(©RUB, Marquard, 2017)
→ Janina Hübner (Ph.D. Student)
→ Lehrstuhl XI Numerische Mathematik
→ Research Seminar Numerical Analysis
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Markus Weimar
has left us and is from 01.09.2022 at the Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg.
News Research & Publications Conferences & Workshops Academic CV Teaching Miscellaneous
- I'm invited to give a talk in the mathematical colloquium at the University of Osnabrück
- New Preprint Rate-optimal sparse approximation of compact break-of-scale embeddings (with G. Byrenheid and J. Hübner) available on arXiv
- Lecture Hochdimensionale Numerik und Diskrepanz (Moodle course → 150260-SoSe22) announced for summer term 2022
- GAMM announced to publish a short report on my work in their GAMM-Rundbrief 2022 Issue 1
- Glenn Byrenheid (Friedrich Schiller University Jena) visited our group from January 20 - 22, 2022.
- I was elected to join the Early Career Researchers (ECR) Board at RUB
- I joined the recently founded GAMM Junior Research Group at RUB as a senior member
- Paper On the lack of interior regularity of the p-Poisson problem with p>2 published in Math. Nachr.
- From April 2020 until March 2022 I act as interim professor (W2) for Numerical Analysis at RUB
- Positive (intermediate) evaluation of the junior professorship