+ + This research programme began in 2011, and its second and final phase is ending in 2018. + +
News 2017
ADAPTOMICS Teaching Module now available (Posted: 9 October 2017)
The ADAPTOMICS Teaching Module was designed to train advanced students in disciplines and methodologies implemented in the ADAPTOMICS Research Priority Programme. It is modular in itself, consisting of independent experimental units that cover different areas of the SPP. Two teaching kits were designed in order to be sent to institutes and universities within and outside the SPP on demand.
(visit website)
BrassiBase Workshop IV - 5th to 6th of October 2017 (Posted: 5 July 2017)
You can download further information here: Info Flyer.
For women only: "Proposal Writing – Key Factors for Success!"
Workshop 04 July 2017, 10 am – 6 pm, Bochum
(Posted: 9 May 2017)
To attract funding for the own position or the realization of project ideas is a major basis for success in science. In this high quality workshop the participants train to write a convincing proposal in a group of 5-6 female participants (read more)
ADAPTOMICS at the 28th International Conference on Arabidopsis Research 2017
(Posted: 9 May 2017)
The SPP has managed to place a workshop on emerging Brassicaceae model species on the ICAR 2017. As speakers take part: Miltos Tsiantis, Maheshi Dassanayake and Levi Yant. (Application | ICAR-Workshop-Website)
Superplants - die blühende Revolution (only available in german)
(Posted: 9 Jan 2017)
Eine Arte-Dokumentation über Phytomining und auch über die Arbeit am »Lehrstuhl für Molekulargenetik und Physiologie der Pflanzen« von Prof. Ute Krämer.
Samstag, 21. Januar 2017, um 22.00 Uhr bei Arte ( Presse-Information | Trailer )
News 2016
"2nd International Symposium 2017": Online registration is now open
(Posted: 14 December 2016)
You can find and download further information here.
Website is added: "2nd International Symposium 2017" (Posted: 14 October 2016)
You can find and download further information here.
SPP 1529 Workshop "Population genomic data analysis 2016” (Posted: 20 July 2016)
You can find and download further information here: Website-link
PhD/Master course: "Advanced methods and techniques in plant science and biotechnology" (posted: 7 April 2016)
A few places left! Be quick!
The Research Centre Flakkebjerg, Institute of Molecular Biology and Genetics, Aarhus University, is hosting a 5 ECTS PhD/Master course from 15th to the 26th of August 2016, entitled ”Advanced methods and techniques in plant science and biotechnology” [Link].
The course is part of the AU summer university.
Applications will re-open on May 1st and at that stage you will need to apply to be considered for the course (deadline May 10th 2016).
Students from a non-Danish University but European university will need to apply as a free mover.
Click here for the application procedure.
In connection to the course we can help with accommodation. We have an agreement with Antvorskov Motel-Stop 39, where the bus stop is right in front and a single room is 350,- dkr. And a double room 425,- dkr. each night. We also have a very price attractive cantina where it is possible to eat for about a 100,- dkr. a day.
Contact: Søren Borg (Associate professor), phone +45 87158283, E-mail: soren.borg@mbg.au.dk
News 2010 - 2015