thein J, Thielen R, Twietmeyer S, Veith M, Loetters S, Schweinsberg M
Key questions about the impact of the salamander plague
on the Northern Crested Newt, Triturus cristatus - a German perspective
2023. Salamandra 59 (2). 59(2): 107-116 ISSN 0036-3375
Herrera-Mesías F, Bause C, Ogan S, Burger H, Ayasse M, Weigand A M, Eltz T
Double-blind validation of alternative wild bee identification techniques: DNA metabarcoding and in vivo determination in the field.
2022. Journal of Hymenoptera Research 93, 189-214.
Virgo J, Eltz T
Feeding Site Specificity in Frog-biting Midges (Corethrellidae)
2022. Journal of Insect Behavior 35, 155-159 (2022)
Gösser F, Schweinsberg M, Mittelbach P, Schoenig E, Tollrian R,
An environmental DNA metabarcoding approach versus a visual survey for reefs of Koh Pha-ngan
in Thailand.
2022. Environmental DNA 00, 1-15. https://doi.org/10.1002/edn3.378
Kruppert S, Horstmann M, Weiss L C, Barmaeva E, Kubitza S, Poppinga S, Tollrian R
Facing the green threat: A waterflea's defenses against a carnivorous plant.
2022. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2022, 23, 6474
Horstmann M, Weiss L C, Tollrian R,
Specific turbulence-and Chaoborus-induced morphotypes affect the streamlining properties of Daphnia cucullata.
2022. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution
Saleh N W, Hodgson K, Pokorny T, Mullins A, Chouvenc T, Eltz T, Ramirez S R
Social behavior, ovary size, and population of origin influence cuticular hydrocarbons in the orchid bee Euglossa dilemma.
2021. American Naturalist 198, E136-E151.
Virgo J, Ufermann L, Lampert K P, Eltz T
More than meets the eye: decrypting diversity reveals hidden interaction specificity between frogs and frog-biting midges.
2021. Ecological Entomology 47, 95-108.
Pötter L, Krebs N, Horstmann M, Tollrian R, Weiss L C,
Long-term effects of elevated pCO2 levels on the expression of Chaoborus-induced defences in Daphnia pulex.
2021. Zoology 146, 125909
Weiss L C,
Neurobiology of phenotypic plasticity in the light of climate change.
2021. Neuroforum, vol. , no.
Chen L, Gomez R, Weiss L C,
Distinct gene expression patterns of two heat shock protein 70 members during development, diapause, and temperature stress in the freshwater crustacean Daphnia magna.
2021. Frontiers in cell and developmental biology 9, 1531
Graeve A, Janssen M, Villalba de la Pena M, Tollrian R, Weiss L C,
Higher, faster, better: Maternal effects shorten time lags and increase morphological defenses in Daphnia lumholtzi offspring generations
2021. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. Doi. 10.3389/fevo.2021.637421
Langer S M, Horstmann M, Junke W, Herlitze S, Weiss L C & Tollrian R,
On Daphnia's path - a half-automatic system to analyze three-dimensional movement patterns.
2021. Ecosphere 12.
Graeve A, Ioannidou I, Reinhard J, Görl D, Faissner A, Weiss L C,
Brain volume increase and neuronal plasticity underly predator-induced morphological defense expression in Daphnia longicephala.
2021. 11, 12612. Scientific Reports. doi.org/10.1038/s41598-021-92052-y.
Horstmann M, Tollrian R, Weiss L C,
Thwarting predators? - A three-dimensional perspective of morphological alterations in the freshwater crustacean Daphnia.
2021. PlosONE doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.025426
Pötter L, Tollrian R, Weiss L C,
Determining pCO2 based on geochemical calculation and modeling using PHREEQC.
2021. MethodsX. doi.org/10.1016/j.mex.2021.101430
Chen L, Gomez R, Weiss L C,
Distinct gene expression patterns of two heat shock protein 70 members during development, diapause, and temperature stress in the freshwater crustacean Daphnia magna.
2021. rontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology 10.3389/fcell.2021.692517
Horstmann M, Fleischmann A, Tollrian R, Poppinga S,
Snapshot prey spectrum analysis of the phylogenetically early-diverging carnivorous Utricularia multifida from U. section Polypompholyx (Lentibulariaceae)
2021. PLoS ONE 16(4): e0249976 https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0249976
Hellinger J, Jäger P, Spoida K, Weiss L C, Mark M, Herlitze S
Analysis of the territorial aggressive behavior of the bioluminescent flashlight fish Photoblepharon steinitzi in the Red Sea
2020. Frontiers in Marine Science. doi.org/10.3389/fmars.2020.00078
Pötter L, Krebs N, Horstmann M, Tollrian R, Weiss L C,
Long-Term Effects of Elevated PCO2 Levels on the Expression of Chaoborus-Induced Defences in Daphnia Pulex.
2020. Zoology 146 (August 2020): 125909. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.zool.2021.125909
Schwarzenberger A, Chen L, Weiss L C,
The Expression of Circadian Clock Genes in the Water Flea Daphnia magna diapause.
2020. Scientific Reports10, 19928 https://doi.org/10.1028/s41598-020-77065-3
Kowalewska A A, Krebs N, Tollrian R, Weiss L C,
Elevated pCO2 affects behavioural patterns and mechano-sensation in predatory phantom midge larvae Chaoborus obscuripes.
2020. Sci. Rep. 10:1800 1-9 (2020). doi:10.1038/s41598-020-58763-4
Trogant S, Becker K, Schweinsberg M, Ioannidou I, Tollrian R, Weiss L C,
Simple morphology-based species identification in Euplotes spp.
2020. Ingenta connect. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1127/fal/2020/1220
Brand P, Hinojosa-Díaz IA, Ayala R, Daigle M, Yurrita Obiols CL, Eltz T, Ramírez SR
The evolution of sexual signaling is linked to odorant receptor tuning in perfume-collecting orchid bees.
2020. Nature Communication 11:244. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-019-14162-6
Eltz T, Josten S, Mende T
Stored perfume dynamics and consequences for signal development in male orchid bees.
