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Shape Memory
Technology SFB 459
Special Research Center funded by German Research
Foundation ![DFG](../../grafik/dfg1.gif) |
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General information on project A1 |
Subject: |
Microstructure and fatigue of shape
memory alloys |
Field of investigation: |
Materials Science |
Principal Investigators: |
Dr.-Ing. Martin Wagner |
Telephone: (0234) 32-23022 |
Telefax: (0234) 32-14235 |
martin.wagner@rub.de |
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gunther Eggeler |
Telephone: (0234) 32-23022 |
FAX: (0234) 32-14235 |
email: gunther.eggeler@rub.de |
Address: |
Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Fakultät für Maschinenbau
Institut für Werkstoffe (IfW)
Lehrstuhl Werkstoffwissenschaft
Universitätsstr. 150
44801 Bochum
Summary/Abstract |
The project A1 is concerned with the behavior of
shape memory materials subjected to cyclic loading.
Considering both structural and functional fatigue,
microstructural processes are studied with repsect to
their effect on the macroscopic mechanical properties.
Experimental approaches (e.g., testing of small
specimens, fracture mechanics, nanoindentation) are
combined with electron microscopy and theoretical