RUB » Department of Philosophy » Philosophy of Language and Cognition

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ORCID iD iconORCID ID: 0000-0001-7303-4154     

For h-index see my Google Scholar profile.

Cumulative Journal Impact Factor = 104.316.


Rappe, S., & Werning, M. (2024, March 7).
The role of episodic memory in causal reasoning with counterfactuals: A perspective from predictive processing and trace minimalism.
PsyArXiv Preprints. doi: 10.31234/


Werning, M., Hinzen, W., & Machery, M. (Eds., 2012).
The Oxford Handbook of Compositionality.
Oxford University Press, Oxford (ISBN 978-0-19-954107-2). doi: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199541072.001.0001

Schurz, G. & Werning, M. (Eds., 2009).
Reliable Knowledge & Social Epistemology: Essays on the Philosophy of Alvin Goldman and Replies by Goldman (Grazer Philosophischer Studien, Vol. 79).
Brill Rodopi, Leiden (ISBN 978-90-420-2810-4).

Werning, M., Machery, E., & Schurz, G. (Eds., 2005).
The Compositionality of Meaning and Content (Vol. I: Foundational Issues).
De Gruyter/Ontos, Berlin & Frankfurt (ISBN 978-3-11-032306-1, hardcopy; ISBN 978-3-11-032362-7, eBook;). doi: 10.1515/9783110323627

Machery, E., Werning, M., & Schurz, G. (Eds., 2005).
The Compositionality of Meaning and Content (Vol. II: Applications to Linguistics, Psychology and Neuroscience).
De Gruyter/Ontos, Berlin & Frankfurt (ISBN 978-3-11-033275-9, hardcopy; ISBN 978-3-11-033286-5, eBook). doi: 10.1515/9783110332865


Edited Journal Issues

Feldbacher-Escamilla, C. J., Gebharter, A., Brössel, P. & Werning, M. (2019, eds.). Special Issue: Logical perspectives on science and cognition.
Synthese. doi: 10.1007/s11229-019-02334-2

Ben-Yami, H., Carston, R. & Werning, M. (2018, eds.). Special Issue: Trends in Philosophy of Language and Mind. Synthese 195(8). doi: 10.1007/s11229-016-1174-1

Horn, C., Löbner, S., & Werning, M. (2012, eds.).
Special Issue: Semantic Contributions to a Theory of Concepts.
Journal of Semantics, Vol. 29(4). doi: 10.1093/jos/ffs008

Schurz, G. & Werning, M. (2009, eds.).
Special issue: Reliable Knowledge & Social Epistemology: The Philosophy of Alvin Goldman.
Grazer Philosophische Studien, Vol. 79.


Peer-reviewed Articles

Werning, M., & Liefke, K. (accepted).
Reference in memories from perceptual and non-perceptual experiences: A non-disjunctivist account including vicarious, oneiric and fictional remembering.

Liefke, K., & Werning, M. (2024).
Diachronicity Matters! How Semantics Supports Discontinuism About Remembering and Imagining.
Topoi. doi: 10.1007/s11245-024-10068-1.

Rappe, S., & Werning, M. (2024).
Episodic memory in causal reasoning about singular events.
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 46, 3984–3992.

Reimer, L., Spychalska, M., & Werning, M. (2024).
Integrating Co-Speech Gestures into Sentence Meaning Comprehension.
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society
, 46, 5025–5032.

Reimer, L., & Werning, M. (2023).
Modelling the Integration of Co-Speech Gestures into Sentence Meaning Composition.
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 45, 625–631.

Liefke, K., & Werning, M. (forthcoming).
Factivity variation in episodic memory reports.
New Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science.
Y. Katsutoshi, T. Yasufumi, & K. Mineshima (Eds.). Heidelberg: Springer. [pdf]

Jainta, B., Siestrup, S., El-Sourani, N., Trempler, I., Wurm, M. F., Werning, M., Cheng, S., Schubotz, R. I. (2022).
Seeing what I did (not): Cerebral and behavioral effects of agency and perspective on episodic memory re-activation.
Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 15(793115), 1–18. doi: 10.3389/fnbeh.2021.793115
IF=3.558 (2022)

Spychalska, M., Reimer, L., Schumacher, P. B., & Werning, M. (2021).
The cost of the epistemic step: Investigating scalar implicatures in full and partial information contexts.
Frontiers in Psychology, 12(679491), 1-26. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.679491.
IF=2.990 (2020)