2019. Journal of Comparative Physiology a-Neuroethology Sensory Neural and Behavioral Physiology. 205 (3):311-320. doi:10.1007/s00359-019-01319-39
Pokorny T, Millahn E, Schlütting P, Ramírez SR, Eltz T
Correlates of display activity and perch residency of male orchid bees in cage experiments.
2019. Acta ZooBot Austria 156:159-169
Popinga S, Smaij J, Westermeier A S, Horstmann M, Kruppert S, Tollrian R & Speck T
Prey capture analyses in the carnivorous aquatic waterwheel plant (Aldrovanda vesiculosa L.,
2019. Scientific Reports. 9:18590, https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-019-54857-w
Langer S M, Weiss L C, Ekvall M T, Bianco G, Hansson L-A, Tollrian R
A three-dimensional perspective of Daphnia's swimming behavior with and without predator cues
2019. Limnology and Oceanography. Volume 64, issue 4, https://doi.org/10.1002/lno.11132
Virgo J, Ruppert A, Lampert K P, Grafe U, Elz T
The sound of a blood meal: Acoustic ecology of frog-biting midges (Corethrella) in lowland Pacific Costa Rica
2019. ethology. Volume 125, issue 7, https://doi.org/10.1111/eth.12871
Piccolo L, Kienapfel K
Voluntary Rein Tension in Horses When Moving Unridden in a Dressage Frame Compared with Ridden Tests of the Same Horses-A Pilot Study
2019. Animals. 9, 321, doi:10.3390/ani9060321
Kruppert S, Deussen L, Weiss L C, Horstmann M, Wolff J O, Kleinteich T, Gorb S N, Tollrian R
Zooplankters' nightmare: The fast and
efficient catching basket of larval phantom midges (Diptera: Chaoborus)
2019. PLOS ONE. 14 (3), pp 1-17, e0214013
Horstmann M, Heier L, Kruppert S, Weiss L C, Tollrian R, Adamec L, Westermeier A, Speck T, Poppinga S
Comparative Prey Spectra Analyses on the Endangered Aquatic Carnivorous Waterwheel Plant (Aldrovanda vesiculosa, Droseraceae) at Several Naturalized Microsites in the Czech Republic and Germany
2019. Integrative Organismal Biology. pp 1-19, doi:10.1093/iob/oby012
Santangelo J M, Soares B N, Paes T, Maia-Barbosa P, Tollrian R
Effects of vertebrate and invertebrate predators on the life history of Daphnia similis and Moina macrocopa (Crustacea: Cladocera)
2018. Annales de Limnologie-International Journal of Limnology. Volume 54
Weiss L C
Sensory Ecology of Predator induced defenses. In: Integrating Predation Risk Across Scales: from Neurons to Ecosystems and Milliseconds to Generations
2019. doi10.3389/fneb.2018.00330
Chen L, Barnett R E, Horstmann M, Bamberger V, Krebs N, Heberle L, Colbourne J, Gomez R, Weiss L C
Mitotic activity patterns and cytoskeletal changes throughout the progression of diapause developmental program in Daphnia
2018. BMC Cell Biol. 19(1):30
Hedenström E, Andersson F, Sjöberg N, Eltz T
6-(4-Methylpent-3-en-1-yl)naphthalene-1,4-dione, a behaviorally active semivolatile in tibial perfumes of orchid bees.
2018. Chemoecology 28:131-135
Weiss L C, Albada B, Becker S M, Meckelmann S W, Klein J, Meyer M, Schmitz O J, Sommer U, Leo M, Zagermann J, Metzler-Nolte N, Tollrian R
Identification of Chaoborus kairomone chemicals that induce defences in Daphnia
2018. Nature Chemical Biology. volume 14, pages1133-1139
Weiss L C, Tollrian R
"Inducible defenses in Crustacea"
2018. Natural History of the Crustacea Life Histories, Volume 5 ed. Martin Thiel and Gary Wellborn,
Horstmann M, Topham A T, Stamm P, Kruppert S, Colbourne J K, Tollrian R, Weiss L C
Scan, extract, wrap, compute-a 3D method to analyse morphological shape differences
2018. PeerJ 6:e4861, https://doi.org/10.7717/peerj.4861
Weiss L C, Poetter L, Steiger A, Kruppert S, Frost U and Tollrian R,
Rising pCO2 in Freshwater Ecosystems Has the Potential to Negatively Affect Predator-Induced Defenses in Daphnia.
2018. Current biology : CB 28, no. 2 , doi:10.1016/j.cub.2017.12.022
Kienapfel K, Preuschoft H, Wulf A, Wagner H
The biomechanical construction of the horse`s body and activity patterns of three important muscles of the trunk in the walk, trot and canter
2017. J Anim Physiol Anim Nutr. DOI: 10.1111/jpn.12840
Kämper W, Blüthgen N, Eltz T
Bumblebee footprints on bird's-foot trefoil uncover increasing flower visitation with land-use intensity.
2017. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 240: 77-83.
Pokorny P, Vogler I, Losch R, Schlütting P, Juarez P, Bissantz N, Ramirez S R,Eltz T
Blown by the wind: the ecology of male courtship display behavior in orchid bees.
2017. Ecology 99: 1140-1152.
Seefeld M A, Campana G L, Deregibus D, Quartino M L, Abele D, Tollrian R, Held C
Different feeding strategies in Antarctic scavenging amphipods and their implications for colonisation success in times of retreating glaciers.
2017. Frontiers in Zoology 14:59, DOI/10.1186/s12983-017-0248-3.
Kruppert S, Horstmann M, Weiss L C, Witzel U, Schaber C F, Gorb S N, Tollrian R
Biomechanical properties of predator-induced body armour in the freshwater crustacean Daphnia.
2017. Scientific Reports 7 (1), DOI:10.1038/s41598-017-09649-5.
Hellinger J, Jägers P, Donner M, Sutt F, Mark M D, Senen B, Tollrian R and Herlitze S
The flashlight fish Anomalops katoptron uses bioluminescent light to detect prey in the dark.
2017. PLoS ONE, 12 (2), e0170489.
Poppinga S, Daber L E, Westermeier A S, Kruppert S, Horstmann M, Tollrian R, Speck T
Biomechanical analysis of prey capture in the carnivorous Southern bladderwort (/Utricularia australis/).
