Visitation of the Landtag NRW with refugee prospective students

On Tuesday, 13 November 2018, 46 participants of the preparatory programme "Integra" of Ruhr-Universität Bochum visited the state parliament (Landtag) of North Rhine-Westphalia in Düsseldorf.

First, the group was given an insight into the premises of the state parliament as well as an introduction to its history and current composition. Afterwards the potential new students could ask their questions to Prof Dr Karsten Rudolph, Member of Parliament of the electoral district 108/Bochum II.

The visit of the Landtag NRW is part of a series of events organised by the Integra programme, in which the participants are given an insight into the diversity of Ruhr-Universität’s subjects by means of illustrative examples. The excursion to the Landtag was used as an opportunity to introduce the participants to subjects such as politics, economics and society.


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Maren Scharwald

Rebekka Kirsch