Liefke, K., & Werning, M. (2021).
Experiential imagination and the inside/outside-distinction.
New Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 12758, 96–112.
N. Okazaki, K. Yada, K. Satoh, & K. Mineshima (Eds.), Heidelberg: Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-79942-7_7 [pdf]

Werning, M. (2020).
Predicting the Past from Minimal Traces: Episodic Memory and its Distinction from Imagination and Preservation.
Review of Philosophy and Psychology 11, 301–333. doi: 10.1007/s13164-020-00471-z.
IF=1.50 (2018)

Haase, V., Spychalska, M., & Werning, M. (2019).
Investigating the comprehension of negated sentences employing world knowledge: an event-related potential study.
Frontiers in Psychology 10 (2184). doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2019.02184.
IF=2.129 (2018)

Feldbacher-Escamilla, C. J.; Gebharter, A.; Brössel, P. & Werning, M. (2019).
Introduction to the special issue ``Logical perspectives on science and cognition''
Synthese 197, 1381–1390. doi: 10.1007/s11229-019-02334-2
IF=1.262 (2018)

Spychalska, M., Haase, V., Kontinen, J, & Werning, M. (2019).
Processing of affirmation and negation in contexts with unique and multiple alternatives: Evidence from event-related potentials.
Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society 41, 2845-2851. [pdf]

Werning, M., Unterhuber, M., Wiedemann, G. (2019).
Bayesian Pragmatics Provides the Best Quantitative Model of Context Effects on Word Meaning in EEG and Cloze Data.
Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society 41, 3085-91. [pdf]

Spychalska, M., & Kontinen, J., Noveck, I., Reimer, L., & Werning, M. (2019).
When numbers are not exact: ambiguity and prediction in the processing of sentences with bare numerals.
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 45(7), 1177-1204. doi: 10.1037/xlm0000644
IF=2.669 (2018)

Liefke, K., & Werning, M. (2018).
Evidence for single-type semantics an alternative to e/t-based dual-type semantics.
Journal of Semantics 35(4), 639-685). doi: 10.1093/jos/ffy009.
IF=1.773 (2018)

Werning, M., & Cheng, S. (2018.).
Doing without metarepresentation: Scenario construction explains the epistemic generativity and privileged status of episodic memory.
Behavioral and Brain Sciences 41. doi:10.1017/S0140525X17001534.
IF=17.194 (2018)

Ben-Yami, H., Carston, R. & Werning, M. (2018).
Introduction to the 2nd Synthese Special Issue: Trends in Philosophy of Language and Mind.
Synthese 195(8), 3289-3291. doi: 10.1007/s11229-016-1174-1
IF=1.262 (2018)

Cosentino, E., Baggio, G., Kontinen, J., & Werning, M. (2017).
The time-course of sentence meaning composition. N400 effects of the interaction between context-induced and lexically stored affordances.
Frontiers in Psychology 8 (818). doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2017.00813
IF=2.089 (2017)

Reuter, K., Werning, M., Kuchinke, L, & Cosentino, E. (2017).
Reading Words Hurts: The impact of pain sensitivity on people’s ratings of pain-related words.
Language and Cognition 9(3), 553-567). doi:10.1017/langcog.2016.29
IF=1.444 (2017)

Werning, M., & Cosentino, E. (2017).
The interaction of Bayesian pragmatics and lexical semantics in linguistic interpretation: Using event-related potentials to investigate hearers’ probabilistic predictions. In G. Gunzelmann, A. Howes, T. Tenbrink, & E. Davelaar (Eds.),
Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society 39, 3504-3509. [pdf]

Spychalska, M., Kontinen, J., & Werning, M. (2016).
Investigating Scalar Implicatures in a Truth-value Judgment Task: Evidence from Event-related Brain Potentials.
Language, Cognition and Neuroscience
31(6), 817–840. doi: 10.1080/23273798.2016.1161806 [>Free Download]
IF=1.852 (2016)

Cheng, S., Werning, M., & Suddendorf, T. (2016).
Dissociating Memory Traces and Scenario Construction in Mental Time Travel.
Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews 60: 82-89. doi: 10.1016/j.neubiorev.2015.11.011.
IF=8.299 (2016)

Cheng, S., & Werning, M. (2016).
What is Episodic Memory if it is a Natural Kind?
193, 1345–1385. doi: 10.1007/s11229-014-0628-6
IF=0.855 (2016)

Cosentino, E., Werning, M., & Reuter, K. (2015).
Reading Words Hurts: The impact of pain sensitivity on people’s ratings of pain-related words.
Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society 37, 453-458.

