Ruhr-Universität Bochum


Research areas
Area A:
Area B:
Applications & Design
Area C:
Manufacturing & Processing
Area T:
Industry Transfer
Diploma theses
Ph. D. theses
Research Output
Recent Publications
Recent Presentations
Shape Memory Technology SFB 459
Special Research Center funded by German Research Foundation DFG
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Investigation of the corrosion... » Area A: Fundamentals » Homepage
General information on project A5
Investigation of the corrosion behaviour of shape memory alloys using scanning electrochemical microscopy
Field of investigation:
Electrochemistry, Analytic Chemistry
Principal Investigator:
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Wolfgang Schuhmann
Telephone: (0234) 700-6200
FAX: (0234)7094-683
Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Fakultät für Chemie, Lehrstuhl für Analytische Chemie
Group: Elektroanalytik und Sensorik
Universitätsstr. 150
44801 Bochum


Project A5 examines in continuation of the results of the previous support phase, i.e the corrosion and the biocompatibility of NiTi shape memory alloys. Among others, the corrosion resistance is determined via a breakdown potential and the nickel release is analyzed by means of the robotic system developed in the previous support periods. Collaboration with other projects of the SFB arise e.g. from high throughput analysis of bone substitute material which has to be tested for biocompatibility.

In this context, the influence of different surface preparations and thermomechanical treatments of the shape memory materials are also examined.

Additionally, a high corrosion resistance depending on the pretreatment of the SMA has been noted such that further measurements should be done to clarify this phenomenon.

The possibilities regarding local corrosion studies with the newly introduced scanning droplet cell have been demonstrated and will be extended to examine the corrosion resistance of ternary nickel alloys. Here, the application as automated high throughput analysis method for sputtered thin film wafer is envisaged.

In the fourth support period, the AC-SECM technique, which has been fully evaluated in the mean time, should be used to look for corrosion points of failure on the surface of SMA (e.g. pitting corrosion points) and to visualize them with a high spatial resolution.

Furthermore, with AC-SECM joined materials (of the same and of different type) will be locally investigated with regard to their different electrochemical behaviour to make a point of their corrosion resistance and hence their operational life span.

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