Viviana Haase, M.A., M.A.

PhD Student
Mercator Research Group
"Structure of Memory"
Department of Philosophy
Ruhr University of Bochum
Universitätsstraße 150
Room GA 04/45
44780 Bochum, Germany
Phone: +49-(0)234-32-23155
Fax: +49-(0)234-32-14463
Secretary: +49(0)234-32-26739
Email: viviana.haase(at)
Research interests:
I am interested in language as a cognitive function and as a means for communication, taking into account both theoretical and empirical aspects. I have worked on structural and phonological aspects of language comprehension and production in the past. I ran two EEG-studies investigating the subject-first preference in German and Italian in different sentence structures and was involved in a series of production experiments on the experimental investigation of relative clauses.
Currently, I am investigating negation in natural language, trying to bridge a gap between theoretical and experimental perspectives. For my experimental work I mainly use the method of electroencephalography (EEG) as well as behavioral techniques. In a first experiment (in collaboration with Maria Spychalska) we investigated the processing of affirmative and negative sentences in the light of different contextual scenarios. In my second experiment, I investigated the time-course of the processing of negative sentences in the absence of contextual information and without employing expclicit tasks.
I am furthermore interested in the similarities and differences between language and music and their implementation in the brain.
- Schuboe, F., Roth, A., Haase, V., Féry, C. (2015): Experimental investigations on the prosodic realization of restrictive and appositive relative clauses in German. Lingua 154. 65-86.
- Werning, M. & Haase, V. (2015): Kompositionalität. Handbuch der Sprachphilosophie. Metzler Verlag
- Haase, V: An alternative approach to the comprehension of negated sentences: evidence from event-related potentials
- Workshop Revising Formal Semantic and Pragmatic Theories from a Neurocognitive Perspective, June 20, 2017, Bochum, Germany.
- Workshop The Pragmatics of Negation, June 2, 2017, Stockholm, Sweden
- Brain and Language Lab Yale University, May 4, 2017, New Haven, USA
- Workshop Negation and Negativity in Natural Language, April 28, 2017, Bochum, Germany
- Haase, V. Investigating the comprehension of sentential negation. 28.10.2016, Brain and Language Lab, Yale University, New Haven, USA
- Haase, V. Negation at the syntax-semantics interface: Insights from psycholinguistics. 25.10.2016. Semantics reading group, Yale University, New Haven, USA
- Haase, V. Negation in Language and Cognition: Philosophical and experimental perspectives. 15.10.2016, 1st Bochum-Rutgers workshop "Recent developments in the philosophy of mind and language", Rutgers University, New Brunswick, USA
- Spychalska, M. & Haase, V., Kontinen, J., Werning, M. Processing affirmation and negation in contexts with unique or multiple alternatives.
- Annual Meeting of the European Society for Philosophy and Psychology, 13.8.2016, St.Andrews, UK.
- 17th Szklarska Poreba Workshop on "The roots of pragmasemantics", Szklarska Poreba, Poland.
- XPRAG-Workshop "Questions, answers and negation, ZAS, Berlin, 22.1.2016
- Haase, V. (May 2014): Negation: Philosophical and Empirical Perspectives. Talk presentend in the Research Colloquium "Philosophy meets Cognitive Science" at Ruhr University Bochum.
- Haase, V. (November 2013): Language-related ERP-Components. Talk presentend in the Research Colloquium "Philosophy meets Cognitive Science" at Ruhr University Bochum.
- Haase, V. (September 2013): The subject-object-asymmetry: a neurolinguistic perspective on the processing of relative clauses. Talk presented in the Mercator Research Group "Structure of Memory", Ruhr University Bochum
- Haase, V. & Grimm, T. (November 2010): Sprache und Musik - Parallelen und Differenzen. Vortrag auf der Studentischen Tagung für Sprachwissenschaft (STuTS) 48, Potsdam.
- Spychalska, M. & Haase, V., Kontinen, J., Werning, M. Processing affirmation and negation in contexts with unique or multiple alternatives. 19.8.2016, Annual Meeting of the Society for the Neurobiology of Language, London, UK.
- Spychalska, M. & Haase, V., Kontinen, J., Werning, M. Processing affirmation and negation in contexts with unique or multiple alternatives. 4.7.2016, IMPRS Summer School "What makes us human?", Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig.
- Negation in Language and Cognition, Seminar (MA Cognitive Science, MA Philosophy, BA Philosophy), Ruhr University Bochum, Apr 2016-Jul 2016:
- Philosophy of Language meets Neurolinguistics (with Guillermo del Pinal), Seminar (MA Cognitive Science, MA Philosophy, BA Philosophy), Ruhr University Bochum, Oct 2014 - Feb 2015:
- ERP-measurement and semantic comprehension- Practical Session at European Campus of Excellence on Memory and Mind, Ruhr University Bochum (with Maria Spychalska, Jarmo Kontinen and Markus Werning), September 2014
Academic Education:
- since Oct. 2013: PhD Student at Ruhr University Bochum, Institute for Philosophy II & Mercator Research Group "Structure of Memory: Topic: Negation and negativity in natural language: philosophical and empirical perspectives
- 2009 - 2012: MA Cognitive Linguistics, University of Frankfurt/Main and Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig, Thesis: "Processing of relative clauses as a function of structure type - an ERP-study"
- 2009 - 2012: MA German Linguistics, University of Marburg, Thesis: "Processing of word order variations in Italian - an electrophysiological study"
- 2006 - 2009: BA Language and Communication, University of Marburg and Università degli studi di Cagliari, Italy, Thesis: "The influence of syllable structure on the perception of word stress in German"