Eclogite Field Symposium-3 - Hefei/China - 1995
The 3rd International Eclogite Field Symposium 1995 took place in Hefei, China and was organized by J.G.(Louie) Liou (Stanford University) and Cong Bolin (Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing).A field trip guide was published by Liou et al (1995) in the Chinese Science Bulletin: Liou J. G., Wang Q., Zhai M., Zhang R. Y. and Cong B. L. (1995): Ultrahigh-P metamorphic rocks and their associated lithologies from the Dabie Mountains, Central China: A Field Trip Guide to the 3th International Eclogite Field Symposium. Chinese Science Bulletin, Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing, China, Vol. 40, 1-71.