2017. Scientific Reports 7 1776. doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-01954-3
Schweinsberg M, Tollrian R and Lampert K P
Inter- and intra-colonial genotypic diversity in hermatypic hydrozoans of the family Milleporidae.
2017. Marine Ecology, DOI:10.1111/maec.12388
Kruppert S, Horstmann M, Weiss L C, Schaber C F, Gorb S N and Tollrian R
Push or Pull? The Light-Weight Architecture of the
Daphnia pulex Carapace is Adapted to Withstand Tension, not Compression
2016. JOURNAL OF MORPHOLOGY 00:00-00 (2016)
Kämper W, Werner K P, Hilpert A, Westphal C, Blüthgen N, Eltz T, Leonhardt, S D
How landscape, pollen intake and pollen quality affect colony growth in Bombus terrestris
2016. Landscape Ecology 31, 2245-2258.
Weber M G, Mitko L, Eltz T, Ramírez S R
Macroevolution of perfume signaling in orchid bees
2016. Ecology Letters 19, 1314-1323.
Mitko L, Weber M G, Ramírez S R, Hedenström E, Wcislo W T, Eltz T
Olfactory specialization for perfume collection in male orchid bees
2016. Journal of Experimental Biology 219, 1467-1475.
Schweinsberg M, Tollrian R, and Lampert K P
Genetic variation in the massive coral Porites lobata
2016. Marine Biology, 163(12), 242.
Schweinsberg M, Tollrian R, and Lampert K P
Inter- and intra-colonial genotypic diversity in hermatypic hydrozoans of the family Milleporidae
2016. Marine Ecology doi:10.1111/maec.12388
Rozenberg A, Leese F, Weiss L C and Tollrian R
Digital gene expression analysis with sample multiplexing and PCR duplicate detection: A straightforward protocol
2016. BioTechniques, Vol. 61, No. 1, July 2016, pp. 26-32
Weiss L C, Heiligenberg E, Deussen L, Becker S M, Kruppert S, Tollrian R
Onset of kairomone sensitivity and the development of inducible morphological defenses in Daphnia pulex
2016. Hydrobiologia, DOI: 10.1007/s10750-016-2809-4
Elbrecht V, Beermann A J, Goessler G, Neumann J, Tollrian R, Wagner R, Wlecklik A, Piggott J J, Matthaei C D, Leese F
Multiple-stressor effects on stream invertebrates: a mesocosm experiment manipulating nutrients, fine sediment and flow velocity
2016. Freshwater Biology 61 (4):362-375
Macher J N, Salis R K, Blakemore K S, Tollrian R, Matthaei C D, Leese F
Multiple-stressor effects on stream invertebrates: DNA barcoding reveals contrasting responses of cryptic mayfly species
2016. Ecological Indicators, DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolind.2015.08.024
Weigand A M, Kremers J & Grabner D
Shared microsporidian profiles between an obligate (Niphargus) and facultative subterranean amphipod population (Gammarus) at sympatry provide indications for underground transmission pathways.
2015. Limnologica, 58: 7-10. doi: 10.1016/j.limno.2016.01.005
Heckenhauer J, Schweinsberg M, Elbrecht V, John U, Tollrian R, and Lampert K P
Isolation, characterization and cross amplification of eleven novel microsatellite loci for the hydrozoan coral Millepora
2015. Conservation genetics resources, 7(1), 215-217.
Weiss L C, Leimann J & Tollrian R
Predator-induced defences in Daphnia longicephala: Location of kairomone receptors and timeline of sensitive phases to trait formation.
2015. The Journal of Experimental Biology, 218(Pt 18), 2918-26
Weiss L C, Leese F, Laforsch C & Tollrian R
Dopamine is a key regulator in the signalling pathway underlying predator-induced defences in Daphnia. Proceedings.
2015. Biological Sciences / the Royal Society, 282(1816), 20151440
Jochum A, Slapnik R, Klussmann-Kolb A, Páll-Gergely B, Kampschulte M, Martels G, Vrabec M, Nesselhauf C & Weigand A M
Groping through the black box of variability: An integrative taxonomic and nomenclatural re-evaluation of Zospeum isselianum Pollonera, 1887 and allied species using new imaging technology (Nano-CT, SEM), conchological, histological and molecular data (Ellobioidea, Carychiidae).
2015. Subterranean Biology 16: 123-165, doi: 10.3897/subtbiol.16.5758
Brand P, Ramirez S R, Leese F, Quezada-Euan F G, Tollrian R and Eltz T
Rapid evolution of chemosensory receptor genes in a pair of sibling species of orchid bees (Apidae: Euglossini).
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Eltz T, Bause C, Hund K, Quezada-Euan J J G, Pokorny T
Correlates of perfume loads in male orchid bees.
2015. Chemoecology 25:193-199
Pokorny T, Loose D, Dyker G, Quezada-Euan J J G & Eltz T
Dispersal ability of male orchid bees and direct evidence for long-range flights.
2015. Apidologie 46:224-237
Pokorny T, Ramírez S R, Weber M G and Eltz T
Cuticular Hydrocarbons as Potential Close Range Recognition Cues in Orchid Bees.
2015. Journal of Chemical Ecology DOI 10.1007/s10886-015-0647-x
Quezada-Euan J J G, Sheets H D, De Luna E and Eltz T
Identification of cryptic species and morphotypes in male Euglossa: morphometric analysis of forewings (Hymenoptera: Euglossini).
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Invaders, natives and their enemies: assessment of amphipods and their microsporidian parasites in the Ruhr Metropolis, Germany.
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2015. Molecular Ecology, 24, (11): 2673-2685, DOI: 10.1111/mec.13200.
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Baum ist nicht gleich Baum. Wie man phylogenetische Stolpersteine umgeht - ein kleiner Leitfaden.
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Assessing the phylogeographic history of the montane caddisfly Thremma gallicum: A comparison of sequence data from mitochondria and restriction-site associated DNA markers (RAD)
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Plant secretions prevent wasp parasitism in nests of wool-carder bees, with implications for the diversification of nesting materials in Megachilidae
2015. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 2, 86.
