Eclogite Field Symposium-4 - Russia-Kazakhstan - 1999
The 4th International Eclogite Field Symposium was organized by K.A. Bespaev, N,L. Dobretsov, N.V. Sobolev, P.M. Valizer, V.S. Shatsky, and O. Kozmenko and was held in Russia and Kazakhstan, August 14th – 18th .
Field trips:
(1) High-pressure metamorphic rocks of the Maksyutov Complex (Southern Urals) (V.L. Lennykh, P.M. Valizer)
(2) Diamondiferous and high-pressure metamorphic rocks of the Kokchetav Massif (Northern Kazakhstan) (Nick Dobretsov, Nick Sobolev, Vlad Shatsky)