Spychalska, M., Kontinen, J., Noveck, I., Rösch, L., & Werning, M. (2015).
Exploring the processing costs of the "exactly" and "at least" readings of bare numerals with event-related brain potentials.
Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society 37, 2260- 2265. [pdf]

Werning, M., & Cheng, S. (2014).
Is Episodic Memory a Natural Kind? - A Defense of the Sequence Analysis
Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society 36, 964-969. [pdf]

Cosentino, E., Baggio, G., Kontinen, J., Garwels, T., & Werning, M. (2014).
Lexicon in action: N400 contextual effect on affordances and telicity.
Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society 36, 2079-2084. [pdf]

Spychalska, M,. Kontinen, J., & Werning, M. (2014).
Electrophysiology of Pragmatic Processing: Exploring the Processing Cost of the Scalar Implicature in the Truth-Value Judgment Task.
Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society 36, 1497-1502. [pdf]

Cheng, S. & Werning, M. (2013).
Composition and Replay of Mnemonic Sequences: The Contributions of REM and Slow-wave Sleep to Episodic Memory.
Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 36: 610-1. doi:
IF=14.962 (2013)

Rak, N., Kontinen, J., Kuchinke, L., & Werning, M., (2013).
Does the Semantic Integration of Emotion Words Depend on Emotional Empathy? N400, P600 and Localization Effects for Intentional and Proprioceptive Emotion Words in Sentence Contexts.
Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society 35, 1187-1192. [pdf]

Horn, C., Löbner, S., & Werning, M. (2012).
Semantic Contributions to a Theory of Concepts - Preface
Journal of Semantics, 29(4), 439-43. doi: 10.1093/jos/ffs008
IF=0.581 (2012)

Mroczko-WÄ…sowicz, A. & Werning, M. (2012).
Synesthesia, sensory-motor contingency and semantic emulation: How swimming style-color synesthesia challenges the traditional view of synesthesia.
Fontiers in Psychology, 3(279). doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2012.00279
IF=2.996 (2012)

Werning, M. (2012).
Complex First? On the Priority of Nouns in Language Acquisition and Evolution.
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society 34.

Werning, M. (2010).
Complex first? On the evolutionary and developmental priority of semantically thick words.
Philosophy of Science, 77, 1096–1108. doi: 10.1086/656826 [pdf]
IF=0.602 (2010)

Werning, M. (2010).
Descartes discarded? Introspective self-awareness and the problems of transparency and compositionality.
Consciousness and Cognition, 19(3), 751–61. doi: 10.1016/j.concog.2010.07.003 [pdf]
IF=2.179 (2010)

Abraham, A., Rakoczy, H., Werning, M., von Cramon, D. Y., & Schubotz, R. I. (2010).
Matching mind to world and vice versa: Functional dissociations between belief and desire mental state processing.
Social Neuroscience, 5, 1-18. doi: 10.1080/17470910903166853

Werning, M. (2009).
The evolutionary and social preference for knowledge: How to solve Menon’s problem within reliabilism.
Grazer Philosophische Studien, 79, 137-56. doi: 10.1163/18756735-90000862
IF=0.5 (2019)

Schurz, G., Werning, M. (2009).
Introduction to reliable knowledge and social epistemology - The philosophy of Alvin Goldman
Grazer Philosophische Studien, 79, vii-xiv. doi: 10.1163/18756735-90000853
IF=0.5 (2019)

Abraham, A., Werning, M., Rakoczy, H., von Cramon, D. Y., & Schubotz, R. I. (2008).
Minds, persons, and space: An fMRI investigation into the relational complexity of higher-order intentionality.
Consciousness and Cognition, 17, 438–50. doi: 10.1016/j.concog.2008.03.011 [pdf]
IF=2.69 (2008)

Werning, M. (2008).
The complex first paradox - Why do semantically thick concepts so early lexicalize as nouns?
Interaction Studies, 9(1), 67–83. doi: 10.1075/is.9.1.06wer [pdf]
IF=1.359 (2008)

Petersen, W., & Werning, M. (2007).
Conceptual fingerprints: Lexical decomposition by means of frames – a neuro-cognitive model.
Conceptual structures: Knowledge architectures for smart applications.
Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, 4604, 415–428.
U. Priss, S. Polovina, & R. Hill (Eds.), Springer, Heidelberg. [pdf]