Jochum A, de Winter A J, Weigand A M, Gómez B & Prieto C
Two new species of Zospeum Bourguignat, 1856 from the Basque-Cantabrian Mountains, Northern Spain (Eupulmonata, Ellobioidea, Carychiidae)
2015. ZooKeys 483: 81-96. doi: 10.3897/zookeys.483.9167
Weiss L C, Laforsch C, Ioannidou I, Herbert Z & Tollrian R
Daphnia longicephala neuropeptides: Morphological description of crustacean cardioactive peptide (CCAP) and periviscerokinins in the ctenodaphnia central nervous system.
2014. Neuropeptides, 48(5), 287-93
Pokorny T, Lunau K and Eltz T
Raising the sugar content - orchid bees overcome the constraints of suction feeding through manipulation of nectar and pollen provisions.
2014. PLoS ONE 9
Engel K, Schreder T and Tollrian R
Morphological defences of invasive Daphnia lumholtzi protect against vertebrate and invertebrate predators
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Lampert KP, Pasternak V, Brand P, Tollrian R, Leese F & Eltz T,
Late' male sperm precedence in polyandrous wool-carder bees and the evolution of male resource defence in Hymenoptera
2014. Animal Behaviour, 90, 211-217
Pokorny T, Lunau K, Quezada-Euan J J G & Eltz T
Cuticular hydrocarbons distinguish cryptic sibling species in Euglossa orchid bees
2014. Apidologie, 45, 276-283
Schweinsberg M, Gonzalez Pech RA, Tollrian R, & Lampert KP
Transfer of intracolonial genetic variability through gametes in Acropora hyacinthus corals
2014. Coral Reefs, Volume 33, Issue 1, 77-87.
Weis A, Meyer R, Dömel J, Dietz L, Leese F & Melzer RR
Pallenopsis patagonica (Hoek, 1881) - a species complex revealed by morphology and DNA barcoding with description of a new species of Pallenopsis Wilson, 1881
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Elbrecht V, Feld CK, Gies M, Hering D, Sondermann M, Tollrian R & Leese F
Genetic diversity and dispersal potential of the stonefly Dinocras cephalotes in a central European low mountain range
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Isolation and characterization of 12 polymorphic loci for the giant Antarctic isopod, Glyptonotus antarcticus
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Molecular phylogenetics reveals even more overlooked diversity within the Gammarus fossarum species complex
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Emiliania's pan genome drives the phytoplankton's global distribution
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Single male paternity in coelacanths
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Evidence for morphological and genetic diversification of Túngara Frog populations on islands
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Pokorny T, Hannibal M, Quezada-Euan JJG, Hedenström E, Sjöberg J, Bång J, Eltz T
Acquisition of species-specific perfume blends: Influence of habitat-dependent compound availability on odour choices of male orchid bees (Euglossa spp)
2013. Oecologia 172:417-425
Villanueva RA, Quezada-Euan JJG, Eltz T
Pollen diets of two sibling orchid bee species, Euglossa, in Yucatán, southern Mexico
2013. Apidologie 44:440–446
Quezada-Euan JJG, Ramirez J, Eltz T, Pokorny T, Medina R, Monsreal R
Does sensory deception matter in eusocial obligate food robber systems? A study of Lestrimelitta and stingless bee hosts
2013. Animal Behavior 85:817-823
Weiss L C, Tollrian R, Herbert Z & Laforsch C
Morphology of the Daphnia nervous system: a comparative study on Ctenodaphnia and Daphnia
2012. Journal of Morphology, 273(12), 1392-1405
Leese F, Brand P, Rozenberg A, Mayer C, Agrawal S, Dambach J, Dietz L, Doemel J S, Goodall-Copestake W P, Held C, Jackson J A, Lampert K P, Linse K, Macher J N, Nolzen J, Raupach M J, Rivera N T, Schubart C D, Striewski S, Tollrian R and Sands C J
Exploring Pandora's Box: Potential and pitfalls of low coverage genome surveys for evolutionary biology
2012. PLoS ONE, e7:40202
Stemmer K, Burghardt I, Mayer C, Reinecke G, Waegele H, Tollrian R & Leese F
Species assignments within xeniid soft corals (Octocorallia; Alcyonacea): Morphological and genetic approaches
2012. Organisms, Diversity & Evolution. DOI: 10.1007/s13127-012-0119-x.
Lampert KP, Fricke H, Blassmann K, Hissmann K, Schauer J, Ngatunga BP, Schartl M
Evolution in a living fossil - evidence for population divergence in the East African coelacanth, Latimeria chalumnae
2012. Current Biology 22: R439-R440
Lunau K, Dötterl S, Eltz T
Attraction of Euglossa igniventris females to odorous substances
2012. Mitteilungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft für allgemeine und angewandte Entomologie 18:305-308
Leese F, Brand B, Rozenberg A, Mayer C, Agrawal S, Dambach J, Dietz L, Dömel JS, Goodall-Copstake WP, Held C, Jackson JA, Lampert KP, Linse K, Macher JN, Nolzen J, Raupch MJ, Rivera N, Schubart CD, Striewski S, Tollrian R, Sands CJ
Exploring Pandora's Box: Potential and pitfalls of low coverage genome surveys for evolutionary biology.
(in press) PLoS One.
Hui M, Kochzius M & Leese F.
Isolation and characterisation of nine microsatellite markers in the boring giant clam (Tridacna crocea) and cross-amplification in five other tridacnid species.
2012. Marine Biodiversity, 42: 285-287.
Lampert W., Lampert K.P., Larsson P.
Induction of male production in Daphnia pulex by the juvenoid hormone methyl farnesoate: clonal differences and effects of photoperiod.
2012. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part C 156: 130-133
Lampert W., Lampert K.P., Larsson P.
Coexisting overwintering strategies in Daphnia pulex: Clonal differences in sexual reproduction
2012. Fundamental and Applied Limnology 179:281-291
Bernhardt, B., Lampert, K. P., Leese, F., Mayer, C & R. Tollrian.
Are shoals of the Eurasian minnow (Phoxinus phoxinus) formed by close kin?
2012. Journal of Fish Biology 80: 713-721
Lampert KP, Bürger P, Striewski S, Tollrian R
Lack of association between colour morphs of the Jellyfish Cassiopea andromeda and zooxanthella clade
2012. Marine Ecology 33:364-369
Grafe T.U., Stewart M.M., Lampert K.P., Rödel M.O.
Putting toe clipping into perspective: a viable method of marking anurans for population ecology studies.
