27.11.2017 Katerina Fotopoulou, UC London, will present her current research on December 6, 5 pm, in Room GB 03/42 at the RUB. Please find the abstract and more information about the event here!
19.10.2017: First session of the Journal Club on Neuropsychoanalysis at 15.45 pm, room GAFO 05/609. Suggested topic for this term: "The Self"
27.09.2017: We are very pleased to announce that Katerina Fotopoulou, UC London, will present her current research on December 6, 5 pm, at the RUB. More information coming soon!
14.09.2017: A new paper by our group on the behavioral and psychophysiological correlates of repression published in Frontiers in Psychology
13.-15.07.2017 Check out our poster on "The neural correlates of transference processes" at the NPSA Congress in London
Save the date! On February 20, 5 pm, Prof. Leuzinger-Bohleber, Sigmund-Freud-Institute Frankfurt, will present some of her seminal work connecting Psychoanalysis and Neuroscience here at the Ruhr-University Bochum. Please find more information on the event here..
09.11.2016: Our website is now online!
27.10.2016: Journal Club on Neuropsychoanalysis has started!