Maye, A., & Werning, M. (2007).
Neuronal synchronization: From dynamic feature binding to object representations.
Chaos and Complexity Letters, 2(2/3), 315–25. [pdf]

Werning, M., & Maye, A. (2007).
The cortical implementation of complex attribute and substance concepts: Synchrony, frames, and hierarchical binding.
Chaos and Complexity Letters, 2(2/3), 435–52. [pdf]

Werning, M., & Maye, A. (2006).
The neural basis of the object concept in ambiguous and illusionary perception.
Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society 28, 876–81. [pdf]

Werning, M., Fleischhauer, J., & Beseoglu, H. (2006).
The cognitive accessibility of synaesthetic metaphors.
Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society 28, 2365–70. [pdf]

Werning, M. (2005).
The temporal dimension of thought: Cortical foundations of predicative representation.
Synthese, 146(1/2), 203–24. doi: 10.1007/s11229-005-9089-2 [pdf]
IF=0.312 (2005)

Werning, M. (2005).
The ‘complex first’ paradox: What’s needed to compose neurally distributed lexical meanings?
Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 28 (Online suppl.). [link]
IF=9.885 (2005)

Werning, M., & Maye, A. (2005).
Frames, coherency chains and hierarchical binding: The cortical implementation of complex concepts.
Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society 27, 2347–52. [pdf]

Werning, M. (2004).
Compositionaltity, context, categories and the indeterminacy of translation.
Erkenntnis, 60, 145–78. doi: 10.1023/B:ERKE.0000012876.85940.b3 [pdf]
IF=0.930 (2017)

Maye, A., & Werning, M. (2004).
Temporal binding of non-uniform objects.
Neurocomputing, 58–60, 941–8. doi: 10.1016/j.neucom.2004.01.150 [pdf]
IF=0.641 (2004)

Werning, M. (2003).
Ventral vs. dorsal pathway: the source of the semantic object/event and the syntactic noun/verb distinction.
Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 26, 299–300. doi: 10.1017/S0140525X03400071
IF=10.625 (2003)

Werning, M. (2003).
Synchronous oscillation and a neuronal theory of language understanding.
Brain and Language 86 (3), 421. doi: 10.1016/S0093-934X(02)00593-X
IF=1.038 (2001)

Werning, M. (2002).
How to compose contents.
Psyche, 8(7). [pdf]
IF=0.506 (2002)

Werning, M. (2001).
How to solve the problem of compositionality by oscillatory networks.
Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society 23, 1094–1099. [pdf]

Werning, M. (2001).
Eine Brücke gesucht, aber keine in Sicht: Warum sich Psychoanalyse und Konnektionismus nicht verbinden lassen.
Ethik und Sozialwissenschaften, 12, 590–92.

Werning, M. (2000).
Synchronous oscillation and the transparency of consciousness.
Consciousness and Cognition, 9, S42–S43. doi: 10.1006/ccog.2000.0457
IF=1.962 (2000)

Book Chapters

Werning, M., & Liefke, K. (2024).
Remembering Dreams: Parasitic Reference by Minimal Traces in Memories from Non-veridical Experiences.
In D. Gregory & K. Michaelian (Hrsg.), Dreaming and Memory: Philosophical Issues (S. 119–154). Cham: Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-68204-9_6. [pdf]

Peeters, A., Cosentino, E., & Werning, M. (2023).
Constructing a wider view on memory—Beyond the dichotomy of field and observer perspectives.
In A. Berninger & Í. V. Ferran (Eds.), Philosophical Perspectives on Memory and Imagination (pp. 165–190). London: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9781003153429-11 [open access]

Werning, M., & Cheng, S. (2017).
Taxonomy and Unity of Memory.
In: Bernecker, S., & Michaelian, K. (Eds.) Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Memory (pp. 7–20). London: Routledge. [pdf]

Werning, M., & Haase, V. (2015).
In N. Kompa (Ed.), Handbuch Sprachphilosophie (pp. 326–333). Stuttgart: Verlag J. B. Metzler. [pdf]

Werning, M., Tacca, M., & Mroczko-Wasowicz, A. (2013).
High- vs Low-Level Cognition and the Neuro-Emulative Theory of Mental Representation.
In v. Gähde, U., Hartmann, S., & Wolf, J.H. (Eds.), Models, Simulations, and the Reduction of Complexity (pp. 141–152). Berlin: DeGruyter.