2012. Journal of Herpetology 45:28-35
Engek, K. & Tollrian, R.
Competitive ability, thermal tolerance and invasion success in exotic Daphnia lumholtzi.
2012. Journal of Plankton Research 34: 92-97. doi: 10.1093/plankt/fbr083
Weiss, LC., Kruppert, S., Laforsch, C. Tollrian, R.
Chaoborus and Gasterosteus Anti-Predator Responses in Daphnia pulex Are Mediated by Independent Cholinergic and Gabaergic Neuronal Signals
2012. PLoS ONE 7(5): e36879. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0036879
Maier, E., Buckenmeier, A., Tollrian, R. & B. Nurnberger.
Intracolonial genetic variation in the scleractinian coral Seriatopora hystrix
2012. Coral Reefs. DOI: 10.1007/s00338-011-0857-9.
Ramírez SR, Eltz T, Fujiwara MK, Gerlach G, Goldman-Huertas B, Tsutsui ND, Pierce NE
Asynchronous diversification in a specialized plant-pollinator mutualism
2011. Science 333: 1742-1746
Dietz L, Mayer C, Arango C & Leese F
The mitochondrial genome of Colossendeis megalonyx supports a basal position of Colossendeidae within the Pycnogonida.
2011. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 58:523-528.
Brix S, Riehl T. & Leese F
First genetic data for species of the genus Haploniscus Richardson, 1908 (Isopoda: Asellota: Haploniscidae) from neighbouring deep-sea basins in the South Atlantic.
2011.Zootaxa, 2838:79-84.
Eltz T, Fritzsch F, Ramírez Pech J, Zimmermann Y, Ramírez S R, Quezada-Euan JJG, Bembé B
Characterization of the orchid bee Euglossa viridissima (Apidae: Euglossini) and a new cryptic sibling species by morphological, chemical, and genetic characters
2011. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 163: 1064–1076
Kurtenbach S, Mayer C, Pelz T, Hatt H, Leese F & Neuhaus EM,
Molecular evolution of a chordate specific family of G protein-coupled receptors.
2011. BMC Evolutionary Biology, 11:234.
Leese F & Held C
Analyzing intraspecific genetic variation: A practical guide using mitochondrial DNA and microsatellites.
2011. Crustacean Issues Vol 19, Chapter 1.
Chen J, Dai F, Balakrishnan-Renuka A, Leese F, Schempp W, Schaller F, Hoffmann MM, Morosan-Puopolo G, Yusuf F, Bisschoff IJ, Chankiewitz V, Xue J, Chen J, Ying K & Brand-Saberi B
Diversification and Molecular Evolution of ATOH8, a Gene Encoding a bHLH Transcription Factor.
2011. PLoS ONE, 6:e23005.
Schorkopf DLP, Mitko L, Eltz T /i>
Enantioselective preference and high antennal sensitivity for (-)-ipsdienol in scent-collecting male orchid bees, Euglossa cyanura
2011. Journal of Chemical Ecology 37:953–960
Brandt, A., Bathmann, U., Brix, S., Cisewski, B., Flores, H., Göcke, C., Janussen, D., Krägefsky, S., Kruse, S., Leach, H., Linse, K., Pakhomov, E., Peeken, I., Riehl, T., Sauter, E., Sachs, O., Schüller, M., Schroedl, M., Schwabe, E., Strass, V., van Franeker, J.,. Wilmsen, E..
Maud Rise - A snapshot through the water column.
(in press). Deep-Sea Research II.
Wilmsen, E and Schüller, M..
Diversity and distribution of Polychaeta in deep Antarctic and Subantarctic waters along the Greenwich meridian.
(in press). Deep-Sea Research II.
Santangelo J. M., F. A. Esteves, R. Tollrian & R. L. Bozelli.
A small-bodied cladoceran (Moina micrura) reacts stronger to vertebrate than invertebrate predators: a transgenerational life-table approach
2011. Journal of Plankton Research 33: 1767-1772.
Sareyka, J., P. Kraufvelin, M. Lenz, M. Lindström, R. Tollrian and M. Wahl.
Differences in stress tolerance and broodsize between a non-indigenous and anindigenous gammarid in the northernBaltic Sea
2011. Marine Biology 158:2001-2008. Marine Biology.
Zimmermann Y, Schorkopf DLP, Moritz RFA, Pemberton RW, Quezada-Euan JJG, Eltz T
Population genetic structure of orchid bees (Euglossini) in anthropogenically altered landscapes
2011. Conservation Genetics 12:1183–1194
Simon, J.C., Pfrender, M.E., Tollrian, R., Tagu, D. and J.K. Colbourne.
Genomics of environmentally-induced phenotypes in two extremely plastic arthropods.
2011. Journal of Heredity doi:10.1093/jhered/esr020.
Engel, K., R. Tollrian& J.J. Jeschke.
Integrating biological invasions, climate change, and phenotypic plasticity.
2011. Communicative & Integrative Biology 4: 247-250.span>
Grafe, T. U., M. M. Stewart, K. P. Lampert, and M.-O. Rödel.
Putting Toe Clipping into Perspective: A Viable Method for Marking Anurans.
2011. Journal of Herpetology 45:28-35.
Lunau, K., S. Papiorek, T. Eltz, and M. Sazima.
Avoidance of achromatic colours by bees provides a private niche for hummingbirds.
2011. Journal of Experimental Biology 214:1607-1612.
Witjes, S., K. Witsch, and T. Eltz.
Reconstructing the pollinator community and predicting seed set from hydrocarbon footprints on flowers.
2011. Oecologia 165:1017-1029.
Raupach MJ, Thatje S, Dambach J, Rehm P, Misof B & Leese F
Genetic homogeneity and circum-Antarctic distribution of two benthic shrimp species of the Southern Ocean, Chorismus antarcticus and Nematocarcinus lanceopes.
2010. Marine Biology 157:1783-1797.
Leese F, Agrawal S & Held C
Long-distance island hopping without dispersal stages: Transportation across major zoographic barriers in a Southern Ocean isopod.
2010. Naturwissenschaften 97:583-594.
Spanier KI*, Leese F*, Mayer C, Colbourne JK, Gilbert D, Pfrender M & Tollrian R
Predator-induced defences in Daphnia pulex: Selection and evaluation of internal reference genes for gene expression studies with real-time PCR.
