Di 14-16, NA 2/64
Prof. Dr. Hubert Flenner, Prof. Gerhard Röhrle,
Prof. Dr. Uwe Storch
Als roter Faden soll das Skript Lectures on Etale Cohomology von Milne dienen.
HA für alle §1 Introduction lesen
Vortrag 1 §2 Etale Morphismen Sergei Kovalenko 20.Mai
Vortrag 2 §4 The local Ring for the etale topology (§3 nur bei Bedarf) N.N. 27.Mai
Gastvortrag 03.06.2008: Srikanth Iyengar (zur Zeit Universität Paderborn):
Finite group actions and commutative algebra
Gastvortrag 17.06.2008: Bradford Hovinen, University of Toronto A nonclassical determinantal formula for the classical
Abstract: The classical discriminant of degree-n polynomials is a
formula which determines whether a polynomial f(x) of degree n has a
repeated root. Several mathematicians in the 18th and 19th centuries
devised ways to represent the discriminant as the determinant of a
matrix, however all such classical presentations are equivalent in the
sense that they have isomorphic cokernels. In this talk, I will describe
a nontrivial determinantal presentation of the discriminant which is not
equivalent to the classical ones. It is an explicit construction of the
presentation matrix of the so-called "open swallowtail" defined by
Arnol'd as a module over the coordinate ring of the hypersurface defined
by the discriminant.
Vortrag 3 §5+6 Sites & Sheaves for the etale topology Markus Perling vertagt
Vortrag 4 §7 The Category of Sheaves on X_et N.N. 10.Juni
Vortrag 5 §8+9 Direct and Inverse Images of Sheaves + Cohomology N.N. vertagt