Hinzen, W., Werning, M., & Machery, M., (2012).
In Werning, M., Hinzen, W., & Machery, M. (Eds.). The Oxford Handbook of Compositionality.
Oxford University Press, Oxford (pp.1–16).

Werning, M. (2012).
Non-symbolic Compositional Representation and Its Neuronal Foundation: Towards an Emulative Semantics.
In Werning, M., Hinzen, W., & Machery, M. (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Compositionality.
Oxford University Press, Oxford (pp. 633–654). [pdf]

Kunz, W., & Werning, M. (2009).
The Biological Species as a Gene-Flow Community. Species Essentialism Does Not Imply Species Universalism.
In: 2nd Conference of the European Philosophy of Science Association (Amsterdam, 21-24 October, 2009). PhilSci Archive, Chicago, IL. [] [pdf]

Kunz, W., & Werning, M. (2008).
The biological species as a gene flow community: Species essentialism does not imply species universalism.
In C. F. Gethmann (Ed.), Lebenswelt und Wissenschaft – XXI. Deutscher Kongress für Philosophie.
Universität Duisburg-Essen. [URL] [pdf]

Werning, M. (2008).
Die logische Intransparenz intentionaler Zustände – eine Einführung für Einsteiger.
In R. I. Schubotz (Ed.), Other minds: Die Gedanken und Gefühle Anderer (pp.191–196).
Mentis, Paderborn. [pdf]

Werning, M. (2005).
Neuronal synchronization, covariation, and compositional representation.
In E. Machery, M. Werning, & G. Schurz (Eds.), The compositionality of meaning and content (Vol. II: Applications to Linguistics, Philosophy and Neuroscience, pp. 283–312).
Ontos Verlag, Frankfurt. [pdf]

Werning, M. (2005).
Time structure and the structure of perception.
In F. Stadler & M. Stöltzner (Eds.), Time and history: Contributions of the Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society (pp. 336–39).
Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society, Kirchberg am Wechsel. [pdf]

Werning, M. (2005).
Right and wrong reasons for compositionality.
In M. Werning, E. Machery, & G. Schurz (Eds.), The compositionality of meaning and content (Vol. I: Foundational Issues, pp. 285–309).
Ontos Verlag, Frankfurt. [pdf]

Machery, E., Schurz, G., & Werning, M. (2005).
In M. Werning, E. Machery, & G. Schurz (Eds.), The compositionality of meaning and content (Vol. I: Foundational Issues, pp. 7–21).
Ontos Verlag, Frankfurt. [pdf]

Maye, A., Werning, M., König, P., & Engel, A. (2005).
Advancing dynamic binding theory: Implementation of complex concepts.
In H. Zimmermann & K. Krieglstein (Eds.), Proceedings of the 6th Meeting of the German Neuroscience Society / 30th Göttingen Neurobiology Conference (p. 36B).
Elsevier, Heidelberg (Suppl. to Neuroforum 2005). [pdf]

Werning, M., & Maye, A. (2004).
Implementing the (de-)composition of concepts: Oscillatory networks, coherency chains and hierarchical binding.
In S. D. Levy & R. Gayler (Eds.), Compositional connectionism in cognitive science (pp. 76–81).
AAAI Press, Menlo Park. [pdf]

Werning, M. (2004).
Self-awareness and imagination.
In J. Sáàgua (Ed.), A explicação da interpretação humana / The explanation of human interpretation (pp. 369–77).
Colibri, Lisbon. [pdf]

Werning, M. (2004).
On the possibility of self-awareness.
In R. Bluhm & C. Nimtz (Eds.), Selected papers from the Fifth international congress of the Society for Analytical Philosophy (pp. 470–478).
Mentis, Paderborn. [pdf]

Werning, M. (2003).
Synchrony and composition: Toward a cognitive architecture between classicism and connectionism.
In B. Löwe, W. Malzkorn, & T. Raesch (Eds.), Foundations of the Formal Sciences II: Applications of mathematical logic in philosophy and linguistics (pp. 255–272).
Kluwer, Dordrecht. [pdf]

Werning, M. (2001).
How to solve the puzzle of compositionality by oscillatory networks.
In T. Arnold & C. Herrmann (Eds.), Cognitive systems & mechanisms (p. 75).
Leipziger Universitätsverlag, Leipzig.



Werning, M. (1997).
Master thesis: Erkenntnis und Schlußfolgerung.
Free University of Berlin, Berlin. [pdf]