2010. BMC Molecular Biology 11:50.
Aggarwal RK, Allainguillaume J, Bajay MM, Barthwal S, Bertolino P, Chauhan P, Consuegra S, Croxford A, Dalton DL, den Belder E, Díaz-Ferguson E, Douglas MR, Drees M, Elderson J, Esselink GD, Fernández-Manjarrés JF, Frascaria-Lacoste N, Gäbler-Schwarz S, Garcia de Leaniz C, Ginwal HS, Goodisman MA, Guo B, Hamilton MB, Hayes PK, Hong Y, Kajita T, Kalinowski ST, Keller L, Koop BF, Kotzé A, Lalremruata A, Leese F, Li C, Liew WY, Martinelli S, Matthews EA, Medlin LK, Messmer AM, Meyer EI, Monteiro M, Moyer GR, Nelson RJ, Nguyen TT, Omoto C, Ono J, Pavinato VA, Pearcy M, Pinheiro JB, Power LD, Rawat A, Reusch TB, Sanderson D, Sannier J, Sathe S, Sheridan CK, Smulders MJ, Sukganah A, Takayama K, Tamura M, Tateishi Y, Vanhaecke D, Vu NV, Wickneswari R, Williams AS, Wimp GM, Witte V & Zucchi, MI
Permanent genetic resources added to Molecular Ecology Resources Database 1 August 2010-30 September
2010. Molecular Ecology Resources, 11:219-22.
Bruhl, C. A., and T. Eltz.
Fuelling the biodiversity crisis: species loss of ground-dwelling forest ants in oil palm plantations in Sabah, Malaysia (Borneo).
2010. Biodiversity and Conservation 19:519-529.
Eltz, T., E. Hedenstrom, J. Bang, E. A. Wallin, and J. Andersson.
(6R, 10R)-6,10,14-Trimethylpentadecan-2-one, a Dominant and Behaviorally Active Component in Male Orchid Bee Fragrances.
2010. Journal of Chemical Ecology 36:1322-1326.
Schüller, M. and Hutchings, P.A.
New insights in the taxonomy of Trichobranchidae (Polychaeta) with description of a new Terebellides species.
2010. Zootaxa 2395. 1-16.
Krabbe, K., F. Leese, C. Mayer, R. Tollrian, and C. Held.
Cryptic mitochondrial lineages in the widespread pycnogonid Colossendeis megalonyx Hoek, 1881 from Antarctic and Subantarctic waters.
2010. Polar Biology 33:281-292.
Lampert, K. P., and M. Schartl.
A little bit is better than nothing: the incomplete parthenogenesis of salamanders, frogs and fish.
2010. BMC Biology 2010 8:78.
Lampert, K. P., C. Schmidt, P. Fischer, J.-N. Volff, C. Hoffmann, J. Muck, M. J. Lohse, M. J. Ryan, and M. Schartl.
Determination of onset of sexual maturation and mating behavior by melanocortin receptor 4 polymorphisms.
2010. Current Biology 20:1729-1734
Lampert, W., K. P. Lampert, and P. Larsson.
Coexisting overwintering strategies in Daphnia pulex: A test of genetic differences and growth responses.
2010. Limnology and Oceanography 55:1893-1900.
Leese, F., S. Agrawal, and C. Held.
Long-distance island hopping without dispersal stages: transportation across major zoogeographic barriers in a Southern Ocean isopod.
2010. Naturwissenschaften 97:583-594.
Mayer, C., F. Leese, and R. Tollrian.
Genome-wide analysis of tandem repeats in Daphnia pulex - a comparative approach.
2010. Bmc Genomics 11.
Schueller, M.
Evidence for a role of bathymetry and emergence in speciationin the genus Glycera (Glyceridae, Polychaeta) from the deep Eastern Weddell Sea.
2010. Polar Biology. doi:10.1007/s00300-010-0913-x.
Ramirez, S. R., T. Eltz, F. Fritzsch, R. Pemberton, E. G. Pringle, and N. D. Tsutsui.
Intraspecific Geographic Variation of Fragrances Acquired by Orchid Bees in Native and Introduced Populations.
2010. Journal of Chemical Ecology 36:873-884.
Raupach, M. J., S. Thatje, J. Dambach, P. Rehm, B. Misof, and F. Leese.
Genetic homogeneity and circum-Antarctic distribution of two benthic shrimp species of the Southern Ocean, Chorismus antarcticus and Nematocarcinus lanceopes.
2010. Marine Biology 157:1783-1797.
Sandberger, L., H. Feldhaar, K. P. Lampert, D. K. Lamatsch, and M.-O. Rödel.
Small, specialised and highly mobile? The tree-hole breeding frog, Phrynobatrachus guineensis, lacks fine-scale population structure.
2010. African Journal of Herpetology 59:79-94.
Santangelo, J. M., R. L. Bozelli, F. D. Esteves, and R. Tollrian.
Predation cues do not affect the induction and termination of diapause in small-bodied cladocerans.
2010. Freshwater Biology 55:1577-1586.
Würzberg, L., Brandt, A., Peters, J. & Schüller, M.
Diet insights of deep-sea polychaetes derived from fatty acid analyses.
2010. Deep-Sea Research II. doi:10.1016/j.dsr2.2010.10.014.
Souza, R. O., M. A. Del Lama, M. Cervini, N. Mortari, T. Eltz, Y. Zimmermann, C. Bach, B. J. Brosi, S. Suni, J. J. G. Quezada-Euan, and R. J. Paxton.
Conservation genetics of neotropical pollinators revisited: Microsatellite analysis suggests that diploid males are rare in orchid bees.
2010. Evolution 64:3318-3326.
Spanier, K. I., F. Leese, C. Mayer, J. K. Colbourne, D. Gilbert, M. E. Pfrender, and R. Tollrian.
Predator-induced defences in Daphnia pulex: Selection and evaluation of internal reference genes for gene expression studies with real-time PCR.
2010. Bmc Molecular Biology 11.
Stöck, M., K. P. Lampert, D. Möller, I. Schlupp, and M. Schartl.
Monophyletic origin of multiple clonal lineages in an asexual fish (Poecilia formosa).
