Basic Criteria for Neuroethics
Kai Vogeley, Universität Köln [back to top]Modern developments in basic and in clinical neuroscience have
currently triggered an intense debate about the ethical questions
related to these developments. A specific characteristic of brain
interventions in the widest sense is the fact that we intervene with the
natural ground of the epistemic instance itself, the instance which
enables us to autonomously gain the insights that are necessary to
adequately monitor and evaluate any sort of intervention related to our
own body. In the case of
brain pathology or therapeutic brain intervention the continuous
capacity of gaining insights can be disturbed or even disrupted. This
preculiarity by itself constitutes a neuroethical discourse, next to the
technical developments in brainreading. We aim at a differentiated way
of neuroethical reasoning, which builds upon objective criteria. Here, I
will use principilism as an ethical background and suggest a
criteriology for a differentiated neuroethics, which takes into account
aspects of the aim, the model, the means, and the purpose of brain
interventions. All these aspects appear to be relevant for a proper and
adequate evaluation of whether brain interventions can be justified or
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