WS 16-17 Open Auditorium

OPEN AUDITORIUM Winter Semester 2016/2017

Seminars and Lectures for Participants of the Integra Programme

The Ruhr-Universität Bochum practices an open auditorium: Within the project University without borders / Integra, future students with a refugee background can participate in seminars and lectures as a visiting student. Thus, you have the opportunity to acquaint yourself with the academic culture and teaching methodology at RUB already while participating in the Integra courses. RUB and especially the International Office offer various services for international (prospective) students and researchers. The project “University without borders” unites several offers for refugees with an academic background. Rubiss – International Student services of the International Office has put together this Open Auditorium Course Catalogue. It gives an overview of RUB’s classes seminars and lectures taught in English and German that are open for participants of the Integra project for refugees.

Seminars and lecutres for participants of the Integra programme winter semester 2016/2017   (4.1 MB)

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Consultation hours for prospective refugee students

For questions about studying at RUB you are welcome to visit our consultaion hours

Tuesday 10 am to 12 am in SSC 1/229
Thursday 2 pm to 4 pm in SSC 1/230

Important: Please bring your diploma (school, university) and documents about your residence status (BüMa, Aufenthaltsgestattung etc.) in Germany, if possible or available.

RUB - University without borders

Information for refugees and volunteers

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