2010. Molecular Ecology 19:5204-5215.
Tollrian, R., and F. Leese.
Ecological genomics: steps towards unraveling the genetic basis of inducible defenses in Daphnia.
2010. Bmc Biology 8.
Kraemer L, Beszteri B, Gäbler-Schwarz S, Held C, Leese F, Mayer C, Pöhlmann K & Frickenhaus S
STAMP: Extensions to the STADEN sequence analysis package for high throughput interactive microsatellite marker design.
2009 BMC Bioinformatics, 10, e41.
Carstensen D, Laudien J, Leese F, Arntz W, & Held C.
Genetic variability, shell and sperm morphology suggest that the surf clams Donax marincovichi and D. obesulus are one species.
2009. Journal of Molluscan Studies, 75:381-390.
Laforsch C and Tollrian R.
Cyclomorphosis and Phenotypic Changes.
2009. in: G. E. Likens, (Editor) Encyclopedia of Inland Waters. volume 3, pp. 643-650 Oxford, Elsevier. /span>
Schüller, M., Ebbe, B. & Wägele, J.W.
Community structure and diversity of polychaetes (Annelida) in the deep Weddell Sea (Southern Ocean) and adjacent basins.
2009. Marine Biodiversity 39(2). 95-108
Brandt, A., Linse, K., & Schüller, M.
Bathymetric distribution of Southern Ocean macrofaunal taxa: Bivalvia, Gastropoda, Isopoda, and Polychaeta.
2009. Deep-Sea Research Part I 56. 2013-2025.
Carstensen, D., J. Laudien, F. Leese, W. Arntz, and C. Held.
Genetic variability, shell and sperm morphology suggest that the surf clams donax marincovichi and d. obesulus are one species.
2009. Journal of Molluscan Studies 75:381-390.
Engel, K., and R. Tollrian.
Inducible defences as key adaptations for the successful invasion of Daphnia lumholtzi in North America?
2009. Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences 276:1865-1873.
Kraemer, L., B. Beszteri, S. Gabler-Schwarz, C. Held, F. Leese, C. Mayer, K. Pohlmann, and S. Frickenhaus.
STAMP: Extensions to the STADEN sequence analysis package for high throughput interactive microsatellite marker design.
2009. Bmc Bioinformatics 10.
Lamatsch, D. K., K. P. Lampert, P. Fischer, M. Geiger, I. Schlupp, and M. Schartl.
Diploid Amazon mollies (Poecilia formosa) show a higher fitness than triploids in clonal competition experiments.
2009. Evolutionary Ecology 23:687-697.
Lampert, K. P., P. Fischer, and M. Schartl.
Major histocompatibility complex variability in the clonal Amazon molly, Poecilia formosa: is copy number less important than genotype?
2009. Molecular Ecology 18:1124-1136.
Maier, E., R. Tollrian, and B. Nurnberger.
Fine-scale analysis of genetic structure in the brooding coral Seriatopora hystrix from the Red Sea.
2009. Coral Reefs 28:751-756.
Petrusek, A., R. Tollrian, K. Schwenk, A. Haas, and C. Laforsch.
A "crown of thorns'' is an inducible defense that protects Daphnia against an ancient predator.
2009. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 106:2248-2252.
Raupach, M. J., C. Mayer, M. Malyutina, and J. W. Wagele.
Multiple origins of deep-sea Asellota (Crustacea: Isopoda) from shallow waters revealed by molecular data.
2009. Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences 276:799-808.
Wagele, J. W., H. Letsch, A. Klussmann-Kolb, C. Mayer, B. Misof, and H. Wagele.
Phylogenetic support values are not necessarily informative: the case of the Serialia hypothesis (a mollusk phylogeny).
2009. Frontiers in Zoology 6.
Witjes, S., and T. Eltz.
Hydrocarbon Footprints as a Record of Bumblebee Flower Visitation.
2009. Journal of Chemical Ecology 35:1320-1325.
Zimmermann, Y., S. R. Ramirez, and T. Eltz.
Chemical niche differentiation among sympatric species of orchid bees.
2009. Ecology 90:2994-3008.
Zimmermann, Y., D. W. Roubik, J. J. G. Quezada-Euan, R. J. Paxton, and T. Eltz.
Single mating in orchid bees (Euglossa, Apinae): implications for mate choice and social evolution.
2009. Insectes Sociaux 56:241-249.
Leese F, Mayer C & Held C
Isolation of microsatellites from unknown genomes using known genomes as enrichment templates.
2008. Limnology and Oceanography: Methods, 6, 412-426.
Leese F, Kop A, Agrawal S & Held C
Isolation and characterization of microsatellite markers from the marine isopods Serolis paradoxa and Septemserolis septemcarinata (Crustacea: Peracarida).
2008. Molecular Ecology Resources, 8, 818-821.
Leese F, Kop A, Wägele JW & Held C
Cryptic speciation in a benthic isopod from Patagonian and Falkland Island waters and the impact of glaciations on its population structure.
2008. BMC Frontiers in Zoology, 5, e19.
Leese F & Held C
Identification and characterization of microsatellites from the Antarctic isopod Ceratoserolis trilobitoides - nuclear evidence for cryptic species.
2008. Conservation Genetics, 9, 1369-72.
Schüller, M.
New polychaete species collected during the expeditions ANDEEP I, II, and III to the deep Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean in the austral summers 2002 and 2005 - Ampharetidae, Opheliidae, and Scalibregmatidae.
2008. Zootaxa 1705. 51-68
Schüller, M.
Polychaeta (Annelida) of the Deep Southern Ocean - Biodiversity and Zoogeography.
2008. VDM Verlag Dr. Müller Aktiengesellschaft & Co. KG, Saarbrücken, 1-209
Jeschke, J. M., Laforsch, C. and Tollrian, R.
Animal prey defenses.
2008. in S.E. Joergenson & B. D. Fath (Eds.), General Ecology. Vol. 1 of Encyclopedia of Ecology, Oxford, Elsevier.
Burghardt, I., M. Schrodl, and H. Wagele.
Three new solar-powered species of the genus Phyllodesmium Ehrenberg, 1831 (Mollusca : Nudibranchia : Aeolidioidea) from the tropical Indo-Pacific, with analysis of their photosynthetic activity and notes on biology.
2008. Journal of Molluscan Studies 74:277-292.
Burghardt, I., K. Stemmer, and H. Wagele.
Symbiosis between Symbiodinium (Dinophyceae) and various taxa of Nudibranchia (Mollusca : Gastropoda), with analyses of long-term retention.
2008. Organisms Diversity & Evolution 8:66-76.
Eltz, T., Y. Zimmermann, C. Pfeiffer, J. R. Pech, R. Twele, W. Francke, J. J. G. Quezada-Euan, and K. Lunau.
An Olfactory Shift Is Associated with Male Perfume Differentiation and Species Divergence in Orchid Bees.
2008. Current Biology 18:1844-1848.
Lampert, K. P.
Facultative Parthenogenesis in Vertebrates: Reproductive Error or Chance?
2008. Sexual Development 2:290-301.
Lampert, K. P., and M. Schartl.
The origin and evolution of a unisexual hybrid: Poecilia formosa. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society
2008. B-Biological Sciences 363:2901-2909.
Lampert, K. P., and M. Schartl.
The origin and evolution of a unisexual hybrid: Poecilia formosa.
2008. Royal Society Philosophical Transactions Biological Sciences 363:2901-2909.
Leese, F., and C. Held.
Identification and characterization of microsatellites from the Antarctic isopod Ceratoserolis trilobitoides: nuclear evidence for cryptic species.
2008. Conservation Genetics 9:1369-1372.
Leese, F., A. Kop, S. Agrawal, and C. Held.
Isolation and characterization of microsatellite markers from the marine isopods Serolis paradoxa and Septemserolis septemcarinata (Crustacea : Peracarida).
2008. Molecular Ecology Resources 8:818-821.
Leese, F., A. Kop, J. W. Wagele, and C. Held.
Cryptic speciation in a benthic isopod from Patagonian and Falkland Island waters and the impact of glaciations on its population structure.
2008. Frontiers in Zoology 5.
Leese, F., C. Mayer, and C. Held.
Isolation of microsatellites from unknown genomes using known genomes as enrichment templates.
2008. Limnology and Oceanography-Methods 6:412-426.
van der Stap, I., M. Vos, R. Tollrian, and W. M. Mooij.
Inducible defenses, competition and shared predation in planktonic food chains.
2008. Oecologia 157:697-705.
Wilms, J., and T. Eltz.
Foraging scent marks of bumblebees: Footprint cues rather than pheromone signals.
2008. Naturwissenschaften 95:149-153.
Held C* & Leese F*
The utility of fast evolving molecular markers for studying speciation in the Antarctic benthos.
2007. Polar Biology, 30, 513-521.
Eltz, T., Y. Zimmermann, J. Haftmann, R. Twele, W. Francke, J. J. G. Quezada-Euan, and K. Lunau.
Enfleurage, lipid recycling and the origin of perfume collection in orchid bees.
2007. Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences 274:2843-2848.
Held, C., and F. Leese.
The utility of fast evolving molecular markers for studying speciation in the Antarctic benthos.
2007. Polar Biology 30:513-521.
Jeschke, J. M., and R. Tollrian.
Prey swarming: which predators become confused and why?
2007. Animal Behaviour 74:387-393.
Schüller, M. and Hilbig, B.
Three new species of the genus Oligobregma(Polychaeta, Scalibregmatidae) from the Scotia and Weddell Seas (Antarctica).
2007. Zootaxa 1391. 35-45
Lampert, K. P., C. Steinlein, M. Schmid, P. Fischer, and M. Schartl.
A haploid-diploid-triploid mosaic of the Amazon molly, Poecilia formosa.
2007. Cytogenetic and Genome Research 119:131-134.
Leonhardt, S. D., K. Dworschak, T. Eltz, and N. Bluthgen.
Foraging loads of stingless bees and utilisation of stored nectar for pollen harvesting.
2007. Apidologie 38:125-135.
Pohnert, G., M. Steinke, and R. Tollrian.
Chemical cues, defence metabolites and the shaping of pelagic interspecific interactions.
2007. Trends in Ecology & Evolution 22:198-204.
Schüller, M. and Ebbe, B.
Global distributional patterns of selected deep-sea Polychaeta (Annelida) from the Southern Ocean.
2007. Deep-Sea Research II, 54. 1737-1751
Schüller, M.
Biodiversity and Zoogeography of the Polychaeta (Annelida) in the deep Weddell Sea (Southern Ocean, Antarctica) and adjacent deep-sea basins.
2007. Dissertation. Faculty of Biology, Ruhr-University, Bochum. 1-248.
Wagele, J. W., and C. Mayer.
Visualizing differences in phylogenetic information content of alignments and distinction of three classes of long-branch effects.
2007. Bmc Evolutionary Biology 7.
Linse, K., Brandt, A., Bohn, J., Danis, B., de Broyer, C., Heterier, V., Hilbig, B.,Janussen, D., López González, P.J., Schüller, M., Schwabe, E., Thomson, M.R.A.
Macro- and megabenthic communities in the bathyal and abyssal Weddell Sea (Southern Ocean).
2007. Deep-Sea Research II, 54. 1848-1863
Witjes, S., and T. Eltz.
Influence of scent deposits on flower choice: experiments in an artificial flower array with bumblebees.
2007. Apidologie 38:12-18.
Araujo, C. A. C., P. J. Waniek, P. Stock, C. Mayer, A. M. Jansen, and G. A. Schaub.
Sequence characterization and expression patterns of defensin and lysozyme encoding genes from the gut of the reduviid bug Triatoma brasiliensis.
2006. Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 36:547-560.
Burghardt, I., and T. M. Gosliner.
Phyllodesmium rudmani (Mollusca : Nudibranchia : Aeolidoidea), a new solar powered species from the Indo-West Pacific with data on its symbiosis with zooxanthellae.
2006. Zootaxa:31-47.
Eltz, T.
Tracing pollinator footprints on natural flowers.
2006. Journal of Chemical Ecology 32:907-915.
Eltz, T., M. Ayasse, and K. Lunau.
Species-specific antennal responses to tibial fragrances by male orchid bees.
2006. Journal of Chemical Ecology 32:71-79.
Eltz, T., D. W. Roubik, and K. Lunau.
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